Traps are kind of
I've just recently taken up tracking and been playing around with it to get a few numbers on things and such.
Trapping an area is such a big advantage, no ones going to deny that, for any kind of event its a huge delay for the attacking team to push through traps to get to the enemy. Even if you have a number of trackers with you its still a balance to take down the trap. Similar to breaking melds.
For wild nodes/domoths/villages or such I could pop up there early and trap the entire place and then I could easily hop around and force my enemy to trip/deal with every single one of my traps.
Personally I'm not seeing why a tracker should be able to give such a big advantage to their own team by acting days or like even weeks in advance. It's not like you can put a meld up there two weeks before hand can call it a day.
Also I've been timing
it and it can take roughly twenty minutes to disarm and retrap an
already trapped area. Which sounds like a lot of fun doesn't it
I was thinking why not make it so that all traps are taken away at the start of an event? The village code has it available to trigger to remove traps on a certain event so it dosn't seem like it'd be that hard(hopefully) that for example once a village/wildnode/domoth starts all the traps are removed from the area.
Traps would still be useful and powerful and if you give your enemy 20 mins to trap up the entire area then sure they get an advantage, if not then smart use of a smaller number of traps would still be very useful for a team but its no longer a case of the entire area is spam covered in traps.
I know a lot of people like keeping them up 100% for defense of cosmic/elemental etc planes so they can still do this but
What would peoples thoughts on this be?
This will make traps less onerous, though may not completely solve the issue.
The same issue is there, its still a huge delay etc. That change just fixed the in room combat pit spam to counter tumble and such.
PS: Being able to trap an entire area up for your team in a few seconds is making them stronger. Making them per-room instead of per-exit is a good first step. We can see where to go from there.
PPS: Removing traps from event areas is fine, and I don't think you will find much opposition to that. My opposition to auto removal has been more in terms of defense and the like-- an enemy force walking in and full pitting an area in 3 minutes is way, way too much to be either fair or fun.
Reset on event start or non decay in home territory would sort of work out the same give or take, either sound good.
Make it so!
Non-decay in org territory (so defenders have them up)
Anything else decays in 1hr
Also - maybe the coalbin thing should only allow one free comm pit a day (instead of unlimited free pits)
And I did, in fact, support solution 1 of that report. So, basically, you really did not read the report before making commentary.
06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!
06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!
Anyway, one trap per room sounds interesting. Might make things a little more fair.
Shedrin talked about possible options ahead of slapping up a report and came up with some things almost all of the Warrior envoys liked (I think only the UG objected to the one-per-room). I absolutely agree that one per room should help streamline things, and hopefully make tracking less of a "primary" skillset that you are doing all the time in favour of being a support set. We should be able to make further adjustments as needed, but I am anticipating this being a pretty fundamental change to the trapping meta.
While not explicitly stated, I am also pretty sure that it will cause a one-time wipe of all traps in the game. Don't think there is a good way to convert from one system to the new... certainly not one worth the coding time.
"Solution #3: Add in a decay time for pits if placed in territory that is not within the
Do you not know how this works at all?
Edit: And to edit, as I originally stated, he had another version of the report and deleted it and all its comments in their entirety so that the admin wouldn't be able to see our concerns with what he was proposing. Heck, since it was deleted we can't even copy/paste snippets from that one here, as it is Gone. So, yeah. There was backlash. And it is pretty understandable that there was, in my opinion.
Regardless of the comments on a previous version of the report, the solution presented by people in this thread to satisfy your concerns WAS in the final version of the report - if you actually read it. It and other resolutions to the issues you raised were brought up in the comments and promptly ignored.
Anywayyssss. Decay timers are a good idea for a lot of reasons, and making org territory traps not decay is a pretty good compromise. There are other possible solutions or refinements that would resolve objections to decay timers, but that's a pretty good blanket start. I also rather like removing traps on the start of events. With the changes to melds dropping on the caster's death and earlier changes nerfing the power of shrines in conflict areas, things have overall moved gradually away from pre-made insta-fortresses, which I believe will in the long run make combat more dynamic and less reliant on having a small core of people who do nothing but constantly prep the entire game so that they merely have to show up to swing a massive advantage to their side. So yeah, let's do that stuff.
Would have been far easier and better to just put it back to where it started, imo.
The report was intended to address this change to require declaration on the side of the person being scried that was neither announced or asked for. The end effect of the decision was to swap need-to-declare from scryee to scryer.
Would still be better to just put it back the way it was to start.