The Studio Ghibli Mafia Game! - TOWN WINS!



  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we not have a mafia kill on night one if Sidd killed Yarith?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • We did not have a mafia kill on night 2, when I killed Yarith
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Never mind, miscounted.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • They seemed to have attacked Cyndarin, so we can put her on the 'safe' list, so that give us a greater than 50% chance of hitting scum. (Assuming my numbers are correct.)
  • I could get behind Sidd lynch if we have nothing better to go after by the time day ends. Day kill
    power really could be town or scum. It's always risky for scum with that power to try and pull it off with he attention, but taking out two people with, with the possibility that they might be rival killers would certainly be very tempting. If they did turn out to be a Calcifer/Howl duo arsonist team he'd be totally in the clear.

    A vigilante with day kill just trying to take out an arson and just get a line of inquiry over with is honestly equally possibly though. Sidd wasn't heavily involved in that discussion until he stepped in to end it, so I'm not getting a really good read on him.

    Letting a day killer slide bit us in the butt in the Elder Wars mafia game though, and kinda don't want to let that happen again.
  • This is what I get for letting a draft post sit for a few minutes and not refreshing before posting, missed the claim to kill Yarith gotta think on that.
  • What made you decide to kill Yarith?
  • damn! i tracked cyndarin last night. she didnt target anyone. either her power is passive or we have a blocker
  • 1) I thought I might be targeted that night, I pushed hard for Tremula, which maybe would make me a good scapegoat, but they had that with Kelly and Saobutt anyway (how things change right?) I wanted to use my nightkill (I only had one) before I was picked off anyway.

    2) At that point, I had assumed 4 mafia and at least 1 3rd party. We had 10 questionable people left, so I had a 50/50 shot at getting someone. I figured people lying low and not commenting a lot would be prime targets, I settled on Ess and Yarith, flipped a coin, and Yarith won. 
  • Any thoughts on Thyelleia(?)
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Vote Count:

    With 11 now alive, it is 6 to reach a majority lynch.

    Mob Mentality is in effect.

    (Day Three will end at 9pm EST on Thursday, 10/5, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I'm not sure a member of the mafia would have a daykill. In Sylandra's game anyways, her games don't go wild with powers typically. That's the sole reason I'm not behind a Sidd lynch. I'd prefer he put down the chainsaw, though. 

    Also he's impulsive so I wasn't all that surprised he responded the way he did. I don't know why everyone was crawling up Saobutt's....butt (lol) to begin with. New players are vague until they learn being vague just makes people uncomfortable. 

    Given that the claim was lover/mason, we really should have given them time to confirm one another. 


    I don't know the lore or story behind any of this, so it's all gibberish to me. I'm still comfortable with Arix, I still don't find the defense of his prying all that compelling. Alternatively, Vivet because Vivet fools me every single game. 
  • Arix said:
    Any thoughts on Thyelleia(?)
    Before I go to sleep now (yay...time zomes...) and wake up to being lynched in the morning because I could not defend myself: I'm not making role claims but my character would NEVER hurt another person, let alone kill them unless there is some creepy twisted doujinshi that would probably destroy the childhood of anybody who viewed it in the most horrible way...luckily I have not found one yet
  • I don't you're likely to get hit by a lynch train, was mostly seeing if anyone'd heard from you
  • Also I just saw your post about moving that I missed before
  • Ah, okay. That being said, I'm not sure who to pick. Sure, Sidd is a vigilante but he might be of use in the future (given that he's town or a third party that's not interested in deliberately killing town). Summary for myself: two dead townies who didn't have any special powers, a vigilante with a day kill, 3-4 mafia left and me with no clue who to vote for since I haven't seen or heard anything suspicious. I was believing Saobutt to 90% since her role really did make sense but in my eyes, she was also the one who was talking about her role the most which made her a tiny bit suspicious. But on the other hand, defending yourself is understandable when lots of people are poking into you. I hope, I'm not babbling's late.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    As a general rule of thumb, don't hint around or be vague about your role. That was Saobutt's downfall. I understand the impulse to do so, that people (presumably town) will hopefully pick up on the hints and draw conclusions about your role.

    However, it's not all that helpful. Especially in obscurely themed games like this. If you're going to claim, claim an allegiance, claim a power, and affirm it all with a role, and don't do any of that until it's necessary and there's a benefit. 

    Intentionally leaving a grey area may feel like a defense, but it just leaves room for town suspicion, in a game where it serves the town well to be suspicious. Keep it black and white. 
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    pt 2. Vague claiming is 100% a mafia move. Mafia run the risk of claiming a town role when they claim. Vague claim lets them feel out what roles are out there, and gives them room to pivot if necessary because they never hard claimed. 
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Oh man. The plays. Ya'll are giving me the risk itch, I kind of wanna go crazy too. But I'll do my best to be mannerly and behave.

    Sidd claiming Yarith's kill and the manner in which the daykill flavour matches up make me inclined to think he is town. He's definitely not mafia, at least. If he's a third party/serial killer, he's basically outted himself to all his enemies with night kills, which would be a very bad move for someone playing only for themselves. Lynching him would just be town giving itself more of a disadvantage.

    Cyndarin is very likely town. There's a slim chance the mafia decided not to plot a kill at all tonight and this claimed targetting is a rouse, but that would bank on no tracker/watcher type catching them up. It would be a very risky mafia play to make.

    Portius was jailed the night Silvanus got whacked. Which this isn't concrete, the fact it happened makes me more inclined to trust him.

    I expect Shaddus is town because jailer is a very town-centred role.

    And I'm willing to generally trust Ordassa in spite of his quirks. If he's been lying then I expect he'll trip himself up sooner or later given what we've already seen.

    So for people I don't have a general opinion of, that leaves:


    Of those, I still got some strange vibes on Arix in relation to inquiries with how precisely Cyndarin survived, but I'm not totally sure how much I want to push at that angle. Doesn't feel adequate. Kaimanahi had a fantastic theory reminiscent of Ushaara and I, which turned out very wrong, but I'm not sure if that's necessarily punishable (especially when in my case it might be quite hypocritical).

    I might need to sleep on this before feeling confident in placing a vote on someone.

  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Actually, nevermind. I think I do have a more grounded opinion now.

    While I've narrowed down the possibilities to these five in my mind, it's actually really hard to pick at them. Thyelleia's been pretty under the radar, and Othero feels like he's been playing a bit passive relative to the risks he's willing to bank on as town, but right now this is standing out to me.

    Lehki said:
    I could get behind Sidd lynch if we have nothing better to go after by the time day ends. 
    See, I can appreciate Lehki's logic and all, but the manner and general lackadaisical feel I'm getting is making me uncomfortable. At this point, I feel like you should either be convinced Sidd is town (for the reasons I gave in the last post) or that he's too dangerous to let slide because you think his play was way too bold - and not hanging in this limbo of "well if we have no better options we should kill him". IMO, this reads like scum who see a distinctly menacing enemy in plain sight, but don't want to seem overeager about having town eliminate them and spare the trouble.

    I might be overreading that, but the fact of the matter is I have the day off tomorrow. I'll have time to be around and chat and stuff. So in the interest of keeping up pressure and conversation until the day's end,

    Vote: Lehki

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Vote Count:
    @Lehki: Vivet (1)

    With 11 now alive, it is 6 to reach a majority lynch.

    Mob Mentality is in effect:
    Based on the current votes, @Lehki will be lynched at the end of the dayphase.

    (Day Three will end at 9pm EST on Thursday, 10/5, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • In my defense, you can see in my triple post mess there that I hadn't actually read that he had claimed the Yarith kill when I posted that, which I agree pretty clearly indicates him as town now.  The post was supposed to be in reply to Ordassa voting for Sidd and not just a general statement, I probably would have tagged him if I had realized there was going to be like 8 new posts between his and mine.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    Mmm. And I completely forgot about the busdrivery thing too, which my morning review is pushing back into my mind as I look things over.

    This is probably one of the more perplexing things we got going on, since Portius' description of the jailing makes it sound like there is a specific text to describe the exact mechanical outcome of the night results while what you experienced, for whatever reason, does not. And it's pretty much impossible to understand why that might be without anything for comparison, or knowing Sylandra's specific intentions.

    But for the sake of clarification, you're pretty sure at this point it is busdriving, and the intended targets for whatever were yourself and a second, unspecified person?

    We still haven't had a second party speak up about that. In fact, I think the general consensus is no one else noticed anything, right?


    *peer peer*

  • Sorry about earlier. I get spooked pretty easily and this is only my second time playing a mafia game on a forum.

    Answering Vivet's last question: Yep, that's the case for me. So far my nights have been pretty uneventful.
  • The text of it was that I got lost in some tunnels and did not end up where I intended. I didn't want to immediately assume bus driver since nobody that bumped into it and the only thing 100% certain is that I didn't visit my intended target.
  • Since nobody else bumped into it, that is. Blah. 
  • Did you say you knew who you were directed to?
  • Yeah, Arix asked you if you were told who you got redirected to, and you said that ' I did, yes'

    But now it sounds like you don't know?
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