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  • This Glom-Mag situation was a major factor for why  Idrazil left Glomdoring. For quite some time Idrazil was very supportive of Magnagora, always coming to assist them with their domoths when they had four or five of them, helping defend their god realms or assist their raids, fight with them in any occasion. A major reason being his drive and desire to actually do something and actively hurt enemies because of constant poking and raiding against Glomdoring but also to support allies he admired for their ruthless determination and strength. But then Munsia started or rather kept bullshiting by destroying our melds in revolts and killing our melders and then using her meld against Glomdoring to take villages. I am Munsia, I can do it because I can and am better than you and the like.  Marcella whining about this love earing and insulting Idrazil's tribe, commune and gods. For some reason Mag leadership did nothing to clarify the issues or take hold on Munsia. Wait, what, we have no formal agreement, why are you complaining?  We started hitting them in revolts knowing they will try take the village anyway and Mags were like, what, we thought we kill the common enemies first before we fight each other? Well, apparently lately Marcella is part of their leadership I assume to dictate policy in the battlefield. And at the time, weeks after Munsia had killed our peoples the Shadow Court knew nothing about it, you know, we only advise and take decisions but we live not in this world and knew not what half the commune was upset about because nobody told us. So I spoke to members of the Court and most are like, you are young, you remember not that and this, we cannot do anything in regard to the Mags, they are only a tool we use and the like. So I see the issue is still there and nobody is doing anything about it and Gloms are suffering mostly because of it especially now when Karlach is less frequently around to lead the Pack.
  • Marcella said:
    Kethaera said:

    Marcella said:
    If we want to get into IC reasons, hell yes I treat all gloms with the same brush - the big, giant, most huge issue she(I) have is that Kethaera wears a lover's earring so she needs to die and Glom needs to die for supporting the Lovers, since she's the Ambassador.
    "Expressing support for the Lovers"- hmm. I understand the IC reasoning behind that thought, but to Kethaera, the earring is only symbolic in the sense that it's a heart-shaped piece of spite that causes irrational anger in certain people. And that's pretty funny.

    Shrug. Seems like the problems between Glom and Mag would be simple enough to solve if anyone cared to. 
    Yeah, I was going to get unenemied so I walked up to you and saw it. During that whole event, I made a public news post that "anyone seen wearing this earring will be slain." Of course, that was before they gave out those earrings to player - every NPC in Mag that wore it ended up murdered, of course.

    Since I'm a colossal wimp I just decided to huff at you, spit on the ground, and walk away instead of declaring you though. ;-;
    Heh... and at the time, I had completely forgotten I was still wearing that earring. I considered taking it off, but after your reaction, well... I told someone in Glom that you had asked to be unenemied, then yelled at me over an earring and stormed off without explanation. I believe we  sighed, shook our heads, and muttered 'Magnagorans' under our breath.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    WHAT. There was a discussion about The Nature of the Economy and the Nature Domoth with @Lavinya and I wasn't here for it?!
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • edited July 2014
    *grump* people who don't bother to read the basic lore stuff and who don't care to. (Nevermind that it's been there from day one) and who refuse to admit that it exists or that points listed are important, NOT even in an OOC. 

    and claim that "I'm not ignorant" and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater! I didn't make this up, It's not "a perception" or a "version of the truth". It the official definitions. Open to interpretations, based on -actual- guild skills. 

    (yes, not withstanding the fact that your basic facts were mixed up, ....and there has been references since forever...i've made sure of that. and then say "oh right. I'm not ignorant!")

    It drives me nuts! 

    As a player I get it, you can interpret stuff differently because you don't like it. You can disagree with the lore, but IG? You can't just pretend it does exist and ignore its role as part of the Guild lore because you don't like it.

    Write a dissertation, submit it, and we'll stick in the library. We can have great fun debating it, and so on. 

    The Kui (that is the shofangi) are both part kepheran and part of the forest.

    You absolutely cannot favor one over another. The Kui is both. That goes for the kepheran traditionalists as well. 


    Okay, let me rephrase that. People who don't bother to learn guild lore -at all- , and say "EMERGARD! LETZ SPARKLEFOREST EVERYTHING!!!11!!!...SO EXCITE1!111!!"

    Even when I wrote stuff down to change things around (actually all I did was codify stuff), I made sure to stick within the bounds of what was the current lore at that time. 

    Sorry bub, I've got no more patience left for this kind of nonsense. Change is needed, but you have got to not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Somethings -are- essential, and have been part of the shofangi from day one. 
    is dead like the dodo
  • Xeria said:
    *grump* people who don't bother to read the basic lore stuff and who don't care to. (Nevermind that it's been there from day one) and who refuse to admit that it exists or that points listed are important, NOT even in an OOC. 

    and claim that "I'm not ignorant" and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater! I didn't make this up, It's not "a perception" or a "version of the truth". It the official definitions. Open to interpretations, based on -actual- guild skills. 

    (yes, not withstanding the fact that your basic facts were mixed up, ....and there has been references since forever...i've made sure of that. and then say "oh right. I'm not ignorant!")

    It drives me nuts! 

    As a player I get it, you can interpret stuff differently because you don't like it. You can disagree with the lore, but IG? You can't just pretend it does exist and ignore its role as part of the Guild lore because you don't like it.

    Write a dissertation, submit it, and we'll stick in the library. We can have great fun debating it, and so on. 

    The Kui (that is the shofangi) are both part kepheran and part of the forest.

    You absolutely cannot favor one over another. The Kui is both. That goes for the kepheran traditionalists as well. 


    Okay, let me rephrase that. People who don't bother to learn guild lore -at all- , and say "EMERGARD! LETZ SPARKLEFOREST EVERYTHING!!!11!!!...SO EXCITE1!111!!"

    Even when I wrote stuff down to change things around (actually all I did was codify stuff), I made sure to stick within the bounds of what was the current lore at that time. 

    Sorry bub, I've got no more patience left for this kind of nonsense. Change is needed, but you have got to not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Somethings -are- essential, and have been part of the shofangi from day one. 

    Le sigh....

    You seem to have left out numerous points in the discussion we were having. 

    You assumed because I did not share the same point of view as you I had not read the guild lore. I advised that we had gone through the Shofangi at different points so our perspective would be different and even stated neither was wrong because of how our perspectives were shaped. 

    I explained my point of view on why I felt it was not essential to the guild and actually a detriment to the overall health of the guild. Also, why it was not a fundamental truth to being a Shofangi
  • gotta admit though, that one pretty funny rant.
  • edited July 2014
    @Naveen I just PM you with my reply. 

    Right, let me rephrase that, since my rant is public and the target has chosen to respond, thus making the disagreement entirely public...I chose to acknowledge and move it to a private space.

    For the rest of lusternia, what he has, I disagree and the part about not reading basic guild lore? 

    @Naveen (the Character) flubbed basic Novice-stuff facts...did not notice it, did not correct himself. Plus Naveen (the character) straight out admitted that he did not learn this particular -essential- bit of guild lore. Personal interpretations are all very well and fine, but the official lore exists for a reason!

    (kind of like saying the serenwilde luuuurrrves the taint. :/ that's where the biggest part of my irritation with Naveen the character lies)

    that kind of nonsense where people flub basic questions and then lie about reading scrolls drives me crazy.They go on to disagree with everything without actually knowing what they're disagreeing about. Plus the usual nonsense where people backtrack, obfuscate and change the meaning of their words.

    *gnaws on her arm while muttering death curses and fingering her shofa* 

    @Lerad FIXED
    @Arcanis the level of hilarity within a rant is proportional to the level of my anger. So if I am "raise the roof" funny, you better start running. I'm about the murder you. Easier to do so, if you're too busy laughing. 
    is dead like the dodo
  • Protip: When you PM someone, they get a notification. You don't have to tag them to tell them about it on public board if you wanted it private.

  • edited July 2014
    TFW there are so many monsters on Astral that you lag out from all the spam @-) But also TFW you're in a large bashing group and you gain a lot of essence B-)
    Will you still love me when I am no longer young and fergalicious?
  • edited July 2014
    @idrazil This is a recurring theme that people seem to be getting 12 different kinds of wrong. The perspectives here are ridiculously skewed.

    When citizens ask about our status with Glomdoring we tell them that the Iron Council prefers us to not kill them unless they attack first. That's it. Anything else is left up to individuals. This is not RuPaul's best friends race! We are not walking children in nature!

    We have no obligation and varied levels of incentive to rein Munsia or anyone else in. That she annoys our non-allies hardly registers on our give a crap meter. It’s not like Mag and Glom sit around braiding each other’s hair and talk about their feelings. There is plenty of pre-existing friction there*.  (*see comment regarding your aforementioned youth and lack of perspective)

    I don’t know what you were you expecting the Shadow Court to do. File a complaint with the department of things that don’t exist? Launch a Demon Lord raid over it? Even publicly addressing the situation would be a sign of weakness*. (*you advocated for a diplomatic blunder leading into probable alliance negotiations and were blown off by people who knew better)

    What was the Iron Council supposed to clarify? Our positions becoming inconvenient are due to the evolving situation not from changes to our ideals. Did you want the Council to send out daily affirmations to non-allies telling them they are valued and special? Cuz that’s not how Magnagora rolls…

    We have vaguely mutual goals, including end games that would necessitate the destruction of each other, and a diplomatic impasse, yet Glom treats us like they’ve annexed our nation and gets mad when we won’t put on the gimp suit. It is not an ideal situation for anyone.

    The good news is that the current diplomatic staring contest to see who blinks first among people who would rather chew off their own eyelids than lose is bound to be entertaining.

  • edited July 2014

    Then that's where you step up, like people who filled the void before you.

    Well, I tried. I talked to many people, Court members, helped organize the election for commune leader, raised the issue, made specific proposals...This is a commune issue and cannot drive change alone. You are Karlach, you are friends and same blood with the commune leader Svorai, I assume you see nothing wrong with the status quo. To my knowledge nothing new being done to address the Mag situation one way or another and they serve their own interest only, always. Court is fine with this, most Gloms seem fine with this I guess... so.. one of the reasons I left.

    Too many people's response is to get up, leave town and join the winning side.

    In my case, Serenwilde is hardly the winning side. Hardly the North is dominating. Glomdoring is stagnating around a few cliques, seems to me has a very rigid power structure, no wonder new younger people find it hard to bring change. Even those who were against Svorai for months but did not do anything about it suddenly doubted Kethaera who was brave enough to do something and challenge. Suddenly they had requirements, demands and many voted for old lady Tau, who was till that point silent and semiactive on the political front. Well, more people voted against Svorai but the vote split. Then also Viravain came and with Celina and hardliners caused the break up of what used to be the Nightshade family. Old people control things in Glom, let them be and reap their harvest.

    It is not a rant. I wrote my Glom-Mag post to offer my perspective on the issue, which was discussed on previous pages. I was not happy with the situation, people were reluctant to try change things or do anything about and I could not do anything alone, guess things will develop naturally. But this is not the place I wanted to be part of so I left and do not regret my decision so far.
  • Silvanus is talking about what happened in mag when our leaders all left. *the vast majority* of Magnagorans, it seemed, quit for the winning side, which was Celest/Gaudi/Glomdoring.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    edited July 2014
    Idrazil said:
    Then also Viravain came and with Celina and hardliners caused the break up of what used to be the Nightshade family. Old people control things in Glom, let them be and reap their harvest.
    ...break up the Nightshade family? I am one of the builders of the modern day Nightshade family. They were literally my kids and grandkids. Get a grip. 

    If you want change, grow a backbone and do it like we all had to do. I didn't walk out of the portal with my character in the position she's in. Stop blaming other people and stop being such a grump about the whole thing. Go prance with the naked furrikin and pixies, and get over it.

  • NeosNeos The Subtle Griefer
    Marcella said:
    Silvanus is talking about what happened in mag when our leaders all left. *the vast majority* of Magnagorans, it seemed, quit for the winning side, which was Celest/Gaudi/Glomdoring.
    Love gaming? Love gaming stuff? Sign up for Lootcrate and get awesome gaming items. Accompanying video.


    Celina said:
    You can't really same the same, can you?
    Zvoltz said:
    "The Panthron"
  • Shikha left for Gaudiguch, Jozen left for Hallifax (not the winning side but whatever), Morkarion left for Glomdoring, those are the only big ones I remember but i'm sure there were more since I joined this game halfway through Magnagora being stomped into the dirt
  • SilvanusSilvanus The Sparrowhawk
    Vernal Lothringen as well. People just quit playing as well. Or started playing alts.

    I can't blame them, if you aren't having fun, do what is fun.
    2014/04/19 01:38:01 - Leolamins drained 2000000 power to raise Silvanus as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2014/07/23 05:01:29 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Munsia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:07 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Arimisia as a Vernal Ascendant.
    2015/05/24 06:03:58 - Silvanus drained 2000000 power to raise Lavinya as a Vernal Ascendant.
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    edited July 2014
    Not entirely sure everyone who left Mag, left to join the winning side, more to escape an atmosphere that wasn't making the game fun, it was why I was barely logging in the months before I moved.

    Surprised you consider me "big" though. It's not like I PK'd when I was in Mag, no one took the time to explain or teach. People in Glom like Sidd and Vadi taught me, and actually a fair bit from Hiriako.

    Atmosphere means a great deal, a crap summer PK wise last year was something I was determined to overturn because I enjoyed the company of the people I was playing alongside.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    And Malarious, and Donovain, right after being Warlord. Vashner. Uruk....the list could go on for a long while.

  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    Idrazil said:
    This Glom-Mag situation was a major factor for why  Idrazil left Glomdoring. For quite some time Idrazil was very supportive of Magnagora, always coming to assist them with their domoths when they had four or five of them, helping defend their god realms or assist their raids, fight with them in any occasion. A major reason being his drive and desire to actually do something and actively hurt enemies because of constant poking and raiding against Glomdoring but also to support allies he admired for their ruthless determination and strength. But then Munsia started or rather kept bullshiting by destroying our melds in revolts and killing our melders and then using her meld against Glomdoring to take villages. I am Munsia, I can do it because I can and am better than you and the like.  Marcella whining about this love earing and insulting Idrazil's tribe, commune and gods. For some reason Mag leadership did nothing to clarify the issues or take hold on Munsia. Wait, what, we have no formal agreement, why are you complaining?  We started hitting them in revolts knowing they will try take the village anyway and Mags were like, what, we thought we kill the common enemies first before we fight each other? Well, apparently lately Marcella is part of their leadership I assume to dictate policy in the battlefield. And at the time, weeks after Munsia had killed our peoples the Shadow Court knew nothing about it, you know, we only advise and take decisions but we live not in this world and knew not what half the commune was upset about because nobody told us. So I spoke to members of the Court and most are like, you are young, you remember not that and this, we cannot do anything in regard to the Mags, they are only a tool we use and the like. So I see the issue is still there and nobody is doing anything about it and Gloms are suffering mostly because of it especially now when Karlach is less frequently around to lead the Pack.
    Blah blah Munsy scapegoat blah blah. Take responsibility for your own shit, don't blame me because of your own issues ;) 

    The situation that arose in the villages was seen differently from both sides. Your side blames me, our side blames yalls melder. Failure to be able to see anything objectively is the downfall of Lusternian society. 
  • I left for Nightkiss.
  • MunsiaMunsia The Supreme Goddess
    Lerad said:
    Munsia said:
    Failure to be able to see anything objectively is the downfall of Lusternian society.
    Just wanted to express my lols at this part, because I literally laughed out loud and snorted some snot out of my nose by accident.
    Kay? Why
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice
    I left for Nightkiss.
    Come back Lothy.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • edited July 2014

    I left for Nightkiss.
    you can gaze now! Think of the seductive possibilities!

    On a side note, part of me rather enjoys the underlining hatreds always shown with Magnagora and Glomdoring. It sort of reminds me of a concept from Wheel of Time, wherein two great evils could not coexist in the same location and would always be battling to push the other out (Rand's scar in this case).
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    I left for Nightkiss.
    I welcome you with open arms. 
This discussion has been closed.