the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • Or not I might be lying.
  • Tbh if you really want to know you won't lynch me.
  • @Rolsand: I'm not sure what you mean by giving you a real chance to play. You've put forth suggestions and opinions. People are judging you in this game based on actions taken in previous games, but they are doing that with everyone. People are not affirming your suggestions, but they've had reasons for not doing so other than the fact that you suggested it.

    Also, were you the cause of the Earthquake? Because that's what you seem to be saying, obliquely. (If you wanted to relate your Block power to others, there were also Purrloin and Darksai.) 

    Being Town or 3rd party is not dependent on your Power, but instead your win condition. Do you win with the Champion, or do you have some other goal, or do you win with the Mafia? (Is there a suicidal win condition?)

    Your power, if it is a power that greatly benefits the Town, might in fact help us determine not to Vote for you. And if we want to know anything about you, we would lynch you! Obviously, you're implying that what you're saying can't be trusted, and thus we should turn to the most comprehensive and easily disseminated source of information: your death.

    Right now, though, I believe that Rolsand is trying to be lynched. Whether or not there's a self-destruct button or if he just wins, I feel that he's really pushing for it.
  • Why are you eager to lynch me.
  • I'm willing to share info as long as you won't lynch me.
  • And my win condition is pretty nice.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    You're not helping yourself again, bargaining like that Rolsand. We can still just lynch you, see how you and your pokemon flip and likely come to the same conclusion as to what Pokemon earthquaked if what you're saying is true.

    The game requires communicating and readjusting your suspicions as new information is learned. If you have a suspicion about who/what caused the quake, share it and reason out why.

    At this stage of the game, early suspicions are typically missing something, (see me being convinced of Silvanus/Cen/Kiradawea being mafia, and Silvanus being suspicious of me/Sylandra in the Night Vale game), but every scenario we can rule out leaves us in a better position.
  • Heh I could be just lying about the whole quake thing and that can throw you off guard.
  • And I could also be jester just wanting you to lynch me right now.
  • If I share info now how can I trust you not to lynch me?
  • Well then. Share your information. After all, there is no way to bind parties to contracts, so all we have is trust and selfishness. You have done very little to deserve trust in this game, You must demonstrate good will in order to be extended good will. The same thing with trust. 

    As for selfishness, you have not said how keeping you alive increases our chances of living. If you can demonstrate that, we'll also probably keep you alive, like we did with Krackenor in the Night Vale game.

    Of course, there might be other ways to get us to not lynch you, but just asking, being vague, and threatening us are not those ways.
  • If I survive through night and to the next day I'll tell you everything you want to know.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Yes, that's a possibility, but that sort of post is exactly why everyone wants to lynch you.

    If you bring something to the table, chances are you buy yourself some time. Being evasive and aggravating doesn't count as bringing something to the table!
  • Okay.
  • Rolsand the fact you are trying to claim we are not giving you a chance to play... I have not played any forum mafia with you before.  I have no prejudices against you. However you statements and dimisiveness on the fact we should lynch someone today really makes me read you as scum. It is because of how you are playing in -this- game that I am voting for you and everything you say and do right now.. is just adding more reason to not trust you.  Bargaining with information never works as pointed out we could just lynch you to see if what you were trying to offer was actually valid or not.  And if you are a Jester it still  does not hurt us to get rid of you as that removes one less chaos element to the game so pulling the I could be jester defense is not going to save you
  • While I am new to forum Mafia I am not new to Mafia in general.  Rolsand is reading as very scummy and that is why I am pushing on him so hard. Literally red flag on almost everything he has said to defend himself.
  • My Pokemon is sandshrew and his/her ability allows to cast a quake.
  • Another poin.. If people did not want to give you a chance Rolsand.. Far more people would have bandwagooned my vote against you and we would not be here still debating your towniness or lack thereof
  • Create rather than cast.
  • While I completely understand and would vote for him again should we decide that's the direction we want to go, it should be noted that he played exactly the same way in the Shakespeare game when he was town.
  • There might be another sandshrew out there or another Pokemon family or element or whatever.
  • Another Pokemon within my family
  • Basically, to not be lynched, one must keep the value of their life greater than the value of their death. In Mafia, everyone's death comes with information: about their power, the flavor of the game, various win conditions. Additionally, we also get the opportunity to get a new ability: Pokemon. If we can't trust you and we believe you might have the Earthquake ability, we might just kill you to get that ability out of your hands and into the hands of someone we do trust.

    As to your life, well, your life has the benefit of voting and talking for sure, as well as an unknown power. However, it also carries some risk, in that you might be Mafia or some 3rd party who opposes the condition of "win with the Champion". So, if we can trust that you are Town, then that makes your life have greater value, as we can then trust you to work towards the Town's best interests. If your power also seems very useful to keeping the Town alive or some other thing that is in the Town's best interests, we might also keep you then. 

    So, if you want to live, make your life worth more than your death!
    Okay, that's a step in the right direction! Now, what is an Earthquake? Who does it effect? How many people? What does it do? Bear in mind that the Earthquake that you're proposing might not be the same Earthquake that was used, so we have no idea what Earthquake does. Please clearly detail the effects and usage of your Pokemon's ability.

  • A sandshrew with Earthquake or even magnitude is a very big exception to the rule.. Usually only occurs through a tm or a very leveled sandshrew that for whatever reason did not evolve when it should have.

    Rolsand there are a ton of ground types that could make quakes and Even a few moves that do it. Magnitude and Earthquake being the only two I can think of off the top of my head.
  • Saying his there might be other pokemons that have duplicates.
  • Rolsand and we are telling you that in the pokemon powersets there are multiple moves that cuase Quakes... What does your do. and What do you specifically do?
  • The reason I'm asking for all this information on Earthquake is because a) more information helps the Town and raises your trustworthiness, b) it could help us determine if you were the one to use Earthquake last night, c) it will help us determine if you are telling the truth, and d) it will give us more information to determine the flavor of the Pokemons' powers.
  • @Melali @Tremula  Would it be alright if I made a google Document with Melali's list of actions that sher can link in her signature instead?  This way its just a matter of updating the document verses creating a new post and her having to grab a new link?
  • I mean He!!! ... 
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