Simple questions?



  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Maligorn said:
    My own question: if you purchase a customized item, like, say, my rose quartz viola, is it possible for designers to replicate the item and have it accepted? Or do reviewers have a list to go through that disallows copies of a customized item?
    I'm about 95% sure that designers don't have a list of customised items to go through. I'm also pretty sure that within reason, the admin aren't going to stop a person from designing something close to your item. If it's word for word, you might have a case about having it removed.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • That makes me think of a question to be fair. What is the point of customised artifacts if you can just design and craft one instead?
  • edited February 2017
    Custom arti's are permanant, aren't they?
    Crafted stuff aren't...
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Veyils said:
    That makes me think of a question to be fair. What is the point of customised artifacts if you can just design and craft one instead?
    Customised items are generally allowed more leeway on the special effects, so to speak.
  • Do trees & totems not bring power in anymore?
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Nope, one of the recent reports nixed power generation to make them less of a hassle. In exchange, ethereal critters are repopulated on a standard respawn timer.
  • Ok, just making sure something wasn't wrong, I must have missed that part of reports D:
  • Read announce 2702? 2703? Something like that.
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • How do I change a stage production's name? Please do not say delete and re-create, I already spent hours on this. :(
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    That's how it's done, sadly. :/
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    One trick is to do all your planning in a notepad application, with stage commands built in (e.g. backstage effect create blahblahblah, backstage scene create blahblahblah), so in the worst case scenario you can copy and paste everything back into a new production.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Veyils said:
    That makes me think of a question to be fair. What is the point of customised artifacts if you can just design and craft one instead?

    Aside from extra leeway, not everything that can be customised can be crafted. Melder/Woodchem/Wiccan/Guardian weapons, Non-rune artifacts (including manse ones), aethersuits.

    For craftables, I'm fairly sure someone got a lightsaber tahtetso and there's a sword made from ice I think.
    I need to get an ambient for it, but my cudgel is actually a staff with a pulsing glow and is living still, there's also simpler things like a kris athame. (though the latter seems like it should just be craftable if it doesn't have special effects)
  • edited February 2017
    Yeah, my psiblade nekai are a good example of something that absolutely wouldn't get passed through the crafting system and thus needs customization. You can also escape 'main noun' rules. Crafted items need to have the name of the actual item in the description ('a nice-looking longsword') whereas with customization, you can use other synonyms that don't exist in the design system ('a nice-looking falchion', 'a nice-looking cutlass') or just not have the noun in the description at all, such as when people name their weapons (Lerad stands here. He wields Tragedy in his left hand and Sorrow in his right least I think those are their names, sorry if I didn't remember correctly, Lerad.) 

    Question: If there is a guild clan which has no active members in it to induct me, can I as a GA reclaim it somehow? Tried assigning myself as the head and inducting myself, but that's doesn't quite work, at least, not in the way I went about it.
  • Kalaneya said:
    If there is a guild clan which has no active members in it to induct me, can I as a GA reclaim it somehow? Tried assigning myself as the head and inducting myself, but that's doesn't quite work, at least, not in the way I went about it.
    If the guild owns it, it's in your ledger privs.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • GUILD LEDGER CLAN <name> ASSIGN <your name>
  • Yes, my Nekai are Tragedy and Sorrow. I should show them off more often.

  • Lerad said:
    Yes, my Nekai are Tragedy and Sorrow. I should show them off more often.
    Wait, then what are Tau'S?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Just popping back in -- my own viola, at least, was meant to be not too flashy. No extra name, no deviance from design protocol (besides it having a room emote and an emote that pops up when I play Music chords at someone). The real reason I customised it, though, was that no one else could have something like it (like as if I'd submitted it through a design (even through a private cartel). =S

  • edited February 2017
    How do you find out how much money it will take for unenemying to Faethorn? Appraisement didn't work on Maeve, saying that she is not an org leader.

  • Anita said:
    How do you find out how much money it will take for unenemying to Faethorn? Appraisement didn't work on Maeve, saying that she is not an org leader.

    POLITICS <group> will tell you the leader of said group and who you go to for using appraisement and such. Maeve should work. Maeve might need to be in a special form for faethorn unenemy reason?
  • Figured it out, it was a New Moon so Faethorn wasn't very friendly!
  • Tylwyth said:
    Lerad said:
    Yes, my Nekai are Tragedy and Sorrow. I should show them off more often.
    Wait, then what are Tau'S?
    I'm going to butcher the spelling, but they're something like "Nek'sha-cree, the Grim Claws" and "Stinger of Kxzirnix".
  • Oh right, you can see why I get those mixed up. xD
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Is there any plan of adding an ability that causes mutilated arm/leg to Bonecrusher? 
  • Rolsand said:
    Is there any plan of adding an ability that causes mutilated arm/leg to Bonecrusher? 
  • Why not?
  • Because they don't need it.
  • Is there any plan to make Bonecrusher stronger? Other than changing blackout to last a extra second. 
  • Rolsand said:
    Is there any plan to make Bonecrusher stronger? Other than changing blackout to last a extra second. 
    Falmiis said:
    Falmiis said:
    Because they don't need it.

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