Tweets V: Tweet and Tower



  • It's okay, he's sketchy enough as is :P
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    He's getting crazier and crazier as the event progresses. It's fun.


    (But also frustrating because people are the Court think it's totally fine for freaky time traveling divine to tell them that the Glomdoring sacrificed itself so that He could be a god and now it bends to his will and other very not glom things...and I'm just like WTF)

  • Celina said:

    He's getting crazier and crazier as the event progresses. It's fun.


    (But also frustrating because people are the Court think it's totally fine for freaky time traveling divine to tell them that the Glomdoring sacrificed itself so that He could be a god and now it bends to his will and other very not glom things...and I'm just like WTF)

    Isn't that the nature of Glomdoring, though? To believe things that are far-fetched? If they want to believe the Wyrd killed a Glomdoring (and a whole timeline) to bring a god that shouldn't exist, so close to the Wyrd in nature, into this timeline - who is to blame them? Heck, who is to disagree with them? Isn't that what people are always crying - 'nothing matters but the Glomdoring'? Heck, who in the Glomdoring wouldn't sacrifice something if it meant the whole of the Wyrd were to grow stronger?

    Not to say one way or another. Just to play devil's advocate for a minute!
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    I don't think so..I don't think Glomdoring roots itself on the notion that they believe in the hard to believe or far fetched. It is Nothing Matters but Glomdoring...not Nothing Matters but the strange god thing that blew up the Glomdoring in his timeline, then got dragged by his hair by Night into ours and wants to do it all over again.

    It's also very much not Glomdoring's way to say anyone controls the forest or it "bends to their will" (other than maybe Viravain). God or not. It's certainly very unusual for anyone with a connection to Glom to be bragging non stop about how Wyrdy and blessed they are, and how far beyond in understanding and connection to the Wyrd they are than anyone else. People threw a fit when I said "my forest" instead of "our forest," but now that the God is here...they are too doe eyed to remember anything they said a week ago. Well some are anyways.


    And my personal IC beef is that 1) bastard killed me and 2) He wants my crown.

  • I don't think so..I don't think Glomdoring roots itself on the notion that they believe in the hard to believe or far fetched. It is Nothing Matters but Glomdoring...not Nothing Matters but the strange god thing that blew up the Glomdoring in his timeline, then got dragged by his hair by Night into ours and wants to do it all over again.

    It's also very much not Glomdoring's way to say anyone controls the forest or it "bends to their will" (other than maybe Viravain). God or not. It's certainly very unusual for anyone with a connection to Glom to be bragging non stop about how Wyrdy and blessed they are, and how far beyond in understanding and connection to the Wyrd they are than anyone else. People threw a fit when I said "my forest" instead of "our forest," but now that the God is here...they are too doe eyed to remember anything they said a week ago. Well some are anyways.


    And my personal IC beef is that 1) bastard killed me and 2) He wants my crown.

    Heh. He is, though, a wyrden faeling made into a God! He's certainly in possession of a deep connection to the Wyrd, by virtue of his core nature. I'll just say the whole affair has been wildly amusing for us, and I can't wait to see how it all works out!
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    I think most everyone is enjoying it. It's a great event. My frustration is fairly minute. Makes it more interesting that Glom is a bit divisive on the issue.

  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    I always try to the remind myself that Glomdoring lore sees the Wyrd as its tool, and that should a different tool serve the Glomdoring better, we'd be all for it. Then again, Glomdoring = Wyrd and vice versa seems to be a prevalent mindset. I always look to the Old Gloms for these things. :)
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • Siam said:
    I always try to the remind myself that Glomdoring lore sees the Wyrd as its tool, and that should a different tool serve the Glomdoring better, we'd be all for it. Then again, Glomdoring = Wyrd and vice versa seems to be a prevalent mindset. I always look to the Old Gloms for these things. :)
    What if it was the opposite... And Glomdoring is just a tool of the Wyrd?!
  • MoiMoi
    edited November 2012
     Eventru said:
    Siam said:
    I always try to the remind myself that Glomdoring lore sees the Wyrd as its tool, and that should a different tool serve the Glomdoring better, we'd be all for it. Then again, Glomdoring = Wyrd and vice versa seems to be a prevalent mindset. I always look to the Old Gloms for these things. :)
    What if it was the opposite... And Glomdoring is just a tool of the WyrdTaint?!

    Fixed for you.
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    I feel like I get punished for wanting to establish a bond through roleplay with characters before adoption. As in, I like to rp having similar traits or looks or just having some sort of connection or memories that ultimately results in discovering they are family. So often said characters end up considering another family while I'm rping away. /wrists

  • **********************[ THE FREE ALLIANCE OF GLOMDORING ]**********************
    Commune Member         Rank                     Position                    CT 
    Septim                 Ebon Forester            Commune Aide                On
    Skye                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Siam                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Svorai                 Dark Regent              Shadow Court                On
    Sidd                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On

    We will usher in the Age of S Supremacy.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Siam said:
    I always try to the remind myself that Glomdoring lore sees the Wyrd as its tool, and that should a different tool serve the Glomdoring better, we'd be all for it. Then again, Glomdoring = Wyrd and vice versa seems to be a prevalent mindset. I always look to the Old Gloms for these things. :)
    Not a lot of old gloms left :P
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    But yes, I do follow the "Wyrd is a tool of the Glomdoring," belief, but there seems to be this odd revolution going on that the Wyrd is equal to or greater than Glomdoring.

  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    The Age of the Wyrden Supremacy(Glom's Vengeance game) has always made me think that the Wyrd as a tool has become so effective that the wielder and the tool have become one. Chaching!
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Siam said:
    The Age of the Wyrden Supremacy(Glom's Vengeance game) has always made me think that the Wyrd as a tool has become so effective that the wielder and the tool have become one. Chaching!
    Somehow, I am unable to add stuff to my post so...

    I am glad I straightened a few lore-things out! Hmmm! Grey areas. Wyrd. Urd. Fate. Hmmm!
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • Svorai said:
    **********************[ THE FREE ALLIANCE OF GLOMDORING ]**********************
    Commune Member         Rank                     Position                    CT 
    Septim                 Ebon Forester            Commune Aide                On
    Skye                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Siam                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Svorai                 Dark Regent              Shadow Court                On
    Sidd                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On

    We will usher in the Age of S Supremacy.
    Magnagora had Lothringen, Llandros, Luthian, Lavinya and Leolamins yesterday!

    Prepare to die, Team S. Go, Team L!
  • edited November 2012
    Svorai said:
    **********************[ THE FREE ALLIANCE OF GLOMDORING ]**********************
    Commune Member         Rank                     Position                    CT 
    Septim                 Ebon Forester            Commune Aide                On
    Skye                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Siam                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Svorai                 Dark Regent              Shadow Court                On
    Sidd                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On

    We will usher in the Age of S Supremacy.
    Magnagora had Lothringen, Llandros, Luthian, Lavinya and Leolamins yesterday!

    Prepare to die, Team S. Go, Team L!
    I feel we could take that on. En garde! 

    (Come back, Lothy ;_;)
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    Svorai said:
    **********************[ THE FREE ALLIANCE OF GLOMDORING ]**********************
    Commune Member         Rank                     Position                    CT 
    Septim                 Ebon Forester            Commune Aide                On
    Skye                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Siam                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On
    Svorai                 Dark Regent              Shadow Court                On
    Sidd                   Shadow Warden            Commune Aide                On

    We will usher in the Age of S Supremacy.
    Magnagora had Lothringen, Llandros, Luthian, Lavinya and Leolamins yesterday!

    Prepare to die, Team S. Go, Team L!
    Our champion shall be Seer Ssaliss Shee-slaugh, Of Many S Titles!
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • I've been attempting to do Malacoda. I enter the room where the fate challenge begins... and my connection drops. This is the third time in a row I've had the quest progress ruined at this point. It's getting really old.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Imo, Wyrd = Glom. I'm pretty sure if someone told me IC that the Wyrd was a tool, I would hiss and slap them in the face for their apostasy.
  • Thanks for the consolation candy, whoever sent that dirigible. :)
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Astraea said:
    Imo, Wyrd = Glom. I'm pretty sure if someone told me IC that the Wyrd was a tool, I would hiss and slap them in the face for their apostasy.
    Fine, but be prepared for me to slap you back. :x
  • I'll slap you from behind Xynthin!
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    You've got a pretty long arm, then, Asty.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • edited November 2012
    "You feel irresistibly compelled to suddenly shake both your chest and behind, muttering about your bon bon."

    I should be highly neurotic more often...
    Will you still love me when I am no longer young and fergalicious?
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Bravo, admin. Just..well done. Great event.
  • Professor Xenthos: Study ALL the anomalies!
    Will you still love me when I am no longer young and fergalicious?
  • Temporal Conclave. WHY YOU SO SILENT! The timelines are falling apart around you!
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • Post-saving is very irritating. It fills my post-boxes with quote-boxes.
  • ZyphoraZyphora :: the sun in her splendour ::
    More Shikari/Ingwe logs, please! I have yet to make a Glom (we'll see when schoolwork dies down) but still would like to reap the joys of reading their rp logs. u__u

This discussion has been closed.