Simple questions?



  • Qistrel said:
    The Nihilist ones (have descs of all five if you want) are nearly all described as stones, suggesting to me that they are, well, round, roughly spherical, and small enough to fit into the hand. The exception is the Gorgulu one which is made of clay and 'twisted and deformed'. But I would guess it's of vaguely the same size and shape regardless.

    Note, these are the Nihilist ones, and Magnagora is a city that is linked to the Earth Plane, so the stone shape may be Nihlist only, and not applicable to Celestines.

    If you have the descs and longdescs, that'd be good. Working on something for literary submission regarding symbols. Would be helpful.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    a bloody symbol of pain

    This porous, volcanic stone slowly oozes crimson blood from deep within its reddish-brown core, covering the symbol in its sticky, warm wetness. The scenes of cruel torture and exquisite agonies inflicted on the flesh are deeply carved into the flat front surface of the symbol, depicting an art wrought only in suffering. A sweet symphony of excruciating screams echoes softly from the symbol, so insubstantial that it could nearly be imagined if not for its constant presence.
    It weighs about 3 pounds and 2 ounce(s).

    That's the Nifilhema symbol.

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals

    You look at a damning symbol of domination that Ethelon is wielding:
    Wrought of obsidian so black it could have been plucked from the depths
    of the Void itself, this symbol is carved with the profane and unholy
    symbols of utter damnation and supreme, limitless domination. The
    unmistakable image of the Throne of the Beast is chiseled into the
    abyssal stone, its bones wrought in exquisite detail. The wailing of
    damned souls sings timidly from the symbol, and a palpable aura of
    damnation sucks the light and life from around the symbol.

    You look at a charred symbol of wrath that Darvor is wielding:
    Charred beyond recognition, this stone is fiercely hot to the touch, and
    the surface has been etched with ruined Nihilistic runes of wrath,
    vengeance, and unquenchable rage. A cruelly wicked scythe crosses
    against a malicious waraxe on the back of the blackened stone, while
    sparks of searing flame dance across the surface of the symbol. Acrid
    black smoke hisses angrily from the still-burning stone, filling the
    immediate surroundings with a pungent and unwholesome scent.

    You look at a chilling symbol of despair that Auria is wielding:
    Chillingly cold to the touch, this stone symbol has been engraved with
    an incredibly fine pattern of webbing that entangles the whole of the
    symbol. The Nihilistic runes representing despair, deceit, and cunning
    are etched deeply into the stone, along with a depiction of a vile tome
    amidst a spider's insidious web. The carved stone leeches the very
    warmth out of the air around it, leaving only the chill of the grave in
    its wake.

    You look at a blighted symbol of pestilence that Lothringen is wielding:
    Twisted and deformed, this clay symbol has been ritualistically
    inscribed with the Nihilistic symbols of pestilence, plague, sickness,
    and decay. A gaping maw, filled with tonguelike tentacles and rows upon
    rows of teeth appears on the back of the symbol, the ikon etched deeply
    into the hardened clay. The symbol seems to hideously poison the light
    around it, warping it into a soupy, fetid gloom. A sense of an endlessly
    maddening and ravenous hunger resonates from the etched ikon.

    @Qistrel Don't forget that the House of Prophets took a lot of stock not just in the Fates, but fortunetelling in general, casting of runes, etc. That could play into the symbolism a little as well, though I think Celestine symbols are more or less the same size/shape too.

  • edited January 2016
    Eodh said:
    How do guild favours work? I mean, how many 'points' does a guild favour from someone GR 5 give, as opposed to one from a GR19?

    I understand that guild ranks progress like so:

    GR 1 -> GR 2 : need 10 points
    2 -> 3 : need 20 more points (total 30)
    3 -> 4 : need 30 more points (total 60)

    so on and so forth, and that GR19+ favours are worth 10 points. I'm just wondering how the lower-ranked favours shape up.

    I'm fairly confident it's just your GR=point. 19s are worth 19 points, leadership is worth 20. GR7 is worth 7, etc. That's why you can get to GR4 with only 3 leadership favours, but it can be four times as long if a low rank undersec does it.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • Is there any way to make a music box permanent with runes?
  • Saran said:
    Is there any way to make a music box permanent with runes?
    Great Rune of Enchantment: 50 credits
       - Adds 10 extra charges onto an enchantable item.

    Would that work?

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Works on flutes, should do for musicboxes.

  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Can someone please explain how the transcendent beastmastery ability works / what it does? I have no clue what it does / why anyone would get it.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • edited January 2016
    You can choose any beastmaster ability, and you can temporarily teach it to a beast. The teaching portion can be used 3 times every real life day. The beast will then be able to use that ability for 1 hour.

    This ability that it has learned does not count toward its trains limits, nor does it require any empty trains. It also doesn't require any of the requisites of normal abilities (you can use this ability to train a beast to deepsea dive even if it doesn't know swimming, and it will work).

    This is good for when your beast has no access to a specific beastmastery skill for any reason, but you need access it immediately for some reason. Example:

    1) Your beast has reached the maximum amount of trains, and you have allocated all of it. You want to give it a temporary extra oomph.
    2) You want access to a certain ability for some reason that you'll probably never use for a long while (example, burrowing for an event or quest), and don't want to permanently use trains to just have access to it for five minutes.
    3) Your combat beast(s) got killed, and you need or want a specific beastmastery ability for the next fight, so you whip out your bashing beast and teach that to it to serve as a temporary solution.
    4) You want to take your young beast bashing, but you have yet to feed it enough to train it to bodyguard, or attack or shieldbreak, or whatever.

  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    @lerad Oh, thank you, that explains the ability :-)
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie
    I have some vague recollection that effects which prevent random movement on Air also prevent it in the Cloud Maelstrom in Icewynd. Is that true? Does the same thing apply to things that block it on Water blocking it in sea rooms? And so forth if the ones on other planes link up to areas?
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • Portius said:
    I have some vague recollection that effects which prevent random movement on Air also prevent it in the Cloud Maelstrom in Icewynd. Is that true? Does the same thing apply to things that block it on Water blocking it in sea rooms? And so forth if the ones on other planes link up to areas?
    Prettys sure the later is true, not sure about the former. We had a newbie who actually got a cool present, a ring that prevents water from involuntary moving you.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • edited January 2016
    I can definitely confirm that the pearl ring not only stops you from floundering around on the Water plane, but also the other seas (both above and below the surface).

    EDIT: Makes for a much easier time harvesting sargassum/kombu/merbloom.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Can you sheathe whips in the Belt of Klangratch? Or only forged weapons?

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    You can't. Very annoying.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Is DEF the only way to check how full your excorable gland is?

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Do basic gemstone vials still decay in stockrooms? I remember this being a thing for a while, but not sure if it might have changed some time in recent months.
  • If I unlock the Gnome (or Fink, or both!) race, can I then Changeling into it at a later time?

    I tried to Changeling into a Gnome before purchasing the special artifact which unlocks the race, and obviously I couldn't do so. Now that I have the race unlocked, I don't want to Changeling into something else, only to be locked out.

  • Yes, you can do it once you'v 'unlocked' it.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Yeah, buying gnome or fink permantly 'unlocks' it. So I could grab a dagger and reincarnate into a human, and then later get a second dagger and go back to fink.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    What are the exact mechanics and limitations of divine fire? The powers info just says "Prevents attacks from most creatures." What is most? What are creatures?

  • Whenever a mob attacks you, it will first check if you have Divinefire active. If you do, the attack doesn't go through. That's it.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Including guards? And say, Zenobia?

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    It used to block -all- attempts of aggression, but was changed the be mobs only to not affect PK. Pretty sure the "most" is only there so as to not include player beasts.
  • Beasts and ents (fae, demons, angels, fleshforms), yep! Other than that, you're safe from everything including guards and smobs.

  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Would the new fesix rune also work on satchels?

  • Talking about this on a clan, but maybe @Estarra or someone can give me better reasoning.

    Rune of the Great Fesix: Attachable to tailored packs, doubles their
    storage capacity and makes them non-decay and resetting. (150 credits)
    (Parlor of Paradoxical Packs and Peculiar Pipes)

    I don't understand this. A fesix pack is only 100db, and holds 100 items. Let's assume dingbats are 1:1 for the sake of the argument. Tailored packs only hold 50 items as a base. So this doubles to 100. But it would be better to just get a fesix pack plus custom desc (which does allow a bit more freedom in the design than a normal tailoring design.). Or am I just missing something about fesix packs and tailored packs that makes this rune worth 50credits more the fesix pack?
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    You have to spend 50 credits to customize a fesix pack. You can attach this rune to an already custom (through the design system) pack. 
  • @Enyalida I think what @Ayisdra is saying that, if credits to dingbats are 1:1, then both ways cost 150 (dingbats or credits): 100 db + 50 cr for custom fesix pack, or straight 150 cr for fesix rune. The fesix pack route, though, might allow for greater leeway with customization, which begs the question why anyone would still get the fesix rune.
    See you in Sapience.
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