Simple questions?



  • Does anyone have the Glamrock and make use of it? Definitely interested in it, but 300 IG days (2ish weeks) seems like not a lot of time to then have to re-wear every outfit and save it again. Have you found it worthwhile? 
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I'm sure someone uses it, but I've only really heard of people buying them or getting them in presents and trading them in eventually. 
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I think Talan uses one.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Since I got a temporal freezer from presents, I've considered it. Wear clothes, glamrock, toss clothes in freezer, redo when glamrock expires. But...that's a lot of effort. And that cloak of shifting hues is pretty handy.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    The glamrock is irritating because it doesn't last very long at all. I bought it with every intention of using it so I could look normal instead of wearing multiple pairs of boots/gloves/hats etc. It wasn't even worth the effort of removing everything and redressing because it wasn't long before it faded and I had to start again. 

    Awesome in principle, pain in the butt in reality. (Why can't recordings be permanent??)

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    We should just get Aetolia's attire system, that dejunks the end of your description and allows for clothing to be worn in specific ways, with further customization by the designer. The clothing dye system is also genius.  
  • Thanks for the input! Going to save my credits.

    Next question: Where do people bash for XP in the 80s-90s?

    Ur'Bashes and Aetherhunts require a lot of people and/or investment, I can't hack Icewynd on my own (and it's really costly curative wise), waste facility doesn't have as good of XP, and the hives just get me PK'd (and tunnels don't have a very good XP to time ratio from what I've experienced). Over half of those are also pvpable. It's getting pretty frustrating.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Other bashing spots you might like to try - garghasts/garwights, rockeaters/cave-fishers in project eternity, and while a bit easier but shouldn't be overlooked, merians, gorgogs, rocs, manticores.

  • Ranah said:
    Thanks for the input! Going to save my credits.

    Next question: Where do people bash for XP in the 80s-90s?

    Ur'Bashes and Aetherhunts require a lot of people and/or investment, I can't hack Icewynd on my own (and it's really costly curative wise), waste facility doesn't have as good of XP, and the hives just get me PK'd (and tunnels don't have a very good XP to time ratio from what I've experienced). Over half of those are also pvpable. It's getting pretty frustrating.
    The tunnels shouldn't be too bad if you stop and track what gives what xp and then ignore the low xp givers. You sure you can't go bears, mammoths, and trill on your own? You can get okay xp from hunting astral solo so don't rule it out (think of it as a place to hunt when your main area is waiting to repop). The game is kinda designed that hunting high xp mobs is going to open you up to being PK, this is why I suppose many influence.
  • Eh, waste facility is great exp. You're probably approaching the point where everything feels like a drag because of the sheer amount of exp needed to progress. Just keep at it.

    The trick is to maintain a balance between a sense of speed, progress and risk in a way that allows you prolonged periods of bashing. Things like waste storage and garghasts give decent exp for the time in there, but can get dangerous due to swarming mobs, whereas stuff like kephera go very fast and are very lucrative (gives a huge amount of gold as well) but very risky and open to ganks. UV tunnels, tosha, rocs/manticores give less exp overall or overtime, but are generally safer.

    Cycle between different areas, and just keep at it. If you can only afford 1-hour bashes, make it a habit never to check your exp rate, but do your 1-hours religiously. If you can afford longer stretches, go for as long as you can without a break.

    When you can start tanking muud, that's another good place to go, but it's also fairly dangerous/difficult for a non-demi.

  • Seems like a good place for me to hop in! I just finished Newton. Where should I go to hunt next? I've been doing Earth and Spectre Isle for the power quests and they seem to be good places for experience, just wondering if I can cycle around to anywhere else once they're emptied out.
  • @Hao Don't forget your nexus world, too! Try hunting in the Toronada Tidal Flats (various mobs), the Verasavir Valley (ghost wolves or taurian hunters -- they team, though, and do a lot of cutting damage, so use a kingdom enchantment), and maybe the Hifarae Hills (particularly the horde spawns).
    See you in Sapience.
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    What kind of monster bashes Tosha, @Lerad? :(
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • I need a dream phoenix. How often does the Wayfaire come around?
    Flames erupt from the caldera below as a distorted voice echoes, "Their spirit must be broken if they wish to be reborn as true warriors."
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Around Halloween.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Sometimes people will be willing to sell theirs, too!
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Waste facility is actually top tier in XP. I love that place, easiest way to lazyfarm karma once you can tank a batch of zombies. 

    Unfortunately, once the "other side" knows you are approaching demi, you become a target which makes bashing enemy territory and offprime infinitely more dangerous. The tunnel trash in the undervault is a 80-90s staple and you can basically bash it endlessly due to the size and number of mobs. If you spend a little time making an auto targeter for this area, it's not a bad place to bash.

    If you are going hunting in a dangerous spot, let Gaudiguch know. The resident PKers are more than happy to bust some kneecaps if you are getting jumped. Trust me, we usually just hang out at the flame or in limbo waiting for a scuffle.

    My go to's are astral, catacombs of the dead (tip: target GAR), and waste facility. I hate bashing and these don't require you to change targets and give a lot of exp/offerings. 

    The secret to bashing at lower levels (and even at demigod) is to min/max damage mitigation. Are you using attune? Are you using amber beer? Kirigami? Fieldplate instead of robes? Do you have a sacred candle? (Gaudi construct item). Etc etc. Ask the PKers (because they min/max more than anyone) what's on the BODYSCAN RESISTANCES to see what else you can do.

    Alternatively, influence! It's 100% safer. 
  • Does anybody by chance have a list of all TA's names before and after ascending? Don't trust my own memory plus I know I missed a few while I was away a couple years.
  • edited March 2016
    Soll -> Ayridion -> Ilyarin
    Sojiro -> Shuyin
    Xiel -> Viynain
    Ceren -> Fillin (I think... might have Ceren and Esano mixed up)
    Esano -> Akyaevin
    Sidd -> Synkarin
    Morkarion -> Karlach
    Kelly -> Kaimanahi

    Edit: Also, Xenthos -> Xynthin -> Xenthos.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Thul missed Xenthos the year before me

    Xenthos -> Xynthin ->Xenthos

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • edited March 2016
    Lehki said:
    Does anybody by chance have a list of all TA's names before and after ascending? Don't trust my own memory plus I know I missed a few while I was away a couple years.

    HELP ASCENDANTS scroll says:

    ~2007 - Soll rose to become Ascendant Ilyarin (Seal of Life) 
    ~2008 - Sojiro rose to become Ascendant Shuyin (Seal of Death) 
    ~2009 - Xiel rose to become Ascendant Viynain (Seal of Nature) 
    ~2010 - Ceren rose to become Ascendant Fillin (Seal of War) 
    ~2011 - Esano rose to become Ascendant Akyaevin (Seal of Chaos) 
    ~2012 - Xenthos rose to become Ascendant Xynthin (Seal of Nature) 
    ~2013 - Sidd rose to become Ascendant Synkarin (Seal of War) 
    ~2014 - Morkarion rose to become Ascendant Karlach (Seal of Death)
    ~2015 - Kelly rose to become Ascendant Kaimanahi (Seal of Life)

    ->Xynthin rebecame Xenthos due to time shinanigans and stuff(OOC he asked for his old name back).
    ->Soll originally Ascended into godhood as Ayridion, but OOC compained[?I think?] and it was decided to avoid that in the future. So an IG event occured that changed the metaphysics of the universe to create the Ascenscion process we have today. IG he sacrificed his godhood to become the first True Ascendant.

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Cool, thanks
  • So, I used my free spin of the Wheel, and got a Lucky Clover Increased Critical Hits. I can't seem to find it in my inventory. Where is it, how do I use it, and what does it do? :P
  • FalaeronFalaeron Jolteon
    edited March 2016
    Xanward said:
    So, I used my free spin of the Wheel, and got a Lucky Clover Increased Critical Hits. I can't seem to find it in my inventory. Where is it, how do I use it, and what does it do? :P
    It is already active for 25 hours I think. You should see it in DEF.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    So, unrelated to anything I could possibly be planning, does anyone know if House Shevat has a family motto or house words?
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    The only thing we've got is Lukun's kind of lame catch phrase, but I'm pretty sure I have the authority to declare a new motto.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • If anybody is in a position to cp the March promo here for me I'd be MUCH obliged! :)

    Thanks in advance!
    Date: 3/1/2016 at 0:02
    From: Estarra the Eternal
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: March Madness! Wonders Continue as the Wheel Turns!

    The wheel is turning and you can't slow down! The Wheel of Tzaraziko
    that is! Every day this month, you will receive one free spin on the
    Wheel of Tzaraziko! The Wheel is located in the Cave of Chaos on
    Avechna's Peak. If you spin the wheel enough times with Czigany Coins
    (not free spins), Tzaraziko will gift you with a special credit reward!
    (Some of you may have noticed already a message from Tzaraziko about
    this special reward.)

    Speaking of Czigany Coins, there is a new type called an Iron Czigany
    Coin which can only be purchased directly on the website as this month's
    promotion. This allows a spin on the Wheel of Tzaraziko and is
    guaranteed to be a reward of credits, dingbats, aethergoop or artifacts
    (which include SOLSTICE CANDY AND COAL as a promotion through this month

    Finally, the wonder crystal promotion will continue throughout March,
    wherein you can create those items listed in HELP WONDER ITEMS. For
    every purchase of 100 credits, you receive 1 wonder crystal.

    Have fun!
    Penned by My hand on the 9th of Shanthin, in the year 435 CE.

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