the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Quickly glancing at his Shaymin, Champion Alec looks up in confusion as to what vote could be being held, but dutifully counts the notches in the sand before reporting:

    Vote Count:

    Nobody: 2 (Kilee, Lehki)
    Krackenor: 1 (Synkarin)
    Rolsand: 3 (Makaela, Othero, Sylandra)
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • @CyndarinAscends Rolsand claims it was not his quake that was used on day 1.

    Also as a note in the Pokemon games Magnitude is not an area of effect move (for whatever reason) Only hitting the targeted pokemon Whereas Earthquake hits all other pokemon (even Allies, the aoe was added in generation 3 while Magnitude was added in generation 2 and relieved no such change)

    I am willing to believe he might have Magnitude but I m willing to bet it is nothing like the quake that happened night 1.  As for why I am on Rolsand, he has provided nothing to make me lower my suspicions on him outside vague references that he needs 1 more night.  His entire attitude has been entirely dismissive when it was pointed out to him by multiple people why a Lynch today is better for town.  He tried to push real hard for a No lynch stating that was the better option when anyone familar with mafia (and Rolsand is as I have seen him play Vengeance in Lusternia and he apparently has a reputation on the forum mafia games) would know is not true in most cases.  I asked if the lynch option even with a chance to hit town was still the preferred method in a power heavy game and it seems that is the case as most people were wanting to try and narrow down the list to those who are acting most suspicious. In my opinion Rolsand is acting very suspicious and has deflected every attempt at getting him to prove himself with vague things like, If I get to live through the next night I will tell you everything.  If he can tell us then... he can tell us now and save everyone a headache. If he can not tell us now he is likely a party with a separate win condition and it is probably best if we get rid of him now.
  • I'm also a town.
  • Ability magnitude allows to to shake a random number of pokemkns stoping them from doing anything five times.
  • So whoever has this other sandshrew can only use this quake four more times.
  • Rolsand said:
    Ability magnitude allows to to shake a random number of pokemkns stoping them from doing anything five times.
    That specifically states pokemon and not trainers whereas the Night 1 quake definitly affected Trainers and possibly some pokemon (as Kilee claims hers was stopped and there are still those who have not checked in)

    The random nature as to how many pokemon (and likely which) also fits with the rng factor magnitude has in games.  However I still stand by that it is an exceedinlgly rare move for a sandshrew to have but not completly unheard of.

    However the power of Rolsand's pokemon stil ldoes not clear him as Tremula already stated Pokemon powers are unrelated to Role.  
  • Even though I wanna cooperate and help the town you guys stil wanna lynch me.
  • And at this point you guys are just trying to take everything piece of info I have a through me away like some dirty rag.
  • Oops a couple of errors.
  • @Rolsand the quake in the first night affected Trainers, your Magnitude can not affect trainers.  They are not the same ability. Also many pokemon can learn both Magnitude and Earthquake. You rae drawing a limitation on their power just because it vaguely resermbles yours. It is far more likely they have a pokemon that can not evolve and instead of a limit to times it can be used it more likely has a cool down period.
  • Every piece info I have and throw me away like some dirty rag.
  • The Pokemon doesn't have to be a sandshrew.
  • Rolsand said:
    And at this point you guys are just trying to take everything piece of info I have a through me away like some dirty rag.
    If you provided anything well thought out and actually useful chances are we would keep you. Hoewver as it stands you are just trying to deflect our attention off of you without providing anything actually useful.  The information on your version of a quake ability is good to know however still does not actually tell us anything about the quake on the first night.  

    The defense of If I can live through the next night I will tell you everything really does come off as a scum tactic to buy an extra day over a town tactic imho. 
  • The Pokemon could be part of sandshrew family or something that's somewhat like it.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Let's take the Rolsand aggression down several notches. I just read 4 pages and can't, for the life of me, figure out why you guys are cornering him like you are.

    His "I'm third party but also town" thing caused me to raise an eyebrow. Which is it? On top of being suspicious, his tendency to make short, confusing posts and come to illogical conclusions are a bit tiresome to deal with. It's not surprising in the least that he might draw more fire than someone else with even the slightest reason to suspect him. And we have more than slight reason to be wary of him at this time: he has Magnitude.

    Knowing that Magnitude is in play makes me think that it is the ability that was used last night, even if it didn't come from Rolsand's Pokemon. We were told the quake could have been worse, and it hit a random number of people. This RNG element fits Magnitude to a T. For those who don't know, Magnitude is a move that has variable power based on what number is rolled when the ability is used. Magnitude 4 (the lowest possible result) is pretty weak, while Magnitude 10 is extremely strong. 7 is the most likely result, and I think it's what we were probably hit by, judging how many people were disrupted by it. I don't want to find out what happens when we get hit with a Magnitude 10.

    ((Checked for posts while I was writing, there were some. I will add onto this instead of rewriting it entirely. The above section was written when Tremula's vote count was the most recent thing in the thread.))

    Rolsand said:
    So whoever has this other sandshrew can only use this quake four more times.
    ...they probably don't have a Sandshrew. Just another Ground-type. Anyway, so, your Magnitude hits only Pokemon, eh? That means it wasn't you, because this one hit trainers. If we assume that the other quake is a parallel to yours, but trainers-only, that's a confirmation on the fact that Kilee was lying about the quake stopping her Pokemon from taking an action.

    I still don't like these quake powers, but that's extremely useful to know. I'm going to be quite cross if we let you go today and you use it tonight, though. I hate these random target powers enough after just one night of it.
  • Hrm whatever as long as town wins I'm fine.
  • And I wasn't the only person that tried to push a no lynch.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Ooh, so that kind of fits with my earlier theory that there would be Pokemon/Trainer exclusive versions of abilities, so if Rolsand's Magnitude affects Pokemon only, it's possible that Earthquake only affects trainers, in which case, I'm back to thinking Kilee has some explaining to do.

    Also lends some further credence to Othero's watching of Sylandra not catching the third presence at her door because it was a pokemon?
    (and sorry Kilee for all this attention directed your way, I know you're new to the game, I'm just pig-headed when stuck on a suspicion)
  • @Phoebus He also stated that his Magnitude only hit pokemon! the Quuake on the first night clearly hit Trainers and possibly pokemon. This sounds more like a more powerful quake than Magnitude and is more likely an mafia adapted version of Earthquake. While similar I can see Tremula adding in a rng aspect of it to make it more balance able as well even though Earthquake is not rng based at all in the games.  

    Also we can not assume the other quake only hits trainers until whomever used it steps forward which seems unlikely as I stated they are most likely a third party of some sort.  Given we have 27 players we might even have multiple third parties.  Also if we want to assume the quake on night one is different due to it hitting trainers then we must take a look at the only paralel in the pokemon game which is Earthquake which hits everything adjacent to it. So maybe those affected were not as rng as we thought and why a pokemon was affected. Sylandra stated she was unaffected by the Quake (can you confirm that you were not even day blocked Sylandra?  something I forgot to make a list of on my list) which could explain why the Purrloin got to complete its action as well.  Far to many variable to consider on this ability
  • Rolsand said:
    And I wasn't the only person that tried to push a no lynch.
    Others followed and voted to not lynch, however you were the one to voice it and to push for it. The other two did not in fact push for the no lynch and a few of them did that as means to cancel their votes instead of using unvote. (it is not bolded so no I am not canceling my vote)  You are in fact the only person who tried to actually push others into voting no lynch
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances

    Makaela said:
    @Phoebus He also stated that his Magnitude only hit pokemon! the Quuake on the first night clearly hit Trainers and possibly pokemon. This sounds more like a more powerful quake than Magnitude and is more likely an mafia adapted version of Earthquake. While similar I can see Tremula adding in a rng aspect of it to make it more balance able as well even though Earthquake is not rng based at all in the games.  

    Also we can not assume the other quake only hits trainers until whomever used it steps forward which seems unlikely as I stated they are most likely a third party of some sort.  Given we have 27 players we might even have multiple third parties.  Also if we want to assume the quake on night one is different due to it hitting trainers then we must take a look at the only paralel in the pokemon game which is Earthquake which hits everything adjacent to it. So maybe those affected were not as rng as we thought and why a pokemon was affected. Sylandra stated she was unaffected by the Quake (can you confirm that you were not even day blocked Sylandra?  something I forgot to make a list of on my list) which could explain why the Purrloin got to complete its action as well.  Far to many variable to consider on this ability
    Earthquake, Magnitude, whatever it was, I think it's much more likely that it only hit trainers, especially since we know there's an ability that's identical but only hits Pokemon. It fits too well. Sure, there are always variables, but sometimes you just have to apply ol' Occam's razor in the pursuit of answers.

    And I don't think it was proximity thing, because there's someone who went unscathed that was literally in the same room with someone who was hit by the quake.
  • The list of suspects was terribly.
  • Tremula, when we get a description of someone's powers/role, would you be okay with answering some clarifying questions about it?
  • By which I mean when we get the death message.
  • *shrug*
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Yes. When you receive information about a deceased person, you will have the chance to ask clarifications about their role, and deceased Pokemon will be revealed. Pokemon abandoned will not be revealed, since they are still in the game.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Heh that's good.
  • I'll agree with Ushaara on this. @Kilee, you'll really need to explain why your Pokemon was blocked last night.  Only trainers have reported being blocked and were and are still able to order around their Pokemon. Emphasis on trainers because if we believe Rolsand, his Pokemon's ability only affects Pokemon. It would be reasonable to assume last night's events only affected trainers.

    @Rolsand: does your power specify whether the Pokemon gets night/day blocked or blocked for both phases? Might help us nail down what the quake that happened last night really does, because I'm assuming your power mirrors the one that happened last night.

    Updated Pokemon list:
    Pumpkaboo - a dayblocker  unknown power, except for being very cute.
    Purrloin - dayblocker
    Kecleon (Kilee) - can transform, and can perform Shadow Strike (?gets a new Pokemon from an unknown source)
    Sandshrew (Rolsand) - can perform Magnitude, which randomly blocks 5 Pokemon
    something that does what is presumably Sweet Scent
    something that does what is presumably Earthquake (?possibly a trainer-only parallel to Magnitude)
    something that made Othero sleepy (blocked from posting during the day until a certain number of posts have passed)
    ???? (Silvanus) - something akin to whatever made Othero sleepy
  • Lol, Champion Alec is gonna flip out when he realizes we're about to hang someone.

    I want to lynch Rolsand too. We have like 4/5 pages of questions and 'answers' to show just how unhelpful his continued presence is. Getting anything useful from him is like pulling teeth, and it's time and energy that could be better spent elsewhere. To top it off, if he's on the up-and-up about his Sandshrew, Magnitude sounds like a royal pain in the bum. I think we're operating under the relatively safe assumption that Trainers do the killing and Pokemon don't, which means Magnitude isn't about to save anyone. If anything, interrupting pokemon abilities is more likely to get someone killed.

    There are my reasons. I'm going to cast my vote for him today unless I'm convinced otherwise.
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