General Dissatisfaction



  • BAH.  All my old college and internet friends have stopped logging on to my TS server because they're getting married or spending every night with their boy- or girlfriends.  Boo.  I love you folk, but I need some sort of social interaction that doesn't consist of text!

    ...and no, leaving my house isn't really an option, given that I'm stuck in the hills of a West Virginia crack-town with one bar whose owner is an outspoken homophobe.  Hooray, Appalachia!

    Hrm.  I've been posting in this thread far too often this past week.  S'pose it's time to buy a RL journal, heh.
  • New laptop battery arrived yesterday. Laptop battery is dead already.

    Second time this has happened. I'm ready to murder whomever is responsible for this defect.

    With my two nonfunctional laptop batteries. That stopped working within 24 hours of being used.
  • New laptop battery arrived yesterday. Laptop battery is dead already.

    Second time this has happened. I'm ready to murder whomever is responsible for this defect.

    With my two nonfunctional laptop batteries. That stopped working within 24 hours of being used.
    You have to recharge them.
    Take great care of yourselves and each other.
  • KagatoKagato Auckland, New Zealand
    New laptop battery arrived yesterday. Laptop battery is dead already.

    Second time this has happened. I'm ready to murder whomever is responsible for this defect.

    With my two nonfunctional laptop batteries. That stopped working within 24 hours of being used.
    Ouch, that is rotten luck, getting two non-charging batteries in a row...
    Never put passion before principle.  Even if you win, you lose.

    If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

    If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
  • edited May 2013
    Ciaran said:
    New laptop battery arrived yesterday. Laptop battery is dead already.

    Second time this has happened. I'm ready to murder whomever is responsible for this defect.

    With my two nonfunctional laptop batteries. That stopped working within 24 hours of being used.
    You have to recharge them.

    This is actually quite amusing for horribly coincidental reasons. I can't charge them. Midway through the battery's discharge, it will abruptly stop sending power to the laptop, with predictable results. If I hook the laptop up to the power brick, the battery will read as a bad battery, the charge will not increase, and if I remove the brick, the laptop will immediately lose power. Because the battery is dead.

    For reference, I have one that swears to my battery utilities that it's at 55% power, and one that shows up as being entirely incapable of holding a charge. Total capacity of 0 mWh.
  • Are you ordering from Dell? That happened to literally every single person I knew in college. Order a battery from Dell, ship it out and order a new one, then the third one works for almost exactly two years to the date you ordered it.

    Was a big running joke among the professors. I have a syllabus somewhere warning students to keep track of their order dates for Dell batteries, lol.
  • Asus actually.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Moving/looking for a new place is such a hassle.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • The Internet went bye-bye again :(
  • edited June 2013
    I'm trying to submit an assignment, and failing the automated testing submission because my program is taking too long to run. When I test my program on their computers against what they say is the input file, it takes 2.5s according to time. We're supposed to have up to 60s.

    I managed to submit a simpler version last night, at least, but it doesn't work on all the test files. The more complex version takes a little longer on the simpler files, but can actually solve the some of the more complex ones.

    And it's due in four and a half hours. Hope one of the tutors is checking the class email.

    EDIT: Apparently the submission process is limited to ~2s to avoid overloading it, but the actual testing will have 60s per map, so I forced it to take it despite the warnings.
  • That's why I'm glad not to be taking any classes this summer.
    Stangmar - Retired

  • My desktop computer is broke. No games for me.
    A horde of beings swarms about Your bulk. They are diverse in shape but are, without exception, horrific to look upon. Claws and teeth without number flash across Your vision, and nebulous masses of compound eyes and writhing tentacles and spindly antennae all twist around You. With the merest thought, You open wide Your maw and lazily swallow one.
  • Being woken up at 7 am on my day off because my manager left her keys in the store and needed mine to open. :( 
  • I bought Zombieland on Blu-Ray this week(Guess that part is a rave, it looks great in blu-ray).

    The dissatisfaction is that the code for the digital download of the movie expired over TWO YEARS AGO. WTF Wal-mart?
    Stangmar - Retired

  • Nymerya said:
    Being woken up at 7 am on my day off because my manager left her keys in the store and needed mine to open. :( 
    At least you answered her. I've done that before, and it took me three hours to get an answer from somebody who wasn't too 'busy' to help.
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    It's 3:50 am. The sun is up and the birds are singing already.

    Go home world, you're drunk.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • Sidonie said:
    Nymerya said:
    Being woken up at 7 am on my day off because my manager left her keys in the store and needed mine to open. :( 
    At least you answered her. I've done that before, and it took me three hours to get an answer from somebody who wasn't too 'busy' to help.
    I actually really like my manager. She's lucky my phone wasn't on silent this morning though. It usually is. 

  • Can't tell if the hair in my food is one of by beard hairs...

    ...or someone else's something else's hairs.
  • I think that faulty battery might have somehow damaged my power supply. Periodic FPS drops and audio tearing, couple shutdowns that weren't expected following a patch of the first two issues, not conclusive but it makes me very concerned.
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    Kio said:
    Can't tell if the hair in my food is one of by beard hairs...

    ...or someone else's something else's hairs.
    I had to stop eating at one of my favourite places recently because I found 3 long strands of hair in my chicken :(
  • Moving out of a third floor apartment makes me hate owning things.

    And I haven't even started the cross country drive yet.
  • Thul said:
    Moving out of a third floor apartment makes me hate owning things. And I haven't even started the cross country drive yet.
    I hope the trip is easy on you.  Be careful!
  • Damnit! I'm so fed up with our ISP. Internet goes down while I'm on the last freakish leg to Demi and fighting four Krokani in Lirangsha. Well, there goes all the damn work I've done. Thanks, Frontier. You're real swell.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Suppose to be leaving on a flight for work in 20 mins, but because of Air Traffic Controllers in San Francisco, my flight is delayed an hour and a half, with probably longer delays. 

    I would have prefered to fly out last night, but work didn't want to pay for an extra hotel night, now instead they'll have to pay for me to sit in an airport half the day, and fly for the other half. lamesauce :( 

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • That's something the airline should be comping.  We missed our connecting flight in St. Louis once because our flight out of Raleigh had been delayed.  They paid for a hotel room for us IIRC.
    Stangmar - Retired

  • TurnusTurnus The Big Bad Wolf
    In my experience when its for work, not setting aside a full day for travel is a mistake waiting to strike.


    The original picture of Turnus is still viewable here, again by Feyrll.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Stangmar said:

    That's something the airline should be comping.  We missed our connecting flight in St. Louis once because our flight out of Raleigh had been delayed.  They paid for a hotel room for us IIRC.

    This depends both on the airline and the person (or more likely, the people) who you talk to. It can vary dramatically.

    And they most likely won't comp anything if you get there on the correct date, even if it is late.
  • KioKio
    edited June 2013
    11 people weren't at work today. That left 3 people in the office and 5 people in the warehouse (two of whom are 17-year-old kids who just started). On top of running around like a chicken with my head cut off because our orders were larger than normal anyway, the boss lady decided she wasn't in a good mood. I've thrown up twice today and I'm running a fever. Power went off at work -twice- because the power company is working on a new substation. All I've wanted to do is come home and mindless hit my hunting alias and watch as text-monsters for quickly and my experience rises slowly.

    But alas, out ISP is experiencing more technical difficulties for our and surrounding areas. Maybe I'll be a Demigod someday -.-

    Edit: what the... Now the power is out at my house. This is been a strange day.

    Edit again: Oh hey. Power's back. So is the internet. And our ISP is adjusting the bill for all the problems lately. Huh. Neat.
  • Kio said:
    Damnit! I'm so fed up with our ISP. Internet goes down while I'm on the last freakish leg to Demi and fighting four Krokani in Lirangsha. Well, there goes all the damn work I've done. Thanks, Frontier. You're real swell.
    Solidarity agree. My ISP sucks. Local government owned, losing money every quarter, and they can't even keep the pipes clear. I get disconnected all the time, and I can never be sure whether I'll get the full DL and UL speeds, or if it'll be dial-up grade.
  • I am not meant to have pets, says the girl who has lost a dog, a cat, a kitten, and a rat as starters in the last month and a half. (At least three of those were decrepitly old, so I feel less bad, but still pretty bad)

    On top of that, I had a puppy for a day that made a jailbreak and found herself a new home, a cat that has turned pretty feral, my indoor cat made it out and got shot in the neck by my neighbor's 6 year old with a pellet gun (though she's okay, thank -god-)


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