Thematically, some viscanti are very attractive - many, though, are not. Broadly speaking, viscanti tend towards the 'freakish mutant' aspect of themselves. That's a very broad brus… (View Post)
I've had a few alts - Estarra always kills them. :( Or imprisons them for all eternity. (I'm sorry Illith baby, papas commin' for ya someday!) (View Post)
And by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to? To die, to sleep - to sleep! Perchance to dream? Aye, there's the rub - for what dreams may come when… (View Post)
It is a bit more work. As I recall, the decision was that while painting or sketching someone who you have snubbed or visa-versa is not snub abuse, repeatedly painting someone who is snubbed for the … (View Post)