Reign - The Mafia Game Thread - English Mafia Win!



  • I should have said, not afraid to die during the night. Lynching me would be terrible because we can't afford to waste lynches, for the reasons I posted earlier.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    It's an awkward power, and today is really the only day I can see myself being comfortable using it since we're essentially Day 1 but with slightly more information.

    But by remove your mask, I also meant roleclaim, not just who you targetted!
  • Is it a one-time use?
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    No, but as I mentioned, I would be very hesitant to use it again since we must lynch or the English/third parties will have free reign (ba-dum-tisch).
  • Alright then. All cards on the table, I suppose.

    I'm Princess Claude, of the House of Valois. I am proudly French and Catholic. And I'm a roleblocker.

    And now Ushaara needs protecting tonight. Goddammit Ushaara.


    Okay so, now that's over and done with, time to explain what we need to do now.
    Silvanus said:

    She also claimed that I would get what was coming for me. I think the more reasonable scenario is that this silly person used Vigkill on me on day one and the protector protected me.

    If Tekora doesn't reveal her role by the end of the day, I am going to vote Tekora. But until such a time, I do believe she is the French vigilante and idiotically used her power on day one.

    Shaddus said:
    So, to sum up your post, you think she tried to vig you, you got protected, and that's why we had no visible kills?

    Silvanus said:
    No. Tekora got roleblocked or jailed. 

    Silvanus said:
    Oh I guess I did say I got protected there and meant to say she got roleblocked/jailed. OOPS

    Of the above three scenarios that I listed, those  are assuming we believe all of Tekora's claims are true. Which I am not very inclined to do. I believe she is the vigilante, and it is also likely that her target was protected, just as much as the above scenarios. That is of course, assuming Tekora's information is incorrect about the jailed/roleblocking message.

    Silvanus LIED. Bold-faced lied, got caught in it and went back on what he said, because he realized what he said was completely unverifiable, stupid and frankly, narcissistic.

    It's the most blatant OMGUS I've ever seen, and it's why you all should vote for Silvanus today.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here

    I was putting pressure because your keep going off the deepend. Your 'plans for actions' don't solve anything and are thus a waste of time, they are random, sarcastic, exaggerated and really just odd. You misrepresent what people are saying, then accuse them of putting words in your mouth. 

    But I can't vote for Princess Claude.

    By the way Tekora - you've been caught in several lies. The most prominent being 'I can't vote for no lynch day one' and then voting for 'no lynch' day one. You are pretty free with the truth.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    If Tekora was jailed, she wouldn't be able to use her night power. As far as I'm aware, (and thematically it makes sense, but correct me if I'm wrong), if you're locked up you can neither wander around and use your power, nor can anyone get close to you.

    So I'm actually confused right now as to what power was used on you last night. It was made explicit to me that I was locked in a dungeon until daybreak. And if you were unable to use your power, @Tekora, what relevance is it who you targeted? Presuming you couldn't act, Yarith would know nothing either way and can't substantiate it.

    I'm not saying you're outright lying, but I am confused. It's also late at night and my brain is being slow and I slept in a dank dungeon so someone else help me make sense of things please?

  • Synkarin said:

    I was putting pressure because your keep going off the deepend. Your 'plans for actions' don't solve anything and are thus a waste of time, they are random, sarcastic, exaggerated and really just odd. You misrepresent what people are saying, then accuse them of putting words in your mouth. 

    But I can't vote for Princess Claude.

    By the way Tekora - you've been caught in several lies. The most prominent being 'I can't vote for no lynch day one' and then voting for 'no lynch' day one. You are pretty free with the truth.

    That's not a lie, that's changing my mind. I said specifically that I'm abrasive, and not obstinate. And when a vote gets to be 7 out of 9 and no one else wants to talk anymore, there's no use prolonging the inevitable.

    Besides, look at all the great information that Night 1 and Day 2 have brought us!
  • Lavinya said:
    If Tekora was jailed, she wouldn't be able to use her night power. As far as I'm aware, (and thematically it makes sense, but correct me if I'm wrong), if you're locked up you can neither wander around and use your power, nor can anyone get close to you.

    So I'm actually confused right now as to what power was used on you last night. It was made explicit to me that I was locked in a dungeon until daybreak. And if you were unable to use your power, @Tekora, what relevance is it who you targeted? Presuming you couldn't act, Yarith would know nothing either way and can't substantiate it.

    I'm not saying you're outright lying, but I am confused. It's also late at night and my brain is being slow and I slept in a dank dungeon so someone else help me make sense of things please?

    I was notified of my being blocked AFTER I submitted my night action.

    I also had no mention of a dungeon in my action's flavor text.
  • Also, Ushaara promises me a dayguard and then subsequently disappears. Cute.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Hadn't come across Claude in the show, so went looking at the wiki. But a deal's a deal!

    I take Tekora under my protection.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    And not that I want to die or anything tonight, but explain why my power is worth protecting? As mentioned, it's an awkward power since I've no means of confirming any information, or communicating with others during a night phase, and lynches are more valuable than no lynch past Day 1 imo. From my point of view I'm pretty much vanilla town now.
  • It's continuing to sound to me that Tekora claiming to be have been jailed is her leaping to conclusions. From what she's said here, it seems equally possible that we have two roleblockers running around, or that Yarith was protected in some fashion, if she was not informed of her failure until after the night action was submitted.

    Also could we possibly stop bolding things for emphasis?

    I'm willing to accept (barring further evidence) that Tekora is loyal French. It makes sense that we have a Claude running around, and from what I understand from the show she wasn't as involved in the dynastic power struggles. 

    I personally don't find Tekora's case against Silvanus particularly compelling.

    I'm still playing catch-up, however, so may have more thoughts later.

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    @Tekora I still don't see the relevance of announcing you targeted then, since it was blocked? IE, the action never happened and the recipient never saw anything, so it was entirely pointless. It can't be verified, nothing happened to them, not sure what it proves save some empty dramatics?

    So...if you were blocked or jailed as you claimed, and I was also jailed, and Tekora is ALSO roleblocker....I'm sure it's possible, but it seems like a lot of roles with the power to stop night actions to me. Colour me skeptical. 

    Since she's protected now though, I have no other leads. Her campaign for Silvanus is really flakey and seems desperate and based more about the day one promise to come after him than any real suspicion. So for now I will UNVOTE; VOTE NONE

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    @Allyrianne of course she wouldn't know she was blocked until after - everyone with an action submits them, our fabulous mod determines what is blocked and what goes through and reports back any pertinent information.

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    All this powers theory is making my head spin, but the more it is discussed the more it's starting to clear up a bit in my head.

    Think we're still missing any hint of analysis from @Ssaliss and @Kiradawea at this time.

  • @Lavinya Ah, good point. 

    It's still not clear (at least to me), from what Tekora's said, whether her action as stopped because of something done to her, or something was done to her target. But I'm not sure that further public clarification in that regard is necessarily useful at this time.

    soooo yes, let's hear from @ssaliss and @kiradawea

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    @Lavinya Ah, good point. 

    It's still not clear (at least to me), from what Tekora's said, whether her action as stopped because of something done to her, or something was done to her target. But I'm not sure that further public clarification in that regard is necessarily useful at this time.

    soooo yes, let's hear from @ssaliss and @kiradawea

    I think a lot of what Tekora is saying is consistent with her claim. She has assumed a jailer because she's a roleblocker. While it is possible it was a block on her instead of a jailing, it seems a bit more plausible to me that there would be a jailer before her same power recurred in another role. Flavour text might make it difficult to discern.

    Her instantly suggesting she was jailed at the start of the day would be an exceptionally brazen move for scum, and she's not a novice player doing an "oops". It's also clear she is totally fine with being investigated, so on the off-chance she is scum of some form I feel like she'd need to be certain any investigation would reveal her as french, otherwise it's all too much risk to take upon herself.

    Given the information we know from her actions, as well as Ushaara's power reveal, her assumption that the game is power heavy is becoming more understandable as well.

    But I'm still trying to sort out the arsonist/cultist theory here.

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Oh gosh, too early for reveals. 
    Lavinya said:
    My other theory is that Tekora is trying to root out the jailer. She could be completely lying. Why are we just taking her word for it? Of course the jailer could oust themselves and either confirm or deny her claim, or another could say that -they- were actually jailed. Both instances would be very revealing (which I presume is what's happening here, Tekora is shaking the tree to see what falls out), and information is king, but who would it benefit? The town? I don't think so, not if it's the jailer. It's a powerful role that could really benefit the nobility if they're able to work quietly.

    No one coming forth to deny her claim doesn't necessarily mean it's true, don't forget that. I like to think the filthy Brits can be lynched without all the nobles needing to role claim and show their full hand, if we are clever enough to sort the subtlety from the bullshit.
    Because to not believe her would mean believing something that is irrational. I have much less interest in someone confirming her claim and outing themselves than I do with discussing her possible motivations. 

    At this point, she opened the day where no one was nightkilled by stating she was jailed. Under what scenario would scum bring that sort of attention to themselves? Logically, she is either not scum or some sort of suicide bomber trying to get our attention. I don't buy the suicide bomber thing this early in the game, it's extremely early and to play that card. As has been observed, the start of the game favors the mafia due to probabilities and numbers. That sort of power is better reserved for when it can tip the scales, as is it doesn't do much other than eliminate 1 townie when we're all still alive. I think Tekora knows too much about mafia to dive in with a suicide role before anyone else has been eliminated.  

    I will also note that Tekora has not asked for nor pushed for a Jailer roleclaim or confirmation. 

    Finally, we have to take night action flavor text into consideration. Maybe it was a jailing, maybe it was a roleblock, maybe it was something else entirely. Flavor text is rarely explicit. So people having a jailed claim contest ultimately means little unless someone was literally told they were jailed or we have enough context clues to establish that's actually what it was. So grain of salt etc etc etc
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    God damn broken quotes and no editing.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Also can we please, please, please stop power claiming this early. Please. 
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Unvote, since I cannot maintain the vote, and am disinclined to at this point regardless. It seems we have both a consort and an escort, then, and I cannot possibly imagine the princess objecting to her brother's marriage and the alliance it strengthens.

    To continue what I said yesterday, since I could stand to see more pressure placed on him, I'll Vote: Chirbo.

    He's said very little substantive since we began this little dance of ours. I am unsure if he's attempting to avoid suspicion, but it isn't as if he hasn't posted at all.
  • Sorry for being silent. I'm about to catch a plane, so I can't give the close analysis I want to give. I'll say more when I have the time, but for now I'd like to consider the possibility of a rolestopper. It's an option before doubling up on roleblockers.

    More to come when I have the time.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • So, just got back from work, and let's do this (in about an hour or three, after I've managed a shower and some re-reading of this).

    First, I'm curious about two things, mostly directed at @Tekora and @Lavinya: Could you be a bit more specific about how you knew you were jailed (granted, I only skimmed through the thread, so I might've missed it)? Lavinya, did you try to perform a power last night and that's how you knew, or did you know anyway (I'm not that interested right now in who you targetted or what your power is, since those claims this early can be a bit... well, bad)?

    Second, I find the groupings interesting. The obvious schism is between English and French, but then there's the Catholic/Protestant schism as well. I'm fairly certain there's a mix of people of both (so there are both French/Protestant and English/Catholic, and every other combination). I'm not sure if it's a cult or not, but it's certainly a possibility. Because of these two groupings, though, I'm also relatively certain that there's no arsonist or serial killer; it'd just be too much, and town would get far too outnumbered (something that is still entirely possible if the Protestants are a cult).

    Anyway, I'll be back in a couple of hours.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Tekora said:
    Alright then. All cards on the table, I suppose.

    I'm Princess Claude, of the House of Valois. I am proudly French and Catholic. And I'm a roleblocker.

    And now Ushaara needs protecting tonight. Goddammit Ushaara.


    Okay so, now that's over and done with, time to explain what we need to do now.
    Silvanus said:

    She also claimed that I would get what was coming for me. I think the more reasonable scenario is that this silly person used Vigkill on me on day one and the protector protected me.

    If Tekora doesn't reveal her role by the end of the day, I am going to vote Tekora. But until such a time, I do believe she is the French vigilante and idiotically used her power on day one.

    Shaddus said:
    So, to sum up your post, you think she tried to vig you, you got protected, and that's why we had no visible kills?

    Silvanus said:
    No. Tekora got roleblocked or jailed. 

    Silvanus said:
    Oh I guess I did say I got protected there and meant to say she got roleblocked/jailed. OOPS

    Of the above three scenarios that I listed, those  are assuming we believe all of Tekora's claims are true. Which I am not very inclined to do. I believe she is the vigilante, and it is also likely that her target was protected, just as much as the above scenarios. That is of course, assuming Tekora's information is incorrect about the jailed/roleblocking message.

    Silvanus LIED. Bold-faced lied, got caught in it and went back on what he said, because he realized what he said was completely unverifiable, stupid and frankly, narcissistic.

    It's the most blatant OMGUS I've ever seen, and it's why you all should vote for Silvanus today.
    Yes, let's ignore the gist of most posts and try to pin point the blame. I made a mistake, and I admitted to the mistake 5 minutes later. I didn't need to say I got protected if you got roleblocked or jailed.

    You've lied all over this game. You flip flopped on sarcasm. You lied about no lynching. You lied about being jailed, as Lavinya stated her message said the guards came and grabbed her. And there is no verification about any of the claims you have made so far, and should all still be mostly unbelieved.

    If I lied, so have you, twice over, maybe three times over. I made an honest mistake and admitted, people do that. You've consistently been either making mistakes or lying.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    (Oh my goodness 45 posts.)

    As Ushaara declares that Tekora is now under his protection, the entire court of France hushes with reverence, unable to refute his word this day. For the rest of Day 2, Tekora is unlynchable.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Well that was dramatic! :D
  • @Luce don't be trying to get me killed! I am just a guy trying to live till the end of this chaos.
  • I'm just silently watching people throw each other under the horse carriage 
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