Lusternia to me is about three things: Events, PvP, and RP. I have come to a point where Rasvin is going to just start purchasing things to better prepare for combat that rarely happens. When events happen, they are great in Lusternia. The lore is amazing. However, what are the day to day activities? What is it that when you reach Demi that you strive for? Is it VA? Is it getting more power for your city? I feel like it's only to build a high score. I would love to see more meaningful PvE content. I would love to see more PvP. It has been touched on that randomized events that trigger once ever so often causes issues for players that can't log in at all times. I understand scheduled events have their own issues. However, before I drop (what I consider to be) a considerable amount of money on a game then I do not want to be bored. I feel like Rasvin is just sitting around. I feel like most PvP is going to be either felt to be a nuisance or one side will have the other side by numbers. Is it me? Is it balance? Is it lack of events? Is it lack of player involvement? Is it the sting of death hurts too much?
Start a family.
Ruin your kid's lives
1. RP: This is a good portion of what kept (and keeps) me around. Finding some friends, family, rivals, whatever and playing out bits over time can be really fun and super satisfying. It doesn't always have to be super long-form or high intensity, and sometimes people are too distracted or busy for sure, but it's worth it to have those connections.
2. RP subcategory: Writing. Creating something in-character in game is great. Helps you and your city, and can give you something to be involved with, research, and also show a part of your character. I've spent ages following @Anita around as she looked at literally every fae creature she could find or think of in the entire world to categorize and catalog.
3. PvP: There are a few things going on here. One is a pattern of waxing and waning in the game, two is a changing of alliances that still feels a bit unsettled or new, third is an increased reticence on the part of players to bother with conflicts where they are significantly outnumbered or outclassed (probably combined with an increased sense of being outclassed by structural constraints, rightly or wrongly). You (probably) can't do much to affect those large trends. You can be there when there is worthwhile conflict, and prepare yourself for it. I spent so, so, so much time sparring in the months after I hit demi, and it was invaluable into making me a decent combatant.
There are also a lot of combat-relevant skills that aren't just attacking and defending, like moving around well, escaping when you are attacked, catching up with and following a leader, coordinating your attacks, etc. I don't know you well, I don't know if you enjoy the 'coding' aspect of the game, but I have spent/do spend hours and hours thinking about abilities and how/when to use them and scripting to incorporate them into my play. Group combat can be a useful learning tool, but either a) dominating as a team, or b) getting dunked on by 10 people in 10 seconds aren't really -that- useful. Spars are different than PvP writ large, but many skills are useful and transferable.
4. Get involved! Take a position in the city, join an order, set yourself a design goal, etc. Look at your guild tasks and strive for rank. These are all smaller goals that can keep you enjoying your activities and offering some direction as you continue to figure out what you enjoy the most, and how you enjoy it.
5. Shopkeeping/trades: This is a distant 5th for me. No secret I think there are serious economic issues in the game, and I think things like trade artifacts and the cost of stores are likely losers from a strict economic standpoint. However, if you can mentally 'write off' the sunk cost of a tradeskill/artifact/shop, there is something fairly satisfying imo about tracking down materials, producing and stocking items, etc.
Just go for it. If your sitting about wanting to fight just go meld up an enemy cities cosmic plan and start bashing. Worst case you get rushed by a big group and die but even then you learn a bit of a lesson in how to try and survive longer against a massive group