All I've done, is to codify everything, write it down and teach it (*cough indoctrinate *cough*) Ejei as they come through the shofangi. None of 'em stay because there's nothing after novicehood. We've not gotten very far, because a) personality clash b) personality clash c) i don't think anyone can actually agree on what the Kiyicel are. (explanation below) d) it's very difficult to catch active members to do RP with. e) most novices who walk through the shofangi don't seem interested in RP. MOST. that is. So I give 'em the quick version to be on the safe side.
So for an explanation of who we are, here's an actual GHELP Scroll I've written for novices covering basic lore in summary.
We are the Kui en-Wilde.
Kui in Kephera simply means "Clan". "en" translates loosely as "in favor of". "Wilde" refers to the Serenwilde Forest. We are the Clan of the forest, informally called "the Kui" or "kui". We practice the martial traiditon of Shofangi which draws its influences from The Kephera and Old Man bull as well as training us in the use of the shofa to become skilled Shofaran (knife master).
However we a clan, The Kui, not simply because we practice shofangi with the aim of becoming skilled shofaran (knife masters). If it does, it does not make for a strong clan.
A strong clan is built on the strength of the bonds between its members. We are The Kui. We are not a clan with bonds that are founded only familial ties. Instead our bonds are based on mutual Respect and Discipline. Our strength however does not lie soley in the strength of our abilities with the shofa, but in a tradition of teachings that balances body, heart and mind that considers them as a whole.
From Old Man Bull, we learn the precepts of Justice, Honor, Valor and Duty. He teaches us to do what we must. To perform our duties unflinching without complaint or hope of reward. He also encourages to strive to be the best versions of ourselves.
We do not worship Old Man Bull, but rather, we allow ourselves to be guided by his principles. An individual is free to revere Old Man Bull as their personal spirit if they wish, but this type of reverence is not part of the lore we teach. It is a personal thing.
From the Kephera we learn strength through Unity. Each of us has a part to play in maintaining the strength of the Kui. The Kephera who gifted us with the Lam (our monk skills. GHELP EJEILAM) impart to us the Kepheran Philosophy of Harmony on which the Harmonic mantras are based.
From this, The kui learns to strive towards balance, to not favor the strength of the heart or mind or body over another. An ideal member of the Kui would have all three, gaining the wisdom of spirit to use them to contribute to the strength and maintanence of Kui.The Kui nutured you and now having gained the strength to do so, you nuture the Kui, - thus the Kui thrives.
The Mind --Mun-- concerns itself with wisdom. It is the path of the sage.
It will teach you the lore of the Basin and encourage a thirst for learning so that you will a Taisi (A Great Sage)
You will empower the Kui with wisdom and guard its history.
The Heart -Uti- concerns itself with discipline. It is the path of the mediator.
It will teach you patience, service and how to ultilize your influence so that you will be understanding and just.
You will use your experience to guide the Kui
The Body --Phet-- concerns itself with physical Strength. It is the path of the Protector
You will train yourself in the myraid usage of the shofa so that you may become a skilled shofaran.
You will use your skills to protect the Kui, defend the forest and aid the Kephera of the Undervault.
Thorough our long lives we train each of these strengths by walking the Kiyicel. The Paths of learning. Each path is a journey, not to a physical destination but to a mental one. We expect of ourselves excellence in deed and in word. We must continousely prove that we are a worthy Kui by always ensuring that we act in the manner that does not reflect badly on ourselves as a Kui and as an individual.
We do not value any one of these above the other. Simply becomming skilled in the use of the shofa only makes us Shofaran. That is a skilled knife master. While wisdom by itself does it survive longer than yourself if it is not taught to the next generation. Without the skill to defend and understand it. It is useless. This is why we value education, wisdom taught empowers us with tools needed to strive towards excellence of self.
Education of the Kui is an important part of the duties that each of the Kui will undertake. You may in time wish to take another into your care. They will be your protege (Gojei) and you will be their Mentor (Kusi).
The strongest bond in the Kui is the one between Kusi and Gojei. The Kusi is tasked with mentoring the Gojei. He or she is to guide their Gojei along the path of learning, ensuring that the Gojei gains the wisdom to need to progress along their chosen path.
The Gojei is the student, the Protege. A Gojei chooses a kusi when they are ready to begin their journey along the path of learning. Gojei, your "job" is to develop the necessary wisdom to excel in under any
circumstances and in any situation. Be guided by your Kusi, they have trod the same path as you have
The bond between Kusi and Gojei is one of trust. The Kusi guides and the Gojei learns. It is the most sacred bond found in The Kui. It cannot not be profaned or defiled. It is not a bond of Family, friend, lover or parent. Without wisdom, there can be no growth and it weakens the Kui as a whole.
This is a decision that cannot be undertaken lightly. We the Kui do not look favourably upon those who profane this relationship. While as a Gojei, you may have several Kusi over the course of your life. We expect you to take each on seriously. Going through a sucession of Gojei or Kusi without reason will result in severe consequences.
It can be said that we are a school of practical wisdom. We believe in proving our wisdom through action.
Remember together WE ARE THE KUI.
Discuss. (New players always welcome. No power grabs please.That's the last thing we need)
EDIT: Oh, I read that as if you said they almost became berserkers, not that they become almost-berserkers. Still, I think that it would be rewarding to bring this facet to the fore, especially considering one of the guild emotes I saw once.
"How do I become a berserker? What does it mean to be a berserker, in a spiritual sense?"
"the leadership doesn't condone berserker-ism, but I am one. How do I solve this situation"
Etc. etc.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
So depending on who your teacher is (Kusi) or how you want to play it, your character can be taught to be physically violent and to rouse him or herself into a berserker state.
Here is an example. You play a tiny faeling who's always clumsy and inept. You join the kui because you hear that they teach those who don't possess alot of strength how to fight. You enter, you're observed, then you're taught harmony and our lore. Through a process of mentorship you're encouraged to become a berserker faeling. Tiny in statue but fearsome on the battle field. Filled with the bloodlust and battle rage. You kill and Kill and Kill until nothing's and no one is left. All learn to fear you, the fight stops when you walk into the battlefield.
Here's another example, you're a blood thirsty loboshigaru who has trouble controlling your bloodrage. The Kui teaches you the concepts of Harmony as an Ejei. Then you're paired with a Kusi who's calm in nature. He or she works with you to bring your rage under control. Then he or she will guide you towards what you want to learn.
This process will involve plenty of one-to-one interactions with your Kusi. (your mentor). The Kui will judge your Kusi on how you perform. Always.
OR if you' do not seek that kind of RP, you can choose to do it alone. Someone will keep a special eye on you, Probably one of the upper ranks, monitor your progress and then point you towards the resources you need. Or Encourage you down certain paths. You CAN learn from someone without ever becoming a Gojei. Or several someones if you wish.