We have started Phase II of the Overhaul! What this means is we are looking at streamling the buff system. We are basically getting rid of the dmp system and assigning two numbers to every buff: (1) the strength of the buff, and (2) the maximum level for which the buff can be applied. For instance, Damage Buff 1/3 means it raises the damage to one level to a max of level 3. More examples:
Most common buffs are 1/3. Some artifacts and strong skills can reach 1/4. Only artifacts or very powerful skills will reach 1/5. Finally, 1/6 and 1/7 are reserved for only very powerful artifacts.
Percentages for buffs:
We are starting coding damage buffs and resistances with this new system. It will eventually be expanded to stats and regeneration. This doesn't mean we are through with the affliction overhaul; rather, we are dividing our coding resources to do both simultaneously.
if I have a skill that gives some magic buff 1/3. Does this mean that skill's magic buff can go up to 3/3?
EDIT: To take Siams question with the runes being level 1/6 and 1/7, it'd mean you'd have to get the other 5 or 6 points through other skills. The runes would only make you able to have 20% or 25%.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Also if you have one buff that's 1/5, and then two buffs that are 2/3 and 2/3. Is the total buff going to be 4/5 or 5/5?
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
1/5 means that it adds 1 to your actual buff level and turns your top buff level to 5, 2/6 means that it adds 2 to your actual buff level and raises the cap to 6, etc. Your buff level will not go to whatever/8, it can only go as far as whatever/7, but the 7 can only be acquired through the use of artifacts. A 3/7 artifact would be useful, especially if your effective level is 4. I feel that 3 levels of buff over the base should definitely be available to an artifact that costs 1600 credits while the artifact still remains useful to someone who has achieved a 5/5 buff from regular skills because only the T3 artifact would increase your level to the maximum possible. That said, perhaps one of these levels is coming from something like a karma blessing too, thus the artifact would free you up from having to upkeep said blessing, making it easier for you to maintain the maximum buff level, a win/win situation.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Maybe an example on damage resist from say ecologist showing at what point they'd be wasting fire DMP. Assuming they have Fox deepbonded for 10DMP cold/fire resist, charm for +40 more fire DMP, and frost.
For example:
I have sipped frost potion. (1/1)
My robes are proofed against fire. (1/3)
I have a 100 weight fire absorption tattoo. (2/3)
I have eaten a correct_color heart candy. (3/3)
My buff is level 3. But let's say I get hit with a negative volcano sphere (decreases resistance to fire damage). Does my resistance drop to level 2, or does it stay level 3?
Let's say I also have any of the other skill-based defenses against fire damage up. Would I then have 4/3? My max buff level is still 3, but could this extra point come into play to negate any debuffing affect?
Will racial bonuses/maluses still be separate from all this?
Vive l'apostrophe!
And I'm not exactly a new player, or unintelligent.