Traps are a bit stupid :D



  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    What was the decision made? Sounds like a fair option would be to either auto-declare when you Scry/farscout or make it so that if you don't declare someone who has mindfield up (when you have PK CAREFUL ON), they don't show up on Farscout. 
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    The decision was: "If no declare is in effect, your artifact/skill do nothing at all." The normal scry resolution happened.  Basically turned the artifact into an expensive paperweight.

    Yes, I agree that there are other possible options.  I think the farscout one was mentioned in comments at some point.  But the best is still, to me, to just let it function the way it did.  Nobody ever died to Mindfield without intentionally doing so.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Only cheese I can think of offhand is to intentionally let yourself get hit with mindfield to clear bully status, then try to grief/chaingank someone to Newton, but even then that sounds like the kind of thing that might earn you a visit to the local hedgerow.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    For a bit of time after the ninja change, if you scried someone when they were in enemy territory they autodeclared you.

    I may have lodged just a few complaints about that until it got fixed. *cough*
  • I think the only people complaining about it were Lerad and Xenthos.
  • Ohhh I wondered what all did that. I scried Steingrim when I had starleaper up. That was fun. /uselesstangent
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    I don't see why the change was made in the first place, you elected to scry therefore you elected to submit yourself to the risk of mindfield backlash.

    The declaring seems stupid, especially when being off prime when farscouting requires you to declare in a PK ffa zone.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Falmiis said:
    I think the only people complaining about it were Lerad and Xenthos.
    If more people had known about it, there would have been way more complaints.

    For example, if I scried you in the Illithoid Prison, all of my buddies could then defend me and murder you even if you left the area before anyone got there.  Having the artifact (or the skill) made you declare people scrying you.

    Complaints on that front are pretty warranted.  :P
  • Yea it seemed like the change made the artifact a liability. Which is a legitimate thing to complain about.

    Then the change to fix that just shifted scrys in a clunky manner and stuff.
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