Simple questions?



  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    So they can attach it to the pack they already designed. Which is what Enyalida said.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Right, but if you want a Really Unique Snowflake feel to your pack, it's easier (and safer) to customize a fesix pack, rather than risk designing your pack using a cartel where it might unwittingly be used by someone else.
    See you in Sapience.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    ... Am I missing something? Fesix packs are sold for credits.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Vivet said:
    It used to block -all- attempts of aggression, but was changed the be mobs only to not affect PK. Pretty sure the "most" is only there so as to not include player beasts.
    It never actually blocked all aggression IIRC (only the Divine version does that), but it had a tick in addition to blocking NPC attacks.  The tick was a full h/m/e restore and aff cure.  So it was theoretically possible (but not likely) to damage kill someone through it.  An insta worked fine though.  Trying to get an insta off on someone who you couldn't stick any affs on was almost as hard as damage-killing through a full-health-restore.  But it did mean that you could at least make someone with DFire up skedaddle if you wanted them to move along.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    Conversion factor is actually irrelevant. Fesix pack is available for 100 credits. The rune option lets you perm an existing design if you want it without waiting on a customization to go through. I guess it also lets you perm a tawdry one?  More or less the same result. If this can go on a satchel, then it also opens up a noun that you can't get through a custom pack.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Tarkenton said:
    ... Am I missing something? Fesix packs are sold for credits.
    Because sometimes I get confused with the Fesix artifacts.
    Enyalida said:
    You have to spend 50 credits to customize a fesix pack. You can attach this rune to an already custom (through the design system) pack. 
    The custom system allows more freedom than the design system in what you can do. ANd really, the design system doesn't truly allow one of a kind things. The closest you can get is making a private design that is only made once, but even then, the design still exists.

    As Twytch had pointed out, Being a special snowflake design (fesix+custom) for the same price as this rune seems to be the better route to me.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    I think you generally get more bang for your buck using the design system (with the multiple nouns) than with a fesix pack and customizing it. While it's true that customizing can get you some really wild things, those things will cost more than 50cr. If all you're looking for is a no-decay pack of any type, it's cheaper to get the fesix packs and not customize it. What price would you put the rune at, such that it and the fesix pack options could be sold separately? 
  • It's just an alternative, for those who prefer their artifacts as runed instead of as actual items.

    Cosmetically, if you shell out an extra 50cr, you can get more customisation than with the rune.
    Cosmetically, if you have no need to fully customise, you could just use the existing design system and get a similar result with the rune for the same price.
    Cosmetically, if you really, really couldn't care any less than anything else in the world (like me), you can just get the cheaper-by-50-cr option and go with just a fesix pack.

    In short, it really doesn't matter.

  • Enyalida said:
    I think you generally get more bang for your buck using the design system (with the multiple nouns) than with a fesix pack and customizing it. While it's true that customizing can get you some really wild things, those things will cost more than 50cr. If all you're looking for is a no-decay pack of any type, it's cheaper to get the fesix packs and not customize it. What price would you put the rune at, such that it and the fesix pack options could be sold separately? 
    Personally? I would set the rune to 100cr and probably remove the fesix pack as an option.

    With the custom system, you can get really fun things as long as you generally keep the item as is as per the rules, which unlike the design system, doesn't require you to use the main noun if you are creative enough. For example, my custom pipe - I don't use the word 'pipe' even once in the design
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Hrm, they used to be stricter with custom items...

    I want to buy the fesix rune, because there is a satchel design I already have that I am quite fond of.

    Just not sure if it works on satchels.

  • How much of a buff do the Lorecraft perfumes (sandalwood, dragonsblood, etc.) and the Dramatics performances (sycophant, vagabond, etc.) give?
    See you in Sapience.
  • I Noticed the effects of using Bully and  Sycophant first time I used them.
    I have been told the perfumes add up with several other small buffs, like wetfold, melders influence thing, and whatnot, though mostly Charismatic presence(the transinfluence skill) is the biggest buff you can get.

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    edited January 2016
    Twytch said:
    How much of a buff do the Lorecraft perfumes (sandalwood, dragonsblood, etc.) and the Dramatics performances (sycophant, vagabond, etc.) give?
    Lorecraft oils give a 1/6 buff to the corresponding influence type. The dramatics performances increase (or decrease for charity) your prestige.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited January 2016
    Dramatics just increases your prestige? So you're telling me all the fink racial does is boost my prestiege...which is already max just form jewelry/clothes?

    Or can prestige keep going up invisibly after you're at 'like royalty'?

    Edit: Did you mean prestige, not esteem?

  • What curio category does the Treasure Map curio come under? Travel/Damage/Magic etc?
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    It's in the Treasure Map category, all by itself.

  • edited January 2016
    Qistrel said:
    It's in the Treasure Map category, all by itself.
    So I can't buy a certain package of curios to get treasure map pieces? Or is there a quest for them?
    All I am missing is the centre piece ;-;
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    The map pieces were given out as bonuses for buying credits. One of those monthly promo things. It does not seem to be mentioned anywhere in any of the curio help files, and I don't think it's sold at the curio shop.

  • Ah well, here's to hoping I can find the piece the hard way! Thanks :)
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    If you have 10 aethergoop you can buy a Curio of Curios to finish it.

  • @Anita I -think- the Treasure Maps curio pieces can easily be obtained by rubbing other curios. So, do the ones that give you a handful easily (Waystations quests, do those still give out curios per part?)
    See you in Sapience.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    edited January 2016

    Can your prestige go up beyond 'like royalty'? I know it's the highest level shown on stat, but is there a point to getting more stuff to wear/using dramatics/making bows not part of a set if I'm already at like royalty?

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Oops. I did mean prestige, not esteem. And I want to know too if additional prestige matters when you're already at like royalty?

  • edited January 2016
    ***************************[ Bodyscan - Influence ]****************************
    Stat         Effect                                  Value   Max 
    Universal    Wetfold charm                           1       8
    Universal    Charismatic aura                        3       10
                   Total (including universal)           4
    Empower      Mugwump                                 2       8
                   Total (including universal)           6
    Charity      Sandalwood oil                          1       6
    Charity      Mugwump                                 2       8
                   Total (including universal)           7

    For future reference. EDIT: Ninja moves by @Qistrel!
    See you in Sapience.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Is it possible to make copper jewelry in Lusternia? What comm would be used?

  • Pretty much all common metals can have iron stand in for them.
  • edited January 2016
    Does anyone have the curio piece lists for the following?:

    Copper Igasho
    Milkmaid Marionette
    Tipsy Teapot
    King Marionette
    Pixie Marionette
    Princess Marionette
    Soldier Marionette

    Xiel's site says there are only 9 pieces for the first two. and the marionettes are missing two pieces each on the curio exchange website.

    Unless these curios don't have the even ten pieces like all over curios do...
  • @Ieptix could you please clarify this for us? I tried testing but influencing is seemingly too random and the bow bonus too small to readily see.

    1) Do bows even have to be attached at all to get the benefit, or does simply owning it suffice (kinda like travel curios)?

    If so,

    2) Do bows attached to items NOT listed on CLOTHINGLIST do anything at all?

    3) Will adding more bows to an already divine rating clothing piece do anything at all to item/overall prestige rating?

  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor

    Pretty sure they all have ten pieces.
    Here's the teapot, and can give you most of the others in game, rather than spam the forums.
    ****************************[ PARTIAL TEAPOT ]*****************************
                             ID: 38321
                      Curio Set: Tipsy Teapot
                           Part: Partial Teapot
                     Collection: None
                           Type: Czigany Toy
                          Power: None
                            Lid: Missing
                           Base: Missing
                         Handle: Complete
                  Top Left Bowl: Missing
                  Mid Left Bowl: Missing
               Bottom Left Bowl: Missing
                 Top Right Bowl: Missing
                 Mid Right Bowl: Complete
              Bottom Right Bowl: Missing
                          Spout: Missing
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    if one attaches a rune to a talisman (athame in my case) does it make the thing permanent?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
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