Even if you were right about the reward mechanics - and it sounds like you are wrong - I disagree that the system would be better pegged to an individual. This is fundamentally about the eco… (View Post)
I would caution players against a knee-jerk reaction. Whether this is the 'right' change or not is still up in the air, but an economic change is likely to affect more than you realize and take awhil… (View Post)
I remember being in the same spot, Rasvin. There is definitely a break-point when you reach demi where it feels like a major goal has been accomplished, and your future goals are all 'on you' to set … (View Post)
I haven't played in ages - I just logged in and opened 3 anniversary presents >.> I am statelyraven.6924 edit/ apparently I have 3 max level characters! (View Post)
I leave tomorrow morning for a long (10 day) vacation in Florida at Disneyworld. I won't be completely absent, still sneaking in to say hi and check traps/genies/etc. But if I miss something or am sl… (View Post)