I snagged the small pack and pulled a Fiora and an Uda. Not even mad.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
got an Esna too, which I may try to boost up and switch out with Diana for the status removal. It'll make up for Elimo's lack of curing until I get the room for her 7*
So, the total is anima Quaid, anima Feeva, Lord Lilly Matah, Lord Dion, Oracle Raaga, Breaker Carrol and an Oracle Shida from the tickets and gems. A few crap summons lumped in there with those, but man that door liked me today.
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
If you go to the Hunter place, it'll tell you when the calculating is over.
@Tark: Shida is supposed to be one of the best Frontier Hunter mobs to take. Get him to 6*, and his SBB adds all elements to your party's attacks.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
You totally breezed past me in levels, @Synkarin! (please carry on using Quaid as a lead, I love him)
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
Hey folks, I just want to share some practices that have worked for me in clearing Terminus(I've been grinding Terminus for the past 4 FH seasons averaging at 1.3 to 1.5M points, which is pretty much okay considering that I was/am currently under level 150). Grinding the Terminus dungeon will net you enough points to at least get HR+2. The primary focus of this guide is to clear Terminus. Grinding the Terminus for points shall be discussed in another post(if ever).
Decide if you are going for an offensive or for a defensive team.
Your usual quest or arena team(which is likely an all-out offensive
team) will likely be inefficient. You want efficiency as opposed to maxing out damage. Efficiency means you do not want units that provide the same primary/secondary buff whenever possible, i.e. having two spark buffers in your team. You will want the 5 unit slots under your control to be effective enough to at least clear the entire Terminus dungeon. Do not forget that similar buffs will wipe the older one, regardless of their potency. Rosetta's spark buff can be replaced by a weaker spark buff(such as Lario's/6 star Claire's) if they are used in the same turn. If you are faced with a similar situation, what is important is the order in which you use the BB/SBB. The latest buff replaces the last one if they are similar!
Essential Units
Always bring a mitigator. They are crucial to survival.
Bring a healer if your squad has difficulty tanking, i.e. your HC drops don't always heal you back to full, especially if your average unit hp is under 11k.
Bring a status cleanser/immunity buffer.
Always bring a BB gauge maintenance unit.
Spark buffs contributes to points(spark damage). Bring a spark buffer if you can.
Crit buffs(crit rate+,crit dmg+) helps you clear the dungeon, too.
Bring an elemental buffer if you can. Elemental weakness contributes to points.
Bring a def buffer if you can. For the tanks.
Bring an atk if your damage is still lacking. The attrition game is in the enemy's favor so you want to kill them in 3 turns(for most points). Barring that, you just want them dead before their scripted ultimate attacks(which hurt) kick in.
For FH Terminus, you want your units to have as much HP as possible. Equip your units with your best stat boosting spheres as your primary sphere choice. If your units have two sphere slots, you either want a BC/HC drop/efficiency booster or a BC regen/turn or a BC regen when attacking/attacked sphere. Some spheres are better than others. You can look up the numbers online for each sphere.
You must also take into consideration the units themselves before you equip the spheres. For example, my Shera(mitigator, atk up for the secondary buff) has the GGC sphere Dandelda(30%hp+BB up/turn) and a BB regen/turn sphere(I'll place the name later). In the arena, this translates to having a full BB gauge by the end of the first turn. In the FH, where we have BB gauge maintenance issues, this means that I can almost always mitigate every turn. This is important as I have no healer(Elimo, come out of that gate!) and I rely on a combination of HC drop as well as health regen spheres.
Out of the 7 stages, the Terminus dungeons often have two stages with only one opponent and generally one stage with two opponents. This will affect your BC & HC generation. Thus, it is best to build your team around anticipating minimum BC & HC production. Ideally, this is done with variants of the following leader skills: BB fill on attack, BB fill on spark, BC & HC fill/drop on spark, basically anything that helps you sustain your BB gauge each round.
In my experience, the current meta is best approached with a 30% hp and BB sustaining leads. This is true even for those above level 200(whose concern really lies in not killing enemies outright but we'll talk more on that later). Against solo or a pair of enemies, BB fill on spark leads work fine, but over the course of an extended fight, a BB fill on attack/getting attacked may be more efficient.
To cite a few examples of leader combos:
Oguro(30% hp+BB fill on getting attacked) + Lily Matah/Diana
Oguro/Colt/Griel/etc + Deemo/Rosetta/Raaga(BB fill on spark)
HP lead + Lario/Feeva
For sub units, you want high hit counts/drop checks, acceptable damage output, and, if possible, BC/HC drop/efficiency buffs. When discussing BB maintenance, it is important to consider units that can fill your BB gauge by a certain amount upon using BB/SBB/UBB. Clutch BB filling can spell the difference between life and death, especially if your healer/mitigator, among other units, are close to getting their BB gauges filled. Units like Zelnite, Lucca, and Medina can fill your BB gauge instantly. When all your units have full BB gauges, you want to use the clutch bb fill after the other units have used their BB/SBB for maximum efficiency. Otherwise, you want to focus on your healer/mitigator. Other units also grant a BB fill per turn buff, this comes in usefully when you are wanting in BB gauge maintenance.
It is also important to note how different units maintain BB gauges and how you can use this to your advantage. We'll take Oguro, Feeva and Medina as examples. Feeva boosts BC/HC generation and efficiency. On the other hand, Medina outright fills your BB, and grants a BB regen when attacked buff - one of the most useful buffs/leader skills in Terminus. Oguro's BB buff fills your BB gauge for 3 turns. Since these buffs are all different, they all stack! Furthermore, if you're using Oguro as a leader, his LS stacks with Medina's buff as well. Do not forget that BC efficiency boosting spheres and even BC regen/turn spheres also stack with these buffs!
That's all for now. I'll write a continuation next time. It will discuss some other finer points of the Terminus dungeon(HP maintenance, elemental damage, crit damage, 1-3 turn kills). I hope this helps!
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
edited July 2015
Finally to level 90 with a full team.
Shera (mitigator)
Feeva (leader)
I kind of want to replace Ciara. She has a super high attack but otherwise she's kind of meh. I already have a damage+ with Feeva's SBB.
The units I haven't sold:
Kira (I'd use him because the crit buff is nice but he's Oracle so his health is trash)
Rowgen (awesome but not so great for questing since his BB is one target only)
Edea (supposedly awesome but 1 target BB, might replace Shera with her once I have room for her 6*)
Just got an anima Yuura. Amazeballs. Infinite SBB boss killer with a new mechanic for an extra hit at the end of the turn. It functions just like poison but scales with attack and can ctit.
Stats could be better but I only have him up to 6. I'm trying to be careful of which ones I make 7 so I don't get stuck with a roster of units I can't afford to put in a team.
Edea only becomes awesome once she hits her 7s evolution(mitigator+status affliction buff). Shera is one of the best 6s mitigators, really. Keep using her! Her 6s form has an aoe SBB. 26 hits, too.
For harder content(bosses w/c you have difficulty tanking), you can use Ulkina, Emeldia and Rigness as backups.
Narza is a defensive mitigator. His SBB doesn't have damage on top of the mitigation but it does grant you a BB up upon getting attacked buff.
Rowgen has an infinite SBB once reaching 6s. He's one of the hardest hitters, too. Useful for trials.
If you want to replace Ciara, Kira is your best bet because of the crit buff. With Feeva's BC/HC generation, you should be able to keep him alive. Otherwise, Tridon, Ahvel(for status cleansing), Ardin, Medina and Zephyr would be fine, really.
@Llandros I wish I rolled a Yuura myself! We do have a 4 gem/summon thing going on, so I hope to get good pulls, at least. Good luck to everyone!
Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"
Uh, I saw this discussion post and went to the app store and downloaded Brave Frontier.
O M G.
I literally went to bed at like 11pm but stayed awake until 3am when my phone died.
I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun!!
Any advice for a newbie? I've been taking my strongest unit of each element and fusing them with all lesser units of the same element. I also spent that entire like 4 hours on the karma/experience Vortex thing? I was gaining levels like mad and making like a hundred thousand karma, which I used to upgrade my farm and such, hopefully that wasn't dumb of me.
The thing is whenever I do a quest I notice everyone else at my same level has a MAX LEVEL summoned creature thing. How is that possible??? I'm like level 29 (thanks to INSANE exp gain from that vortex event place thingy) but my summoned creature person is lvl 15 (who is a 5 star thanks to some gem-MEGA RARE summon thing) despite fusing every single red creature into her and also all the like daily login thingies, etc. How do people get theirs to max level so dang fast?! what am I missing?
Thanks for getting me addicted to ANOTHER game people. Sheesh!
(in-app-name: Cadica, of course. Can we be friends?)
I started with like 4 gems and got a MEGA RARE summon when I followed the tutorial to do so, which is my main creature: Pyro Spin Ruby.
After completing tons of other missions and getting several more gems I've done a couple more rare summons and got:
Burning Pike Claire and Holy Defender RInon.
Right now I've put all my fusing energy and stuff into Pyro Spin Ruby because I got her on my first try and only right before I went to bed used the gems I'd gained to summon the latter two.
What should I do with them? Which is better? Can I keep advancing my Pyro Spin Ruby? She's lvl 15, ther others are lvl 1. I'm currently summoning Pyro and Burning together because I can only pick 2 of my 3 rares to summon because of costs, and I already have like a lvl 12 ish Light creature who only costs like 5 ish to summon so I didn't want to replace him with the new Light mega rare summon.
Anyway, friends and advice and help welcome!!
Cyndarinused Flamethrower! It was super effective.
edited July 2015
Claire is beastly. I use her. She's ranked as one of the top 10 units by most of the info sites I can find.
edit: Siam posted a few pages back with a long term tier list for the units, which is where I pull a lot of my info from and built my team with. Claire is on the Godly tier.
So should I use her as my leader and try to level her then? What do I do with my Pyro Spin Ruby in the meantime who is level 15?
Right now i'm using both--they both cost 19 and I can handle that, but I have my pyro spin as the leader. Sounds like I should swap that to Claire? I'll read the rest of this whole thread. I just saw the title, Brave Frontier thread and decided to look into it last night...next thing I know it's 3am and I'm still trying to hold my phone up while half-passed out in my bed from exhaustion until the phone finally died haha. Good times! Excited to progress.
We'll need your ID to add you, if you browse the earlier pages, you'll see our ID's and can add us.
The only way to level units is through fusing, but special units give massive xp.
Make sure you are checking out Randall - Administration Office and receive your key every weekday, also look at the Mission Challenges
The metal keys give you access to the metal parades which is how people level units quickly. The Gods and Crystals are the best, but the ghosts and kings are decent.
I'm not familiar with your units, but I know Claire is suppose to be great, so you may want to use her first
Other than that, you're doing things right, gain summoner levels to boost your cost (I'm still doing that) and use gems to summon units to build a solid team. Use the bravefrontier wiki or the long tier spreadsheet linked earlier in this thread to compare units to save.
@Tark: Shida is supposed to be one of the best Frontier Hunter mobs to take. Get him to 6*, and his SBB adds all elements to your party's attacks.
Decide if you are going for an offensive or for a defensive team. Your usual quest or arena team(which is likely an all-out offensive team) will likely be inefficient. You want efficiency as opposed to maxing out damage. Efficiency means you do not want units that provide the same primary/secondary buff whenever possible, i.e. having two spark buffers in your team. You will want the 5 unit slots under your control to be effective enough to at least clear the entire Terminus dungeon. Do not forget that similar buffs will wipe the older one, regardless of their potency. Rosetta's spark buff can be replaced by a weaker spark buff(such as Lario's/6 star Claire's) if they are used in the same turn. If you are faced with a similar situation, what is important is the order in which you use the BB/SBB. The latest buff replaces the last one if they are similar!
- Always bring a mitigator. They are crucial to survival.
- Bring a healer if your squad has difficulty tanking, i.e. your HC drops don't always heal you back to full, especially if your average unit hp is under 11k.
- Bring a status cleanser/immunity buffer.
- Always bring a BB gauge maintenance unit.
- Spark buffs contributes to points(spark damage). Bring a spark buffer if you can.
- Crit buffs(crit rate+,crit dmg+) helps you clear the dungeon, too.
- Bring an elemental buffer if you can. Elemental weakness contributes to points.
- Bring a def buffer if you can. For the tanks.
- Bring an atk if your damage is still lacking. The attrition game is in the enemy's favor so you want to kill them in 3 turns(for most points). Barring that, you just want them dead before their scripted ultimate attacks(which hurt) kick in.
UNIT SPHERESFor FH Terminus, you want your units to have as much HP as possible. Equip your units with your best stat boosting spheres as your primary sphere choice. If your units have two sphere slots, you either want a BC/HC drop/efficiency booster or a BC regen/turn or a BC regen when attacking/attacked sphere. Some spheres are better than others. You can look up the numbers online for each sphere.
You must also take into consideration the units themselves before you equip the spheres. For example, my Shera(mitigator, atk up for the secondary buff) has the GGC sphere Dandelda(30%hp+BB up/turn) and a BB regen/turn sphere(I'll place the name later). In the arena, this translates to having a full BB gauge by the end of the first turn. In the FH, where we have BB gauge maintenance issues, this means that I can almost always mitigate every turn. This is important as I have no healer(Elimo, come out of that gate!) and I rely on a combination of HC drop as well as health regen spheres.
Out of the 7 stages, the Terminus dungeons often have two stages with only one opponent and generally one stage with two opponents. This will affect your BC & HC generation. Thus, it is best to build your team around anticipating minimum BC & HC production. Ideally, this is done with variants of the following leader skills: BB fill on attack, BB fill on spark, BC & HC fill/drop on spark, basically anything that helps you sustain your BB gauge each round.
In my experience, the current meta is best approached with a 30% hp and BB sustaining leads. This is true even for those above level 200(whose concern really lies in not killing enemies outright but we'll talk more on that later). Against solo or a pair of enemies, BB fill on spark leads work fine, but over the course of an extended fight, a BB fill on attack/getting attacked may be more efficient.
To cite a few examples of leader combos:
For sub units, you want high hit counts/drop checks, acceptable damage output, and, if possible, BC/HC drop/efficiency buffs. When discussing BB maintenance, it is important to consider units that can fill your BB gauge by a certain amount upon using BB/SBB/UBB. Clutch BB filling can spell the difference between life and death, especially if your healer/mitigator, among other units, are close to getting their BB gauges filled. Units like Zelnite, Lucca, and Medina can fill your BB gauge instantly. When all your units have full BB gauges, you want to use the clutch bb fill after the other units have used their BB/SBB for maximum efficiency. Otherwise, you want to focus on your healer/mitigator. Other units also grant a BB fill per turn buff, this comes in usefully when you are wanting in BB gauge maintenance.
It is also important to note how different units maintain BB gauges and how you can use this to your advantage. We'll take Oguro, Feeva and Medina as examples. Feeva boosts BC/HC generation and efficiency. On the other hand, Medina outright fills your BB, and grants a BB regen when attacked buff - one of the most useful buffs/leader skills in Terminus. Oguro's BB buff fills your BB gauge for 3 turns. Since these buffs are all different, they all stack! Furthermore, if you're using Oguro as a leader, his LS stacks with Medina's buff as well. Do not forget that BC efficiency boosting spheres and even BC regen/turn spheres also stack with these buffs!
That's all for now. I'll write a continuation next time. It will discuss some other finer points of the Terminus dungeon(HP maintenance, elemental damage, crit damage, 1-3 turn kills). I hope this helps!
Edea only becomes awesome once she hits her 7s evolution(mitigator+status affliction buff). Shera is one of the best 6s mitigators, really. Keep using her! Her 6s form has an aoe SBB. 26 hits, too.
For harder content(bosses w/c you have difficulty tanking), you can use Ulkina, Emeldia and Rigness as backups.
Narza is a defensive mitigator. His SBB doesn't have damage on top of the mitigation but it does grant you a BB up upon getting attacked buff.
Rowgen has an infinite SBB once reaching 6s. He's one of the hardest hitters, too. Useful for trials.
If you want to replace Ciara, Kira is your best bet because of the crit buff. With Feeva's BC/HC generation, you should be able to keep him alive. Otherwise, Tridon, Ahvel(for status cleansing), Ardin, Medina and Zephyr would be fine, really.
@Llandros I wish I rolled a Yuura myself! We do have a 4 gem/summon thing going on, so I hope to get good pulls, at least.