Simple questions?



  • Gaudiguch charges 0%, from what I know. The city just gets revenue from the actual sale of the shop.
    See you in Sapience.
  • Just remember that tax isn't based on the income of the shops, it's entirely based on the worth of the shop (which is set by chancellors). So your question really becomes "what's a good yearly fee for shops". IIRC, a shop has an annual drain of 5k from the city coffers, so if you tax it at 5k a year, then the city breaks even on the shop (not counting the investment of building it, of course).
  • Is there a cap on command denial effects, a la stupidity and tempinsanity?
    See you in Sapience.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I don't know exactly what you mean. 

    Does it cure itself after X number of input commands? No.

  • Oh, I mean, for example Jinx has a 40% chance of command denial (given there are 4 mental affs -- each provides 10%). Then maybe stupidity is something like 20%, hallucinations 10%, tempinsanity providing 5% per level up to 20%. The percentages are inaccurate, of course, but if so they might stack up to a very high amount. I'm wondering if there's a cap to that effect, and what it is (if it's known).
    See you in Sapience.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    No idea! I doubt anyone does. It's a question for @Ieptix.
  • My pure and simple guess would be that they stack multiplicatively (?). So in your example, with all those denials, you'd end up with ~65% command denial (the odds of a command going through would be 60%*80%*90%*80%=~35%)
  • A question that I'm curious about with -wood/-chemantic combat:

    If you don't focus your abilities, will they hit everyone in the room or do they simply stop working? Do they have a chance of hitting everyone individually but not all together (like one effect hitting X, the other effect hitting Y, etc.)? I love the theme, but holy nuts it seems ever more single-target focused than Shadowdancer if it's limited the way I've been playing it.
  • You have to focus them or they won't do anything. And yes, chemwoods are not in the best spot right now. They're basically mobile, single target melds with weaker effects.
  • So with Coppice (the linking ability) is it my swarms (bombs for you) that get an increased range, or my effects themselves? Like can I bond with two people and focus on someone two rooms away?
  • FalaeronFalaeron Jolteon
    edited March 2016
    Linking only increases range (and damage if in corresponding meld) of the bombs. Your passive effects can only ever trigger if the focused person is in your room.
  • Thanks Falmiis, these help files could be written a little better. Saying my effects are extended in range is not very specific. It'll definitely give me room to play, though, this new stuff.
  • Niico said:
    Thanks Falmiis, these help files could be written a little better. Saying my effects are extended in range is not very specific. It'll definitely give me room to play, though, this new stuff.
    This will be especially good if we are in a position to be defenders and I/crek/nienle/etc can set up a nice meld for us to fight in.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • edited March 2016
    Ok helpful people, I have racial questions.

    Everyone knows min/maxing is what you need to do to excel, so I have 4 races I am looking at. I have been told that race doesn't matter by a couple people, but I am not sure that is true, some things definitely are better than others.

    If you have different opinions I am open to them as well.

    Igasho - Was this originally. Carry is nice, Unstoppable Carry is nicer. Very Niche. Trying to get my team to take advantage of it is like pulling teeth.

    Krokani - Currently this. Maybe blackout in PK is different, haven't found out yet, but it doesn't seem very effective bonus in bashing. Blindsight is not what I expected it to be. All I can see is the room details, not who is in the room or even attack. If I am looking at the room itself I can just eat myrtle and be on my way, not useful in my opinion. Trap detection is nice, but not reliable enough to stand by.

    Elfen - I fight a lot on Ethereal. Usually in a friendly meld, when I am not raiding that is.

    Aslaran - Pounce looks useful, but again very niche.

    I did consider taurian too, but I heard its demiperk is broken and has been from day 1.

    Basically I am trying to decide on the more advantageous race for Serenguard, mostly Tracker, but considering Moon for flexing, leaning towards Elfen though.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    For a tracker, your best bet may be Igasho - it's going to synergize the best between ambush and carry. 

    Other than that, it's whatever flavour you want, races really aren't essential picks anymore.

    I honestly play a lot of lucidian because the power regen is crazy good. It's useful as a  warrior for power attacks

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Lucidian with demi+ is great. The faster power regen is nice, as is the free power. Despite being a racehatted tae'dae, it's what I spend probably 90% of my time as.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Halli's at 10% iirc. Debating lowering it.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • edited March 2016
    So, while I'm loving the concept and roleplay possibilities of Wildewood (woo, tree people!), the bashing/influencing skills don't really appeal to me. The line about squirrels throwing your nuts is amusing I guess, but pelting all manner of strange and wonderful beasts with regular acorns seems a bit... silly and demeaning sometimes. And running around wielding an ordinary garland of flowers (especially when they are regular flowers that don't do anything magical or enchanting in that uniquely Seren style) wasn't quite what I expected it to be.

    If I was to skillflex to Druidry occasionally for mechanical advantages though (magical splinters and lightning bug zaps seem a lot more 'oomph'-y than acorns and hugs), do I lose all the sap and long-term modifications when I change over? Or do they become dormant somehow until I skillflex back again?

    I assume the same thing goes for the -chem skillsets - so if anyone happens to know that would be most appreciated! :)

    Oh, and side-note: Druids having multiple archetype-only skillchoices now is very nifty, and I hope Wiccans are due to get some of that same loving in the future!

    Edit: Actually, I didn't realise the garland counted as a nature talisman for the basic nature attack. That oact message is rather cool in fact, so maybe I was a bit hasty there. Still, I'd like to know about the skillflex option though, if anyone can help.
  • You can also barktouch <target> to turn people into wood.
    That's actually your basic attack. The Garland is meant as a upgrade to barktouch, IIRC(and can be convered in runes or motes i fyou know dreamweaving or runes).

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    If you flex out, your stuff stays. I do it all the time with Pyrochem and Pyromancy.
  • Tylwyth said:
    You can also barktouch <target> to turn people into wood.
    That's actually your basic attack. The Garland is meant as a upgrade to barktouch, IIRC(and can be convered in runes or motes i fyou know dreamweaving or runes).

    Yep, I knew about barktouch, it was just a bit plain. Good news is though that I think curse with the garland does exactly the same damage as barktouch (but with style, yay!):

    5890h, 8040m, 7180e, 10p, 22760en, 22760w Bex<>-barktouch elryn
    Elryn touches you with one of his branches and your flesh slowly begins to turn to bark.
    Your magic tome warms as it absorbs damage.
    5030h, 8040m, 7180e, 10p, 22760en, 22760w Bx<>-(-860h, 14.6%) 

    5890h, 8040m, 7180e, 10p, 22760en, 22760w Bex<>-nature curse elryn
    Elryn holds his garland out and channels the force of nature through himself. Small brown patches 
    appear all over you and you feel yourself decomposing rapidly as your flesh and sinew rots and 
    composts in an instant, falling to the ground in a stream of mulch.
    Your magic tome warms as it absorbs damage.
    5030h, 7960m, 7180e, 10p, 22760en, 22760w Bx<>-(-860h, 14.6%, -80m, 1.0%) 
    Tarkenton said:
    If you flex out, your stuff stays. I do it all the time with Pyrochem and Pyromancy.
    Brilliant, just what I was hoping to hear... thank you! :D
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    There are language rules that say that you shouldn't use
  • Is there a damage enhancement curio for just cutting?
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink

  • edited March 2016
    Well that's a little disappointing to honest. 

    Actually, is there a full list of curios anywhere?
  • Lehki said:
    Well that's a little disappointing to honest. 

    Actually, is there a full list of curios anywhere?
    @Xenthos's manse. Because he's a hoarder. 

    Xiel's site has the older ones (like the damage buff curios).
  • Tarkenton said:
    If you flex out, your stuff stays. I do it all the time with Pyrochem and Pyromancy.
    I believe they still decay.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Yeah, timer still ticks down. But if you flex back and forth, you don't have to remake until you normally would.
  •   o  Demigod: Trait: Chitinous hide. Grants the Kephera armour equivalent to
         splendours. Kephera specialised in tattoos can further enhance this armour
         to be equivalent to full tattoo armour. This bonus is lost should the
         Kephera wear any other armour.

    I'm not sure how to interpret this.

    Kephera demigod
        get physical resistances equal to splendours
        if specialized in tattoos (what?) get physical resistances equal to tattoo armour (skin preparation or trans ability?)

    Does a kephera monk with trans Tattoos skill get no benefit from this?  What of a kephera monk with inept Tattoos skill?  Wouldn't any monk with Tattoos skill be able to achieve armour equivalent to tattoo armour, kephera or not?

    I feel like I must be missing something.

  • Kephera will get robes-level armour without needing to get any actual robes or ink any tattoos. If you're trans tattoos, you'll get master tattoos level armour. If not trans, it'll just be non trans tattoo level armor. Again, without needing to ink anything.

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