m&m is a curing system for Mudlet.
You can view the full features page
tl;dr version is: public system, runs on Mudlet, cures awesome, works fast (doesn't lag down in group fights), easy to use, 100% customizable priorities, built to be scripted with, includes choke curing, defences, 80cr.
System has been used for over a year now in Domoths, raids, FFAs, wargames by some of the most competent fighters in the game. Feedback has been quite positive!
The pricing of the system is simple - it's
80cr (or $22.64) for the system, and that includes all tertiaries for your class. Switching to a class of the same archetype is free; switching to another archetype is 30cr (or $10.20). Alt systems are free as well (for the archetypes you have).
System updates come regularly - for both for in-game changes, fixes, improvements and new features to the system.
Please ask any questions you have about the system and whatnot in this thread!
I'm using Mudlet 2.1, just reinstalled it 5 mins ago.
Trying to install again and getting this error:
"module 'm&m' not found:
no field package.preload['m&m']
no file 'C:/Documents and Settings/kat/My Documents/Games/Lusternia/m&m'
no file 'C:/Documents and Settings/kat/My Documents/Games/Lusternia/m&m.lua'
no file 'C:/Documents and Settings/kat/My Documents/Games/Lusternia/m&m.dll'
no file 'C:/Documents and Settings/kat/My Documents/Games/Lusternia/m&m.so'
no file '.\m&m.dll'
no file 'C:\Documents and Settings\kat\Local Settings\Application Data\Mudlet\m&m.dll'
no file 'C:\Documents and Settings\kat\Local Settings\Application Data\Mudlet\loadall.dll'"
I've done everything I can think to fix it, but I don't know what's going on. I've redownloaded m&m, I've removed all existing saved profiles from Mudlet. I know that those filepaths are for what m&m used to be installed under but I'm not sure how to actually get it reinstalled. Following all of the directions.
I've tried debugging it myself, but I am miserable at anything beyond simple convenience scripting. Can anybody give me some pointers, or at least reassure me that it works fine for them and it's my fault? Hehe
I've tried debugging it myself, but I am miserable at anything beyond simple convenience scripting. Can anybody give me some pointers, or at least reassure me that it works fine for them and it's my fault? Hehe
mm.app(false) -- unpauses
-- replace your attack here
if not mm.dorepeat then
mmba.addr("bor beast order attack " .. janalon_pvetar .. "", true)
mm.dor("kata perform " .. janalon_pvetar .. " hunt", true)
mm.dorepeat = true
mm.dor(nil, true)
mm.dorepeat = false
And then what happens when you are under aeon while sliven hunting?
You failed to think this one through.
If you're interested in getting your m&m setup for multiple classes, you already can. Out of the box, it is workable, but not optimal.
Similar to how m&m already supports highmagic and lowmagic in one - but where you want to change your mmconfigs for powercures to disable one set and enable another set - classes are supported as well. That is, you can have multiple classes included in your m&m, but there is no mmconfig class <switch to a new one> in yet - all of them will be enabled, every class skill will want to defup and keepup that you've got - so you'll want to juggle enabling/disabling those sets for the moment yourself.
For reference, my current defenses as well as defup and keepup config:
(m&m): Your current defences (36):
[ ] amberbeer [ ] darkbeer [ ] oolongtea
[X] thirdeye [ ] riding [X] garb
[ ] psishield [X] nightsight [ ] obliviousness
[X] insomnia [X] kafe [ ] metawake
[ ] curio [ ] planarbond [X] frost
[ ] selfishness [ ] lipread [ ] yoyo
[ ] aethersight [ ] charismaticaura [X] fire
[ ] protection [ ] nightsweats [ ] kirigami
[ ] performance [X] truedeaf [ ] breath
[ ] keeneye [ ] attune [ ] galvanism
[ ] whitetea [ ] greentea [X] deathsense
[ ] blacktea [ ] lovedef [ ] rebounding
[X] trueblind [X] quicksilver [ ] truetime
[ ] wetfold
(m&m): Nekotai defences:
[ ] deflectleft [ ] screeleft [X] deflectright
[X] grip [ ] screeright [X] scorpiontail
[ ] scorpionfury
(m&m): Psychometabolism defences:
[X] psiregeneration [ ] forcedsymmetry [ ] pheromones
[ ] lifedrain [X] mindfield [X] gliding
[ ] enhancementspread [X] enhancementdexterity [ ] enhancementstrength
[X] energycontainment [ ] introspection [ ] biocurrents
[ ] suspendedanimation [ ] bonedensity [ ] doublepain
[ ] bloodboil [X] ironskin
(m&m): Lowmagic defences:
[X] red [ ] shield [ ] autumn
[ ] orange [ ] blue [ ] yellow
(m&m): Psionics defences:
[ ] biofeedbackmagic [X] psisense [X] mindbar
[ ] bodydensity [ ] biofeedbackcold [ ] psiarmour
[ ] secondsight [ ] ironwill [ ] biofeedbackelectric
[ ] biofeedbackfire
(m&m): Stealth defences:
[ ] awareness [ ] veil [ ] whisper
[ ] eavesdrop [X] sneak [ ] mislead
[ ] screen [ ] infiltrate [X] bracing
[X] agility [ ] deepcover [ ] masquerade
(m&m): Enchantment defences:
[X] beauty [ ] levitation [X] nimbus
[X] waterbreathing [ ] deathsight [ ] goldenbox
[X] acquisitio [ ] emeraldbox [X] kingdom
[ ] waterwalk [X] avaricehorn [X] mercy
[X] perfection [ ] azurebox
(m&m): Acrobatics defences:
[ ] adroitness [ ] falling [ ] handstand
[ ] hyperventilate [ ] tripleflash [ ] hyperactive
[ ] elasticity [ ] balancing [ ] avoid
[ ] limber
(m&m): Additional defences:
[X] domoth minor war [X] nightwraith
(m&m): Basic defup defences (click to toggle):
[ ] amberbeer [ ] darkbeer [ ] oolongtea
[X] thirdeye [ ] riding [X] garb
[ ] psishield [X] nightsight [ ] obliviousness
[X] insomnia [X] kafe [ ] metawake
[ ] curio [ ] planarbond [X] frost
[ ] selfishness [ ] lipread [ ] yoyo
[ ] aethersight [ ] charismaticaura [X] fire
[ ] protection [ ] nightsweats [ ] kirigami
[ ] performance [X] truedeaf [ ] breath
[ ] keeneye [ ] attune [ ] galvanism
[ ] whitetea [ ] greentea [X] deathsense
[ ] blacktea [ ] lovedef [ ] rebounding
[ ] trueblind [X] quicksilver [ ] truetime
[ ] wetfold
(m&m): Nekotai defences:
[ ] deflectleft [ ] screeleft [X] deflectright
[X] grip [ ] screeright [X] scorpiontail
[X] scorpionfury
(m&m): Psychometabolism defences:
[X] psiregeneration [ ] forcedsymmetry [ ] pheromones
[ ] lifedrain [X] mindfield [X] gliding
[ ] enhancementspread [X] enhancementdexterity [ ] enhancementstrength
[X] energycontainment [ ] introspection [ ] biocurrents
[ ] suspendedanimation [X] bonedensity [ ] doublepain
[ ] bloodboil [X] ironskin
(m&m): Lowmagic defences:
[X] red [ ] shield [ ] autumn
[ ] orange [ ] blue [ ] yellow
(m&m): Psionics defences:
[ ] biofeedbackmagic [X] psisense [X] mindbar
[X] bodydensity [ ] biofeedbackcold [ ] psiarmour
[X] secondsight [ ] ironwill [ ] biofeedbackelectric
[X] biofeedbackfire
(m&m): Stealth defences:
[ ] awareness [ ] veil [ ] whisper
[ ] eavesdrop [X] sneak [ ] mislead
[ ] screen [ ] infiltrate [X] bracing
[X] agility [ ] deepcover [ ] masquerade
(m&m): Enchantment defences:
[X] beauty [ ] levitation [X] nimbus
[X] waterbreathing [ ] deathsight [ ] goldenbox
[X] acquisitio [ ] emeraldbox [X] kingdom
[ ] waterwalk [X] avaricehorn [X] mercy
[X] perfection [ ] azurebox
(m&m): Acrobatics defences:
[ ] adroitness [ ] falling [ ] handstand
[ ] hyperventilate [ ] tripleflash [ ] hyperactive
[ ] elasticity [ ] balancing [ ] avoid
[ ] limber
(m&m): Basic keepup defences (click to toggle):
[ ] amberbeer [ ] darkbeer [ ] oolongtea
[X] thirdeye [ ] riding [X] garb
[ ] psishield [X] nightsight [ ] obliviousness
[X] insomnia [X] kafe [ ] metawake
[ ] curio [ ] planarbond [X] frost
[ ] selfishness [ ] lipread [ ] yoyo
[ ] aethersight [ ] charismaticaura [X] fire
[ ] protection [ ] nightsweats [ ] kirigami
[ ] performance [X] truedeaf [ ] breath
[ ] keeneye [ ] attune [ ] galvanism
[ ] whitetea [ ] greentea [X] deathsense
[ ] blacktea [ ] lovedef [ ] rebounding
[ ] trueblind [X] quicksilver [ ] truetime
[ ] wetfold
(m&m): Nekotai defences:
[ ] deflectleft [ ] screeleft [X] deflectright
[X] grip [ ] screeright [X] scorpiontail
[X] scorpionfury
(m&m): Psychometabolism defences:
[X] psiregeneration [ ] forcedsymmetry [ ] pheromones
[ ] lifedrain [X] mindfield [X] gliding
[ ] enhancementspread [X] enhancementdexterity [ ] enhancementstrength
[X] energycontainment [ ] introspection [ ] biocurrents
[ ] suspendedanimation [X] bonedensity [ ] doublepain
[ ] bloodboil [X] ironskin
(m&m): Lowmagic defences:
[X] red [ ] shield [ ] autumn
[ ] orange [ ] blue [ ] yellow
(m&m): Psionics defences:
[ ] biofeedbackmagic [X] psisense [X] mindbar
[X] bodydensity [ ] biofeedbackcold [ ] psiarmour
[X] secondsight [ ] ironwill [ ] biofeedbackelectric
[X] biofeedbackfire
(m&m): Stealth defences:
[ ] awareness [ ] veil [ ] whisper
[ ] eavesdrop [X] sneak [ ] mislead
[ ] screen [ ] infiltrate [X] bracing
[X] agility [ ] deepcover [ ] masquerade
(m&m): Enchantment defences:
[X] beauty [ ] levitation [X] nimbus
[X] waterbreathing [ ] deathsight [ ] goldenbox
[X] acquisitio [ ] emeraldbox [X] kingdom
[ ] waterwalk [X] avaricehorn [X] mercy
[X] perfection [ ] azurebox
(m&m): Acrobatics defences:
[ ] adroitness [ ] falling [ ] handstand
[ ] hyperventilate [ ] tripleflash [ ] hyperactive
[ ] elasticity [ ] balancing [ ] avoid
[ ] limber
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
In fact, you don't even need to set secondsight to defup, just set trueblind to defup and it'll use secondsight if it has a free psi balance to.
There's no way to make it use 3 psi balances automatically without adding tweaks, so use whatever fix you want to do it. Neos' suggestion is good. I personally just have all the psi defences that don't lock a channel put onto aliases that puts them up 3 at a time, and I run through those aliases manually before I hit my bashing or combat defmode.
Setting m&m to use defup or keepup locked channel defences never worked for me. I haven't tried lately, though, Vadi might have updated to code to do it. But it's a bad idea anyway. I just have a bunch of aliases that set up which channels to lock with what defences. For example, I have an alias that sets me up for physical bashing locks, bloodboil, regen, psiarmour. Another that sets me up for magical bashing locks with a variable that lets me specify which biofeedback type to use etc.
tl;dr - Just manual it.