Simple questions?



  • edited July 2015
    So is Nature Communing a passive skill?
    It's our mana booster right?
    And can illithoids understand crowspeak?

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Oh right, I forgot interference also gave split effectiveness. Sorry about that.

  • @Lerad

    Phew!  Good to know.  This can all be very confusing to me sometimes, but I'm glad it's all making sense in the end...
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Alright, very funny. Where did the Nexus client go?

    It's not at or where it could previously be found, or at where suggests it would be. All the above links lead to broken pages.

    I didn't see any announces about it being discontinued, but has anyone else heard anything?

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • In Ieptix's post here:

    has a link to the "Java Nexus" client, which I'm not sure if is the one you're looking for. He also mentioned it is no longer supported, though at least it is still available. (For how long they will continue to host it is another question, though.)

  • Rancoura said:

    I didn't see any announces about it being discontinued, but has anyone else heard anything?
    I could swear I did hear about this in another thread. Nexus still exists but isnt' being supported IIRC.
    Do a forum search?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    There it is. Thanks, @Lerad.

    If only I didn't get attached to Nexus when I started playing 8 years ago. It's not that I can't change, it's that I don't WANT to. I swear.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • What can I do to improve my damage?

    I realize my Tattoo doesn't help because I have the Karma War blessing, so really I could drop my tattoo and get a new one and still be at 7.  Is there anything else I can do, any buffs I'm ignorant of?  I hear of people getting to 13/13 and I'm like completely puzzled.  I have a 2/12 artifact and I could conceivably someday upgrade that to 3/13 but that's still only going to increase my total from 7 to 8 so where is the other 5 coming from?
  • Not sure what buffs the curios give these days, but that's another point or two.
  • Ssaliss said:
    Not sure what buffs the curios give these days, but that's another point or two.
    Thanks! So I read the help scroll on Curios, and saw that I can collect a curio set to enhance my damage if  I collect 10 peices?

    So here is my question.  Nowhere in the help scroll did it mention where I actually collect/find/obtain/buy curios?

    Worse still, I still have no idea WHICH curious would enhance my cutting damage...

    Is there a scroll I could read for enlightenment, or is there someone here who could explain what I need to be collecting to boost my cutting damage, and how I go about collecting the correct curios?

  • Most of that information is gathered and kept by players. Viynain's site has a list you can check, though he might not have the full list - there are so many curios out there now.

    Different curios also have different sources, frankly speaking, it may well be very difficult to expect to get them all by yourself- trading is probably the only real viable way of building a curio, though you'll need some capital to get some pieces to start trading with. Take a look at these sites for curio resources:

  • @Lerad

    Thank you so much!
  • I know this is all about to be overhauled and changed pretty quickly but for the sake of my sanity and working on what I've got:

    Is there an order for salve afflictions? 

    I'm most interested in knowing if:
    * There is an order for Chestpains vs Collapsed lungs 
    * If there is an order for Kneecap/Mangle/ShatteredAnkle
    and finally
    * If there is an order for left leg vs right leg as it just looks like they apply to their legs.

    Thank you in advance!
  • edited July 2015
    For Curios:

    my 15 fire dmp is giving a 3/7 resistance. My 10 electrical buff curio is giving a 2/7 buff. So, going by this logic, the 5/5 curios probably gives (two) 1/7 buff.
  • edited July 2015
    They do. Just checked with inkwell (blunt/psychic resist) and comet (divinus/magic buff). 

    EDIT: I should probably look at selling some of these. I wonder how much a widow (cutting/elec buff) would go for...
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    Great Rune of Absorption: works against player-dealt damage as well?

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Rancoura said:
    Great Rune of Absorption: works against player-dealt damage as well?
    Yes, for cutting and blunt damage. I've seen mine flare during PK.

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Interesting thing about the RoA: it only stops damage, not effects of being hit.  Which gets particularly interesting against warriors.  Let's say they power attack you.  RoA flares. You take no damage.  But you get all the wounds, and they don't consume the power.  Hello another two assaults.  I almost hope for them to flare while hitting people.
  • Seems kinda buggy that it stops the power from being consumed just because the RoA procs. Has anyone bugged it?
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    I'm fairly certain I've had afflictions from mobs go through RoA as well when it procs.  So I assumed working as intended.
  • No, I mean the whole power thing. I'm perfectly fine with wounds and affs sticking when the RoA procs, but it seems iffy that power isn't taken.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Likely the power consumption is checked by whether or not it did damage, if I had to guess. Similar to how being parried or stanced doesn't consumer power. I'll test it some tonight to verify, then bug it.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited July 2015
    Tarkenton said:
    Bug details removed.
    I've never seen that happen.  That would be a BUG.  A pretty big BUG at that.

    Edit: And because it's exploitable if it exists, it probably shouldn't be posted on the forums. :p
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    I wouldn't really class it as exploitable, since it's a random chance for RoA to fire, and it's not like you can assault an infinite number of times to make it proc.  Like I said, I'll play with it tonight and gather details and submit a bug report for it.  If, in the mean time, someone else with a RoA wants to test it with someone assaulting them over and over in the arena, and submit their findings, that'd be nifty.
  • Tarkenton said:
    Likely the power consumption is checked by whether or not it did damage, if I had to guess. Similar to how being parried or stanced doesn't consumer power. I'll test it some tonight to verify, then bug it.
    Power attacks should go through parry/stance, anyway, I think. With RoA, maybe it should take half power instead of the full power, but well, not sure if coding that in now is worth the effort.

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Avoid/dodge then? Honestly couldn't remember if power attacks could be parried
  • edited July 2015
    Redacted, no longer an inquiry.
  • It works for the rare piece. They updated it after release, but they didn't update the desc, I think.

  • >---------------------------[ Changelog Entry #486 ]--------------------------<
       Entered by: Ieptix the Anomaly                  Date: 2015-04-30 03:37:05
       o The Curio of Curios artifact is now able to fill in the rare slot on a
       partial curio.

    I hadn't thought to check the changelogs. Nice catch Lerad.
  • edited July 2015
    Do angels give manabarbs now? What?

    Edit: Yes, they do. Also egovice. So bards have to disable their own offense for 3p, just to be able to cure afflictions that previously only they were able to give. I change my simple question to "why?"

    Vive l'apostrophe!
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