Simple Ideas



  • Yes.
  • Three wooords. Targeted say emotes. Same symbols as the emotes, but now in say-form!

    say to Ieptix (Stroking ^Iosai's arm as she speaks) I'll never forget the work Iosai did, but you have my heart.

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Xenthos said:
    Pectus said:
    Three wooords. Targeted say emotes. Same symbols as the emotes, but now in say-form!

    say to Ieptix (Stroking ^Iosai's arm as she speaks) I'll never forget the work Iosai did, but you have my heart.
    Let pets use targeted emotes, too...!
    YESSSSS. It irritates me that my dweller can't target emotes when her function is purely roleplay.

  • When making soothing steam (and probably wafers), make them group automatically. There's no reason to have several groups with one each when it comes to those.
  • edited September 2014
    Not sure if this is a typo or an idea, but:

            wafer66952: a group of 1000 puritydusts                    5   10000gp
            clump73972: a group of 1000 clumps                         4   50000gp

    Could we make it "a group of 1000 wafers of purity dust" and "a group of 1000 clumps of soothing steam" instead?
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    Lavinya said:
    Xenthos said:
    Pectus said:
    Three wooords. Targeted say emotes. Same symbols as the emotes, but now in say-form!

    say to Ieptix (Stroking ^Iosai's arm as she speaks) I'll never forget the work Iosai did, but you have my heart.
    Let pets use targeted emotes, too...!
    YESSSSS. It irritates me that my dweller can't target emotes when her function is purely roleplay.
    Mask and stole emotes also can't interact with objects in the player's inventory, would love for that to expand into this as well please!

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • When browsing the Library categories and subjects, can the lines following "To continue browsing, enter " be caught by MXP, by chance? It's a bit of a hassle to be in & out of the shelves/books then stop & lose track etc just browse ###'s. Clickable browsing would be helpful!
  • Not sure if it's a simple idea, or if it's been suggested before, but with the changes to browse in the library/bookshelf system, we currently get a line such as "To continue browsing, enter BROWSE ALL 9610" - Would it be possible to save this information on the character, akin to how MORE is saved, and give us a syntax such as BROWSE MORE or BROWSE NEXT?
  • It's been suggested before, yes, but nothing has come out of it so far. It should be possible though (given my rather limited knowledge of Rapture), the only question is if the reward is worth the effort.
  • edited September 2014
    Ssaliss said:
    It's been suggested before, yes, but nothing has come out of it so far. It should be possible though (given my rather limited knowledge of Rapture), the only question is if the reward is worth the effort.
    Should be doable just by adding a new entry to the node or persona databases for this (probably node, considering it doesn't need to persist past logout) and adding a new fork to the browse command method for the new command to read from this. Unless my understanding of Rapture is way off (which it may very well be, since it comes from the manual IRE has up and not any actual experience with it), the effort should be minimal and the reward of saved sanity on the player end might more than make up for it. Still, that's merely opinion based off of possibly flawed knowledge, so take it with a grain of salt.

    EDIT: Of course, that itself does come with a slight memory overhead. Depending on how Rapture handles things internally, though, and how it's coded, the overhead should be minimal. If they save as a string to capture the "ALL #", nine bytes at a minimum. Integer alone, 4 assuming Rapture uses 32-bit integers. However, given the VM-y nature of Rapture, I would not be surprised to learn of any additional memory overhead from that.

    EDIT2: I should also clarify that I am not saying that because it's probably very simple, the coders should drop everything and do it. If they work like any group of professional coders whatsoever, they usually have a severity level for any sort of report or request, and this would likely be of the lowest priority possible (usually feature request, since bugs come first). Of course, this statement is again from general experience, not knowledge of how IRE or Lusternia operates in practice. Again, grain of salt.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Couldn't you just set up a trigger to capture that line, pull the BROWSE ALL # into a variable, delete the line and substitute it with an echo of "To continue reading, enter BROWSE MORE".  Then, of course, set up an alias that fires off of browse more to send browse all #?  For something that I'd imagine could be solved extremely easily client side, seems like there wouldn't be much payoff to doing it serverside.
  • Tarkenton: Of course it could be done client-side. And you're assuming I haven't done so already. The problem is not everybody who plays Lusternia knows how to code or wishes to learn, and if a UI is non-intuitive, that's a problem that shouldn't be given a "work around it" response. Lusternia is a game built for people, not for... I can't think of a way to finish this off without making myself sound high and mighty, since I tend to fall into all of the groups I can think of who are generally expected to work with non-intuitive interfaces. Also, I might have just called myself a non-person. Oh well, you know what I mean.

    (Also, please don't mind the lack of clarity and rambling. Running a pretty high fever, so not exactly all there.)
  • Can't it just be MXP enabled.. Then the # becomes irrelevant.
  • Sabelle said:
    Can't it just be MXP enabled.. Then the # becomes irrelevant.
    Not everybody uses MXP, or wants to use it.
  • ElanorwenElanorwen The White Falconess
    Pretty sure there was an issue with browsing where it was causing monumental lag in the first place and that is why it is in the state it is. Something to do with giant queries or what-not is what I heard... I could of course be wrong (And it didn't make much sense to me in the first place being that DB access should be faster than pretty much anything else, not slower... but eh, that is what I heard)

    Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    It's really old code, but that's basically correct (afaik). When you have a 'MORE' command in the usual sense, I think it loads the entire list, and just doesn't display it. So, for really long lists, it was taking a while to load every entry, all with their linked information and full text before displaying (I think), which was causing lag.
  • Yeah, that was the issue initially. While I thought I clearly suggested just saving the "ALL #" part serverside and aliasing the "MORE" to it, it appears I only implied it, and only in the first edit of my second comment. Lack of clear communication on my part, I suppose.
  • Ieptix said:
    A ship's active power is set to 0 on implosion. If the energy reserves are less than 20%, then the reserves are set to 0, otherwise they're reduced to 20% of current.
    my ship(s) have been well above 20% reserves and blown up and come back with 0 reserves. I try and keep my ships topped off. Also on the note of blowing up a ship because of slivven, just kill the slivven and leave the ship alone, it will regenerate itself over time, it really does not take that long though may cost a small amount of power? I'm not entirely sure I have noticed a small passive drain over time on my ship and have not been able to pinpoint it other than to the ship regenerating itself over time.
    The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Module damage is uncapped though, and if a slivven has been left unnoticed for an entire week...
  • edited September 2014
    Enyalida said:
    Module damage is uncapped though, and if a slivven has been left unnoticed for an entire week...
    I've had over over 100 slivven on my modules before left for we'll say over 30 minutes to an hour. I think the amount of damage they did to my modules is pretty close to what a few did to a ship over a week and my ship still regened in a few hours/over night.
    The soft, hollow voice of Nocht, the Silent resounds within your mind as His words echo through the aether, "Congratulations, Arimisia. Your mastery of vermin cannot be disputed."

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Arimisia said:
    Enyalida said:
    Module damage is uncapped though, and if a slivven has been left unnoticed for an entire week...
    I've had over over 100 slivven on my modules before left for we'll say over 30 minutes to an hour. I think the amount of damage they did to my modules is pretty close to what a few did to a ship over a week and my ship still regened in a few hours/over night.
    I have never heard of ships regening modules before, so I have to ask - is this a small ship or one of the really big ships we're talking about? Module regen might scale to max hull just like hull regen does, which would explain a lot.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Vivet said:
    Arimisia said:
    Enyalida said:
    Module damage is uncapped though, and if a slivven has been left unnoticed for an entire week...
    I've had over over 100 slivven on my modules before left for we'll say over 30 minutes to an hour. I think the amount of damage they did to my modules is pretty close to what a few did to a ship over a week and my ship still regened in a few hours/over night.
    I have never heard of ships regening modules before, so I have to ask - is this a small ship or one of the really big ships we're talking about? Module regen might scale to max hull just like hull regen does, which would explain a lot.

    Modules definitely regenerate on their own when the ship is docked as long as the slivven has been killed; we've used that ourselves before (though generally we've always just healed it, in case we need the ship before the auto-heal finishes).
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Altrea said:
    Tarkenton: Of course it could be done client-side. And you're assuming I haven't done so already. The problem is not everybody who plays Lusternia knows how to code or wishes to learn, and if a UI is non-intuitive, that's a problem that shouldn't be given a "work around it" response. Lusternia is a game built for people, not for... I can't think of a way to finish this off without making myself sound high and mighty, since I tend to fall into all of the groups I can think of who are generally expected to work with non-intuitive interfaces. Also, I might have just called myself a non-person. Oh well, you know what I mean.

    (Also, please don't mind the lack of clarity and rambling. Running a pretty high fever, so not exactly all there.)
    I do know what you mean.  :)

    That being said, just struck me as easier for folks to code around it and just be done with it that way, for the aforementioned reason of apparently browsing caused horrendous lag.  As for the work around it response...isn't that what a lot of problems have been given?  I'm specifically thinking of easily showable/maintainable catalogs of tradeskills (get a book, copy everything out, paste into book, shelve it, update when you have new stuff) as an example of something that -could- be simplified, but hasn't been.

    All that being said, I might spend a bit of time this week whipping up a few browse more packages for Mudlet/Mush/Nexus.  Would do so now, but sleepies. 
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    An option for Trademasters to transfer designs between cartels would be so great. Perhaps build in a payment system so cartels could buy from each other.  :x

    Full disclosure: I want all the things sold at my shop to be exclusive.
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • edited September 2014
    Because of this:

    Currently, there is 1 Commune Member on this Plane and 0 on other Planes.

    I'd like an ability to use some mobs in the commune to create a coven of 3 .  Or just maybe a way to do Penumbra without a coven :P

  • Another unrelated idea:
    To prevent death due to user lag while bashing or influencing, I'd like the ability to send one alias triggered off of equilibrium or balance gain, server side :)
  • Combat Stratagems do that. I don't know if they're parsed through the alias system though.
  • Akyaevin said:
    Combat Stratagems do that. I don't know if they're parsed through the alias system though.
    Oh wow, I'll have to look into those, thanks :)
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