No-Stat Race System



  • Influencing currently requires 1 skillset, 1 more if you want more of an edge, and 1 cure.  Bashing requires every cure, 1 skillset for bashing attack, several more to help with damage, expensive armor to do right, etc. 

    Risk vs reward and cost vs reward both heavily skew in favor of influencing right now.  If we want to remove ikons giving experience bonus, we still have a system with 10+ buffs to its damage that are all common, no risk of real loss, no real curing costs, etc. 

    Influencing should be a gateway option early on, and influencing should become plain difficult later, with mobs always hitting back, potentially some debating affs or mobs becoming aggressive and doing things like breaking an a leg or something. Right now the system is easy, spammable, and riskless. I am hoping this is changed.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    With the latest announce post, I'd like to ask the question again... has there been a decision in regards to the endowment of h//m/e demi powers? Would love to know! Thanks.

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • Qistrel said:
    So, I'm being told damageshift already works on aethership turrets. Supposed to be part of the fink demi+ perk, but, everyone already gets it.
    It shouldn't. If it does that's a bug, because we've been firmly against it being a thing for a long time.
  • mmm, 1000 credits just to gain your Race's ultimate perk? Im not sure I like the feel of this, especially with the demigod+ power being the best of the bunch. It feels very "Pay for perks".

    Is there going to be an equivalence of essence to pay to gain this perk? I'd assume it would be 45 mil essence (as calculated by second trade costing 70 mil and the artifact being 2000 credits).
  • No, it's an artifact only unlock.

    H/M/E endowments are likely, just need to check on a couple of details first.

    And we're not designing influencing to have less gains than hunting, currently that is far from the case, and after the racial overhaul it still won't be.
  • Will we be getting a reincarnation counter?
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Is the spreadsheet linked at the beginning the final list?

    Also holy cow, 1000 credits for access to one perk (some which are more lacklustre than others) for most people, unless they shell out another 1000 credits for the cameo? That's a lot more than I would have expected. I don't think I'll be getting one anytime soon, given as it is I lose my magic damage rune to instead be split over multiple damage types that I need to pay for individually. Rough. Suddenly a whole lot cheaper to have a 100% type attack.

  • @Baelor With vital endowments being likely - what about the demipower that unlocks the demigod level racial perk - is it still going to to have a high weight attached to it or is it going to be low (<10)? I know the current endowments are getting replaced, but buying the replacement h/m/e endowments (which I would guess would have the same 9 weight, 2 million essence cost as the current endowments do) in addition to this demi racial perk power is going to eat up a decent chuck of weight for those of us that only have 50 weight just for these 'required' demipowers.
  • edited June 2015
    Ayisdra said:
    what about the demipower that unlocks the demigod level racial perk 

    Doesn't exist.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Ayisdra said:
    @Baelor With vital endowments being likely - what about the demipower that unlocks the demigod level racial perk - is it still going to to have a high weight attached to it or is it going to be low (<10)? I know the current endowments are getting replaced, but buying the replacement h/m/e endowments (which I would guess would have the same 9 weight, 2 million essence cost as the current endowments do) in addition to this demi racial perk power is going to eat up a decent chuck of weight for those of us that only have 50 weight just for these 'required' demipowers.
    You get them for free at the moment, it seems.
  • Baelor said:
    Ayisdra said:
    what about the demipower that unlocks the demigod level racial perk 

    Doesn't exist.
    This is good to hear.

    Xenthos said:
    Ayisdra said:
    @Baelor With vital endowments being likely - what about the demipower that unlocks the demigod level racial perk - is it still going to to have a high weight attached to it or is it going to be low (<10)? I know the current endowments are getting replaced, but buying the replacement h/m/e endowments (which I would guess would have the same 9 weight, 2 million essence cost as the current endowments do) in addition to this demi racial perk power is going to eat up a decent chuck of weight for those of us that only have 50 weight just for these 'required' demipowers.
    You get them for free at the moment, it seems.
    Free is always good. Being a non-envoy, the last I heard (as posted way back in this thread somewhere) was that there was some demipower that would be required for the level100 perk so I wanted to learn things about that.
  • If it's not announced by the admin here, or in game newsposts, don't take it as official.

    This should lessen confusion in the future.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    So...the spreadsheet linked at the beginning? Confirming that is the final list?

  • Yeah 1000 credits seems... wrong. The cameo costs that much but this kinda feels like it should be less than that. I was expecting maybe 500 or so.

    Around that price I would be considering picking it up as a next purchase as opposed to being relegated "I'll get it at some point" territory. Especially as some are... "better" than others
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    So, demigod endowments! Are these powers just going to vanish in the night, or are they being reworked in tandem with the rest of this? Is there going to be an essence refund of any sort? I must know for reasons.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • edited June 2015
    @Eritheyl: Demigod endowments will more than likely be reworked considering +CON and +CHA no longer will apply in the new system. It'll be more likely to be a +Health or +Ego buff, respectively, but I don't know if they'll just do a straight conversion, or a refunding first.

    @Lavinya: Yes. The proposal should be mostly correct on the first spreadsheet, with maybe a tweak or two regarding regenerations in the spread.
  • EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
    Viynain said:
    @Eritheyl: Demigod endowments will more than likely be reworked considering +CON and +CHA no longer will apply in the new system. It'll be more likely to be a +Health or +Ego buff, respectively, but I don't know if they'll just do a straight conversion, or a refunding first.
    Well, none of them will really apply if stats are being done away with altogether. I assumed the three relative to vitals might carry over, but the rest are a mystery.
    Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


    With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
  • Eritheyl said:
    Viynain said:
    @Eritheyl: Demigod endowments will more than likely be reworked considering +CON and +CHA no longer will apply in the new system. It'll be more likely to be a +Health or +Ego buff, respectively, but I don't know if they'll just do a straight conversion, or a refunding first.
    Well, none of them will really apply if stats are being done away with altogether. I assumed the three relative to vitals might carry over, but the rest are a mystery.
    More fluffy powers instead?
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    I was wondering if on STAT or otherwise, we could have a quick place to glance at which racial powers we have activated.
  • Lavinya said:
    So...the spreadsheet linked at the beginning? Confirming that is the final list?
  • What about Gnome and Fink purchases? The idea behind their purchase was their specialized stats (gnome at least) and capabilities, and now that stats are gone, I frankly think Gnome and Fink should just be a choice anyone can select, or at least reduced to 100 credits. 500 credits is just no longer worth it.

    Additionally, @Baelor, will we be getting a refund on Gnome and Fink purchase? What about Cameo too? Cameo was basically for stat switching around.
  • Arcanis said:
    What about Gnome and Fink purchases? The idea behind their purchase was their specialized stats (gnome at least) and capabilities, and now that stats are gone, I frankly think Gnome and Fink should just be a choice anyone can select, or at least reduced to 100 credits. 500 credits is just no longer worth it.

    Additionally, @Baelor, will we be getting a refund on Gnome and Fink purchase? What about Cameo too? Cameo was basically for stat switching around.

    I'm mixed on the cameo, I feel like it still has some situational value.

    But I'd also be super happy if it went to 500 cr (along with the pendant and a refund) or maybe was an upgrade of the pendant and gave you the next level of racial traits. (The pendant shows mastery of a single form while the cameo steps further into many forms?)
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited June 2015
    Hmm...1000 credits for faster turret shooting? When I already will get more damage, crits and accuracy? Doesn't seem very good to me.

    Are Endurance and Willpower going away at the same time? And Resilience? Will we get refunded for Resiliance, or do we need to forget it?

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    Endurance and willpower will remain for the time being until warriors and monks are overhauled.
  • Rivius said:
    Endurance and willpower will remain for the time being until warriors and monks are overhauled.
    Why or to put it another way, if it is just to comb though the code, why not just give everyone really nice recovery to outpace the loss, making them effectively a non-issue for players?
  • TurnusTurnus The Big Bad Wolf
    Because I don't feel like reading through all these pages to find the answer...

    Lobo's 10% extra healing from the demi+ trait, what if any of my be following does it include? Sipping, regen, sparkles? Abilities is pretty self explanatory.


    The original picture of Turnus is still viewable here, again by Feyrll.
  • edited June 2015
    All but regeneration. Actual healing effects, whether they're passive ticks or active consume/abilities.

    And no, we won't be refunding Gnomes, Finks or Cameos.
  • Baelor said:
    All but regeneration. Actual healing effects, whether they're passive ticks or active consume/abilities.

    And no, we won't be refunding Gnomes, Finks or Cameos.


    Well then could we at least have the Gnome and Fink mushroom (that we ate) returned to us (thus resetting the option of having them) so that I could trade it in? Seriously im feeling cheated out of some pretty cool stats..
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    edited June 2015
    Think they fall under the Artifact Disclaimer that they are subject to change. Finks and gnomes stats changed into perks, I'm afraid.

    EDIT: Technically all of our arties do, so it's a nice thing of the admin to refund any arties or essence lost at all.

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Gonna go out on a limb here and go nope. If you want to pursue it, I'd recommend contacting Estarra, since that's likely the one route that could result in a refund for you. Trying to rabble on the forums will likely result in the opposite of what you want here.
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