the Expedition - a Pokémon Mafia game. (GAME OVER. SYLANDRA WINS. TOWN WINS.)



  • >_> this is no time for games! D:

    (well it is but still)
    Your numbers today are:
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Cyndarin is right, this is a dead end. If we want to lynch Rolsand we know enough to justify it. We might as well pressure a few other people in the meantime.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Rolsand said:
    Idc if you think I'm a scum just don't call me things like useless and a headace. 
    Where did I call you useless? I stated the info you have provided has been mostly uselews. The way you are posting is a headache to deal with.
    Tremula said:

    Q: What happens to the Pokemon of players that are eliminated? Are they tradeable?
    A: Pokemon who find themselves without a trainer will go to the Champion's Car. They are available for trade on a first-come, first-serve basis, and may find other uses throughout the game.

    There is also this @Sylandra
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Ahhhhhh, I was searching for "event". Okay, thanks @Makaela, good to know. :D
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Makaela said:
    Rolsand said:
    Idc if you think I'm a scum just don't call me things like useless and a headace. 
    Where did I call you useless? I stated the info you have provided has been mostly uselews. The way you are posting is a headache to deal with.
    Tremula said:

    Q: What happens to the Pokemon of players that are eliminated? Are they tradeable?
    A: Pokemon who find themselves without a trainer will go to the Champion's Car. They are available for trade on a first-come, first-serve basis, and may find other uses throughout the game.

    There is also this @Sylandra
    *blink* I already surrendered you won't have to deal with me anymore.
  • And I didn't say that you called me useless or a headace I'm justing refering to negative words like that.
  • Sylandra said:
    Ah, I searched the game and I did say "useless." Sorry about that. I meant you don't participate in theory-crafting very much and seem to dislike when we do it. Those are the things that propel town forward. I'll rephrase in the future to make it clearer what I'm criticizing.

    I will say you've been really active this game, Rolsand, and while I still find you fishy, you're making contributions! So you're not useless right now at all, you're just exceedingly suspicious to me. :D

    (Still curious what @Cyndarin and @Dylara have to say about the stuff on the last page)
    I find Rolsand annoying in terms of playing mafia, but whatever, to each their own in terms of play style. Just have to hope he does better.

    He's third party but wins with the town, supposedly and I guess we'll just have to hold on to that unless something strongly suggests otherwise. His sandshrews Magnitude does not sound like what occured last night, because it targets pokemon only(?) and the quake hit exclusively trainers.

    I would like to know why he suddenly feels his pokemon is gone now/why he is absolutely certain he is going to lose it within the coming night. (Not doing anything with this, I just want it to be answered)

    If he's found out to be lying, we'll lynch him, if not I guess he lives so long as the Mafia/Team Baddies/Killers don't kill him first. Reading since I've started this post just makes me want to lynch him, honestly dude, you're bring this on yourself. We're actively saying we wont lynch you if you are helpful and non-detrimental to the town and you're just.. not being that. Ultimately, he's just a distraction, a really, really, reaaaaallly annoying distraction.

    I don't know who to go after, my two big suspicions I'm putting aside for newness and just being themselves for the time being. I'll keep thinking.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Its a joke.
  • You guys are throwing yourselves off now.
  • He's been talking about losing his Sandshrew because he's convinced he's going to be lynched, and the pokemon will go to the Champion's car to be claimed by someone else. It reflects resignation.
  • Yes I dont have an ability that allows me to make a Pokemon vanish.
  • *cough*
  • You know, he may very well be a jester. Tremula did say she had a role planned out for him, and if he was assigned jester, he's doing a damn good job of it. He could also say that he has a power to help town in that if he gets a free kill after being lynched (like in ToS), he could potentially use it to off a mafia for us.

    I dunno, just an idea.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Would you make a game this complicated and then include a role that can end the game on day 1? My money's on no.

    He'd be a great jester though. He should play Werewolf.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Sylandra said:
    Would you make a game this complicated and then include a role that can end the game on day 1? My money's on no.

    He'd be a great jester though. He should play Werewolf.
    Sylandra is right on the money.
  • How do you mean end the game? The game doesn't end if the jester successfully gets himself hanged. It just means he fulfilled his own personal win condition and play continues as normal.
  • But maybe theres a little twist to the jester role.
  • Na I'm just joking theres no jester.
  • Goodnight y'all.
  • @Kilee have you figured out a way to explain your pokemon Shadow sneak yet?  The more information you can give us on this the better.

    @Rolsand you brought the attention to yourself and honestly you have done nothing to change our minds on your suspiciouness and not you are just accepting your fate. Potentially trying to use reverse Psycology here?

    Rolsand one thing you need to really consider when you post is that many people are trying to use what they know of you. You are WIFOM (Wine in Front of Me) to most people as you are hard to read due to the way you post, this is not a good way to survive. I am using what i know of people who try to get attention off of them when they are close to being lynched and are in fact not sided with the town. If you can give us information tomorrow morning there is zero reason you can not safely do so today, unless of course you are scum (mafia), or a third party that is anti-town with a win condition you think you can meet by the next day. What that could be in this case I am entirely unsure however it smells very suspect. You claim your role is Important yet give absolutely no clues as to what it is outside it is a third party town role.  If you want us to take you seriously you would not just be giving up, but doing everything you can to save yourself.

    @Dylara your pokemon has no secondary powers? Just some passive effect that needs to be triggered?
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    (That's me who has the passive effect, Makaela, not Dylara)
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Garsh darn it!!!  -goes to fix my notes-  
  • Could you answer that question then?  It seems odd your pokemon would have an ability you have no control over and nothing to supplement it.
  • I could clarify, just to put it to bed, my pokemon has one power I could use (and have not yet) and it does evolve. Dunno what'll happen when it evolves!

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Makaela said:
    @Kilee have you figured out a way to explain your pokemon Shadow sneak yet?  The more information you can give us on this the better.

    @Rolsand you brought the attention to yourself and honestly you have done nothing to change our minds on your suspiciouness and not you are just accepting your fate. Potentially trying to use reverse Psycology here?

    Rolsand one thing you need to really consider when you post is that many people are trying to use what they know of you. You are WIFOM (Wine in Front of Me) to most people as you are hard to read due to the way you post, this is not a good way to survive. I am using what i know of people who try to get attention off of them when they are close to being lynched and are in fact not sided with the town. If you can give us information tomorrow morning there is zero reason you can not safely do so today, unless of course you are scum (mafia), or a third party that is anti-town with a win condition you think you can meet by the next day. What that could be in this case I am entirely unsure however it smells very suspect. You claim your role is Important yet give absolutely no clues as to what it is outside it is a third party town role.  If you want us to take you seriously you would not just be giving up, but doing everything you can to save yourself.

    @Dylara your pokemon has no secondary powers? Just some passive effect that needs to be triggered?
    I shared some good yet I still get the boot.
  • I shared some good info.
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    edited July 2016
    Vote count remains the same and I'm heading to bed. Remember that if there is a lynch you can talk, but can't change votes after it happens. 
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • What do you expect me to do? Get something from thin air?
  • Tremula said:
    EDIT: Modproblem, moment!
    Some people are just so ungrateful.
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