Simple questions?



  • What's goop item 218 do, "a half-mask of soporific shades"? 

    It's description mentions the Dreaming so my first guess would be letting non-weavers get into Nirvana, but the Artifact Ability section is blank.
  • MIght let you dream while awake.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • edited March 2016
    It looks like warrior combat has changed a helluvalot. Can someone summarize the main things I need to know?

    (Like apparently maneuvers went the way of the dodo?)

    If it helps narrow things down I'm a Cavalier.
  • Um, there is whole threads on that, actually.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • The Wheel of Tzaraziko crackles with a brilliant display of colours, rewarding you with Experience Gain.

    So, is that just a set amount of XP or does it increase gains?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Tylwyth said:
    The Wheel of Tzaraziko crackles with a brilliant display of colours, rewarding you with Experience Gain.

    So, is that just a set amount of XP or does it increase gains?
    Set amount. I believe 50k. Adds up if you're very low level. I'd prefer to see it become something like karma maybe.
  • Okay, I've tried EVERYTHING, and I give up :)

    Can some kind person please tell me how a Wyrdenwood changes elevation? Because I'm not allowed to CLIMB UP anymore, but it doesn't tell me how to mind the canopy.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited March 2016

    Seems it got dropped from the racial help files during the race overhaul, I helpbugged it for you. :D

  • I'm not a Wyrdenwood, but I think it's done via PERSPECTIVE.
  • That's it - huge thanks to both of you!
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    How good is the human bonus to experience?
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • After a long time not playing, I see this is my list of artifacts:
    a Retired Rune of Empowerment          inside of "ring*****".

    I now have what they call a retired rune of empowerment in a ring. Is it still good? If not, what would be a good way to recycle it into something more purposeful?

    Also, does the Iron Will artifact still exist or was it also retired?
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord

    The things on that list can be traded in for a full refund, and nearly all of them have no further effect so trading them in won't actually hurt you either.
  • Xenthos said:

    The things on that list can be traded in for a full refund, and nearly all of them have no further effect so trading them in won't actually hurt you either.
    Wonderful. Thank you!
  • edited March 2016

    Siam said:
    How good is the human bonus to experience?
    Not very big, but still very decent. As with all exp bonuses, they are noticeable when stacked. So things like human+autumn+ironelite+cookies+harmony+whateverelse all makes things go so much faster.

  • Lerad said:

    Siam said:
    How good is the human bonus to experience?
    Not very big, but still very decent. As with all exp bonuses, they are noticeable when stacked. So things like human+autumn+ironelite+cookies+harmony+whateverelse all makes things go so much faster.

    Wait, are they cumulative in terms of addition, or multiplication (i.e. if you have two 10% bonuses, is your overall bonus 20% or 21%)? 
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    edited March 2016
    It's additive.


    Thanks @Lerad
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • As a Harbinger, can I skillflex into Tarot?
  • No, tarot is only available as a tertiary for City bards. Commune bards get Ecology instead, if I remember correctly?

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    That was something I was wondering as well. Classflexing switches all three skillsets (primary, secondary, tertiary), and it isn't possible to flex to only one of the skillsets, correct?

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Yeah, that was my question as well. Do I have to do a full classflex?
  • @Alik @Rancoura

    There is skillflexing and there is classflexing. You can only have the skills active appropriate for the class you currently are or are classflexed into. Harbingers who are actively Harbingers and those classflexed into being a Harbinger cannot have Tarot active. A Harbinger who if flexed into a class who can have Tarot (city bards and city guardians) can activate and use Tarot fully.

    That said, you won't be able to use any org specific feat if you are a class and are not connected to that org's nexus. For example, you won't be able to summon angel ents if you're classflexed into a Celestine and not a member of Celest.

  • Can it be definitively said that Dynara only made divine with souls after learning to do so from the Unnamed Son? To put it another way, were there no more Soulless made after Dynara started making Elders?
    See you in Sapience.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    This is not really a simple question. The primals (Dracnoris, Keph, Zvoltz, Mysrai) were not star-gods but had souls. Dracnoris called the soulless Draxbaylock his sister. Keph was actually a Herald of Magnora for a short time.

    So it's not entirely clear. Maybe Dynara made a few mistakes after learning. Maybe He didn't just 'show Her how' and they developed the process out of trial and error? This is all speculation, cause they haven't exactly said AFAIK.

  • My impression was that she started off making soulless(which isn't a simple state of "not having a soul" but rather refers to whether you are empowered by excoroperditio or immanidivinus). Viewing these as less than useful. She/they then moved on to a group or more of divine which could "go either way" that is, some became primal gods who drew on the latter[ like Keph and Dragnori]. Others became Soulless drawing on the former. She/they then refined the their arts and started creating divine who could only draw on immanidivinus. 
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • What Guild has skills that share the most lesson pools with Necromancy, Nihilism and Tarot?

    (asking for a friend)
    The Necromentate's mind opens to you, and a grotesque, demonic figure appears in your mind's eye, screaming in torment:

    You shock a platinum-coloured geomycus with tales of terror bestowed on villages who don't follow Magnagora.
    A platinum-coloured geomycus slaps her knee and declares that, by the gods, Ptoma Hive should follow the Grand Empire of Magnagora after all!
    Shouts rise up from Ptoma Hive, as its denizens loudly pledge themselves to the Grand Empire of Magnagora.

  • Lillie said:
    What Guild has skills that share the most lesson pools with Necromancy, Nihilism and Tarot?

    (asking for a friend)

    Any of the other Guardian (Celestines, Illuminati, Institute) or Wiccan (Shadowdancers or Moondancers).
    See you in Sapience.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Less if you go guardian over wiccan because you can keep tarot, rituals and cosmic.

  • If your friend goes Guardian, they'll be able to keep the Cosmic/Rituals/Tarot, and just pick up the new post-master specs to replace Nihilism and Necromancy from the Mysticism and Arcana pools respectively. 

    If you go Wiccan, Nature is Mysticism (like cosmic) and totems is Arcana (like rituals), Tarot goes to the willpower pool so you can pick either Hexes or Healing (Astrology is Mysticism)

    Alternatively there's druid
    Nature-Druidry are Mysticism
    Totems is Arcana
    and Runes and Dreamweaving would both pull from Willpower

    With Mages you'd have to convert to the Intellect pool
  • What's a common tax rate for City/Commune shops? I want to channel my inner Janet Yellen and tax at 1%, but that may be a bit low... What do other orgs normally charge?

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