Reign - The Mafia Game Thread - English Mafia Win!



  • While I don't necessarily think Ushaara's accusations are that well-founded, Kiradawea is definitely getting way too defensive here. 

    Vote Kiradawea
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I have one problem with Kiradawea being a serial killer. The only reason I can see for her claiming was to save me from bothering to investigate her. If she was SK, wouldn't it have been more prudent to keep quiet and leave me guessing whether she was jailed or not on that night? Or something else?

    Lavinya made another claim as well, for about the same reason, just that hers doesn't make her look super fishy.

    Silvanus has done a lot of theorycrafting until now, and has, on a few occasions, suggested that the English are not the main enemy here. But I'll be honest - my flavour text definitely implies Elizabeth Tudor as enemy number one. If she's not here, then she most certainly has sympathisers.

    No matter which way I look at it, investigating Silvanus tonight is starting to feel like an essential move.

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Also, for everyone with historical knowledge or has been watching the show, let's not let this slip past.

    Othero said:
    Ok, sorry for taking so long to post. Work made it easy to look at the forums, really tough to take any time to post.

    I am Antoin De Bourbon and from Navarre. I am also a survivor. 

    I'd like to add if Kira is Clarissa it would fit her character to be a serial killer or something similar, she's tried to kill a few people on the show for very flimsy reasons.
    We have a claim! Survivor, as Antoin De Bourbon. How are we feeling about that?

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I guess the other possibility is Clarissa is a false claim. Is naming her as one of three prime investigation options enough to elicit a false claim, you think?

    (I swear this is the last double/triple post for a while.)

  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    I would say not a strong claim, there's a danger in assuming that show canon will be reflected here in game, but show canon for Antoine is that he arranged a plot to poison Henry, wants to kill Sebastian, and pushes Louis Condé to marry Elizabeth. This is somewhat suggestive given Luce appears to have died from poisoning.

    But will put a caveat that could throw some heat back to Celina, warranted or not, Catherine de Medici is also a skilled poisoner in show canon. And of course, poison could just be flavour for a common medieval way of assassinating people!

    (Bedtime for me again, not around as much tomorrow but will try keep an eye on things)
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Vivet said:

    Synkarin said:
    There could potentially be 5 english too right? That'd make it 5/5/5/1 outsider? I'm still on the first season as well and there has really only been one english person on the show (the guy who got framed). 
    I noticed this while combing backwards through the thread. What's the name of the guy who got framed? It'll save me some time trying to figure it out otherwise.

    I think the character Synkarin was referring to was Simon Westbrook. I don't think he is Westbrook. Westbrook is supposed to be protestant. Still searching hard to figure out just who Synkarin could possibly be.

    So far, I have:

    Anyone have other ideas? Who am I missing?

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Ushaara said:
    I would say not a strong claim, there's a danger in assuming that show canon will be reflected here in game, but show canon for Antoine is that he arranged a plot to poison Henry, wants to kill Sebastian, and pushes Louis Condé to marry Elizabeth. This is somewhat suggestive given Luce appears to have died from poisoning.

    But will put a caveat that could throw some heat back to Celina, warranted or not, Catherine de Medici is also a skilled poisoner in show canon. And of course, poison could just be flavour for a common medieval way of assassinating people!

    (Bedtime for me again, not around as much tomorrow but will try keep an eye on things)
    I don't know the tv show stuff, but I am immune to poisons. Hence the failed assassination attempt.

    Also,  I think I have expressed my doubts about Kiradawea at this point so..

    vote: Kiradawea
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Current Vote Count Update:

    Ushaara - Silvanus (1)

    Synkarin - Vivet, Lavinya, Tekora (3)

    Kiradawea - Synkarin, Falmiis, Ushaara, Celina (4)

    In the kingdom of France, it takes the word of 8 nobles to lynch a member of the court.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    The more I think about it, the more I can't really come to terms with Synkarin being unwilling to name claim.

    I revealed my nationality but refused to reveal my name, for good reasons. I would not blame any frenchman for behaving similarly, for the sake of King Henry II. But what benefit do we get from Synkarin not name claiming? What benefit does he get from not name claiming? If he is town, has he not already made himself as vulnerable to scum as he can get? How much more badly would a name reveal hurt him?

    It really just feels like a tactic to buy time and come up with a reasonable fake name that is convincing enough.

  • Woah! A lot happens in a short amount of time. I believe both Lavinya and Vivet's claims and, for the time being, am going to VOTE: SYNKARIN. 
    If we were willing to lynch Chirbo to see how religions work, I am sure we are just as willing to lynch Synkarin to see how the English work. That would be logical, no?
    There's a lot of back and forth between particulars, namely Ushaara and Kiradawea, but I'm not entirely sold on that being a thing. I think the survivor claim is pretty believable.

    No deaths happened night one and when Celina was attempted upon, her attacker let out a scream. No screams were heard in the first night and Celina was entirely aware of her attack upon her, so either both killing parties didn't move or were blocked by a roleblocker, stopper or jailed or the attacked party is unaware of being attacked? I'm more and more convinced that there is a rolestopper, though I'm very interested in if we have any more information regarding the attacks in the first night.

    Feel free to correct me but so far we have:
    A govener 
    And the claims of:
    2 investigators, a jailor, a roleblocker, a survivor and a mason.
    We also have the deceased and a speculated rolestopper.
    (I'm the mom of Hallifax btw, so if you are in Hallifax please call me mom.)

    == Professional Girl Gamer == 
    Yes I play games
    Yes I'm a girl
    get over it
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I invite you all to take a look at Silvanus' post for today, where he votes for Ushaara. It is too long for me to repost without turning into a mess, I fear.

    The general objective of the post is to downplay the presence of the english. He even suggests that the english could be a survivor role (?). And earlier he was framing the Italians as a faction via Catherine d'Medici. Then he suggests that it is strange that Tekora and Ushaara are both still alive when they have known rolepowers, and when Tekora has a given role name (not confirmed).

    Is Luce getting nightkilled seemingly random? I think killing Henry, Francis, and Mary Stuart are all key objectives for the English, so they have no real reason to prioritise Tekora, especially when Tekora's willingly put the heat on herself. Luce made a show of speaking in French, but also indicated he would be quite disappointed if Mary was not present. That's marking himself as close to Mary, no? Perhaps it is a bit odd Ushaara was not targetted when we don't know his role name, but I think there's more substance to Luce being targetted than is being given credit.

    Synkarin investigates Celina and discovers she is d'Medici. Silvanus makes theories about d'Medici and her role in the game. Fascinating, no?

    Maybe Silvanus is trying to divert attention away from the English because he is English too. Maybe not. I hope this really emphasizes my feeling for why he needs to be investigated.

    Random aside - if we lynch Kiradawea and she turns up as not being a serial killer, what are the implications for Celina also being poison resistant? Having two members of town be potentially unkillable at night would really be something, wouldn't it?

    I feel like this is the real reason Synkarin has started the lynch train on Kiradawea. He wants that confirmation for the English. In addition, he gets the possibility of getting one more investigation in for the English, and if he finds Henry, Francis, or Mary Stuart, then at the start of the day he can loudly announce it for everyone to hear before he gets lynched. Then everyone will know - including his fellow scum.

    Not sure if I'm just crazy paranoid now or brilliant.

  • I was confirmed by Synkarin, thanks. 

    Also, I have a solution to the Kiradawea issue. I will block her tonight and if she is a SK, she'll be harmless. We lynch Synkarin today, figure out if Vivet is a reliable investigator, and get Silvanus investigated tonight. Then tomorrow becomes a question of lynching Kira or Silvanus, depending on the results of the investigation.

    If need be, I'll block Kira every night until we settle the Silvanus question.
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    I was mostly just trying to look for a curveball in the roles. I assume Sylandra would not play a straight up game. I also suggested that the English might be a survivor role and not the scum. History has taught us that England is the main enemy. Most of the flair in our roles imply that the English are the main enemy. My assumption is that Sylandra would pull a Kansas City shuffle and have us going after the wrong enemy. It is in the best interest for the English to prevent Francis and Mary from uniting the thrones. Killing King Henry, so Francis inherits, is not ideal.

    I predicted that there would be a probable survivor role, and with th claim of House Bourbon, it is fitting. If House Valois dies, House Bourbon becomes lead dog. All he has to do is wait out all the death to inherit. I've also been mentioning House de Medici from the beginning, before any claims of it. I haven't seen synkarin or anyone accuse them of begin scum, only my theory crafting on what a mafia game might look like if it were designed on history.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I also think that if you are town, Silvanus, then you have relatively little to fear from an investigation, or reason to nudge it away. If you are French, that is all I can likely announce. French. The worst possible outcome is if you are a fellow Scot, in which case I might hem and haw over saying anything, and that in and of itself would be revealing.

    If you are English, it will be quite damning.

    I think risking revealing a fellow Scot is worthwhile for the benefit of France.

  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Oh I am not worried at all my powers or my allegiances being known, I'm a God fearing man that serves France. I think it is a good plan to lynch Synkarin. We lynched a mostly known Protestant French to find out more. It would only make sense to lynch our first Englishman without finding out more.

    I will vote Synkarin by the end of the day, I made my post 18 minutes before your investigation reveal. I just think we've had good conversation and haven't even touched House  Bourbon's role. 
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Yeah. I don't even know where to begin with thoughts on Othero. I'm glad you haven't name claimed yet - I feel like we have plenty of names floating around already.
  • Ushaara said:
    @Kiradawea Apologies if you think I'm being abusive to you, that is not what I intended at all. The image was an attempt to show how frustrated I was, when I am convinced of something and it was seemingly being ignored.

    But this is what mafia can bring out, strong accusations and paranoia. Do keep in mind that it's all left in the thread though, at least for my part!

    Thank you. Honestly, I don't mind the accusations. It's fun matching wits against someone, even if I think you're having a severe case of tunnel-vision. It was just the picture that was... long story short, triggering.

    I've slept a lot now though, so I feel a whole lot better and far more calm, I don't have time to respond to your accusations right now, but I will once I have more time. Though for the time being, let me address some of the other things that's been said.

    Regarding roleblocking me, that shouldn't be a problem at all. While the Clarissa of the show may have snuck around and learned many things, I myself do not have any sort of investigative role. I'll also be able to further confirm Tekora's night actions. Which reminds me, we still haven't heard of anyone who got jailed last night. I could also get myself jailed and locked up in a cell to help confirm Lavinya's claim after the first night.

    There's also one thing that bothers me about Celina's claim to poison immunity. If it's specifically poison immunity, then why was Luce killed last night with poison as well? Poison immunity suggests immunity to a specific kill method. So why did "poison immunity" stop the kill on Celina? That will require the vig/SK/scum to have at least two out of three as poisoners. And while I could see the vig using poison, I don't see the SKer using poison. And if Celina is immune to the vig... we might just have the head mafioso here.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    (Just a heads up, I'm away camping for Australia day long weekend and phone service is sketchy. Still following as best i can but posting any thing more than a few sentences is a pain.)

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Okay. Just to clarify now:

    Kiradawea said:

    I am Clarissa, the ghost. And I am claiming now because all investigations against me will return inconclusive results because I keep hiding myself away.

    Earlier I took that "hiding away" bit and ran with it, jumping to conclusions about whether it might affect other night actions. But from what you're saying now, you only hide away from investigations? I don't think I understand.

    And on another note, yesterday was my day off, which helped to fuel my post proliferation. As I'm back on the regular work schedule again until next week, don't be surprised if my activity tapers accordingly.

  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Kiradawea said:
    Regarding roleblocking me, that shouldn't be a problem at all. While the Clarissa of the show may have snuck around and learned many things, I myself do not have any sort of investigative role. I'll also be able to further confirm Tekora's night actions. Which reminds me, we still haven't heard of anyone who got jailed last night. I could also get myself jailed and locked up in a cell to help confirm Lavinya's claim after the first night.

    There's also one thing that bothers me about Celina's claim to poison immunity. If it's specifically poison immunity, then why was Luce killed last night with poison as well? Poison immunity suggests immunity to a specific kill method.

    Vivet said:
    Okay. Just to clarify now:

    Kiradawea said:

    I am Clarissa, the ghost. And I am claiming now because all investigations against me will return inconclusive results because I keep hiding myself away.

    Earlier I took that "hiding away" bit and ran with it, jumping to conclusions about whether it might affect other night actions. But from what you're saying now, you only hide away from investigations? I don't think I understand.

    Well she offers herself up to be jailed, so I guess most night actions work on her. She also says she will be able to confirm Tekora's actions? Does that mean that she can avoid all night actions and knows who used an action against her? Or she is resistant to investigations (what kind of investigations?) while also being a tracker?

    Yet, from people's claims, investigators have been shown nationality and a suspected religious one,  not whether they are good or bad, from what we know or have been able to gather. She makes her claim declaring she can't be investigated, but then goes on saying she is neither Catholic nor Protestant. She doesn't support any Religions, and she has not claimed support for France in her role, nor do I see in any way on the wiki that she supports France.

    Vote: Kiradawea

    She is also the one that has been pushing a religious cult, is it because she has no religious and is really part of the scum? Most likely. It is quite possible that Synkarin is an Englishman that supports Catholic Mary over Protestant (bastard) Elizabeth. I do not find it likely that Kiradawea is loyal to France or is a survivor role with House Bourbon revealed.

    I would rather vote a ghost over an Englishman.

    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • The fact that Silvanus is favoring a vote for Kira over Synkarin makes me even more suspicious of both him AND Synkarin.

    I repeat my support for the plan of lynching Synkarin to confirm if Vivet is a reliable investigator or not, and then me blocking Kira and Vivet checking Silvanus tonight.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I didn't want to reveal all of my cards, but I'll put this out there - the king is also the jailer. I can confirm 100% i was jailed night one because of the message text (guards and dungeon) and because we discussed it and thought with no theories that at least keeping me safe was a good initial plan. The message to sylandra was given within our chat. I also know who was targeted last night, and whether it was successful or not. @Kiradawea how can you confirm tekora? Do you know when you're targeted at night? If so...why did you ask who was jailed? I know you were the one targeted. I don't know how else you could confirm tekora unless she blocked your night action. ..but i don't remember seeing tekora claim she blocked you. And i don't see why you'd know her name otherwise. And if it's part of your ability. ..why not know who targeted you to jail you? It makes no sense to me except that you two are lying together. Unvote - VOTE KIRADAWEA

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Paragraphs are hard on mobile and no edits I'm sorry :(

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    edited January 2016
    Current Vote Count Update:

    Synkarin - Vivet, Tekora, Yarith (3)

    Kiradawea - Synkarin, Falmiis, Ushaara, Celina, Silvanus, Lavinya (6)

    In the kingdom of France, it takes the word of 8 nobles to lynch a member of the court.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Lavinya said:
    I didn't want to reveal all of my cards, but I'll put this out there - the king is also the jailer. I can confirm 100% i was jailed night one because of the message text (guards and dungeon) and because we discussed it and thought with no theories that at least keeping me safe was a good initial plan. The message to sylandra was given within our chat. I also know who was targeted last night, and whether it was successful or not. @Kiradawea how can you confirm tekora? Do you know when you're targeted at night? If so...why did you ask who was jailed? I know you were the one targeted. I don't know how else you could confirm tekora unless she blocked your night action. ..but i don't remember seeing tekora claim she blocked you. And i don't see why you'd know her name otherwise. And if it's part of your ability. ..why not know who targeted you to jail you? It makes no sense to me except that you two are lying together. Unvote - VOTE KIRADAWEA
    Thank you; that explains a few things I've been wondering about.

    I still haven't read everything that's been said with a clear head (I'm still under the weather), so I won't vote for anyone at this point. I won't really defend anyone either though; I'm fine with both Kiradawea and Synkarin being lynched.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Ugh. This is tough. Thank you for the additional insight, Lavinya.

    Tekora said:
    The fact that Silvanus is favoring a vote for Kira over Synkarin makes me even more suspicious of both him AND Synkarin.

    I repeat my support for the plan of lynching Synkarin to confirm if Vivet is a reliable investigator or not, and then me blocking Kira and Vivet checking Silvanus tonight.
    Well, won't blocking Synkarin during the night be somewhat effective too, if it comes to that? Unless we want to suggest an investigation target. After Silvanus, I feel like the best person for me to investigate would be Ushaara. Synkarin can then determine whether he wants to reveal a full name or simply nationality, and we'll know what he's up to.

    If he is scum and we end up making him investigate scum, then he'll just lie more - he'll already know their name and can misdirect. But it forces the decision to be more public, and if we pick someone he actually knows nothing about, it makes it significantly more difficult for him to lie if he investigates someone else in the night.

  • Kiradawea said:
    Vivet said:
    I really have no idea what to make of Kira at this point. A ghost that can't be investigated, and I assume can't be killed? Then Celina seems to have nightkill resistance/immunity too. Good grief.
    Clarissa isn't really a ghost. There's just a rumour that the castle has a ghost because she's living in the secret passageways.

    And now that I'm looking at the wiki entry for the character, it looks like Mary (queen of scots) did not successfully kill her, but that Clarissa goes on to be killed later for Francis's sake, yes, although it's hardly as voluntary as Kiradawea makes it sound. (Previous post was based on the episode recaps I've gotten through, which is only at the very beginning of season 2 at this point)
    Just to confirm that we're using the same wiki. This is the one that I'm using.
    I've been reading both, this is the one that's a little more concerning.

    I'm still pretty torn on who to vote for. If Kiradawea can kill, I'd rather lynch her, use Synkarin tonight as Vivet suggests, and potentially lynch him tomorrow. Going either way is going to be a gamble. Fortunately it's not one I have to make yet, as we do have some time.

    (Also I'm getting ready for a two-week trip and so will likely be posting somewhat less as well)
  • Lavinya said:
    I didn't want to reveal all of my cards, but I'll put this out there - the king is also the jailer. I can confirm 100% i was jailed night one because of the message text (guards and dungeon) and because we discussed it and thought with no theories that at least keeping me safe was a good initial plan. The message to sylandra was given within our chat. I also know who was targeted last night, and whether it was successful or not. @Kiradawea how can you confirm tekora? Do you know when you're targeted at night? If so...why did you ask who was jailed? I know you were the one targeted. I don't know how else you could confirm tekora unless she blocked your night action. ..but i don't remember seeing tekora claim she blocked you. And i don't see why you'd know her name otherwise. And if it's part of your ability. ..why not know who targeted you to jail you? It makes no sense to me except that you two are lying together. Unvote - VOTE KIRADAWEA
    This along with Tekora's continued tunnel vision against Silvanus as evidence is mounting against Kiradawea is also suspicious. They're trying to deflect from Kira and push for a vote on Syn because Silvanus is suspicious to them. Vote: Kiradawea
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