Simple questions?



  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Kethaera said:
    Xenthos said:
    No, but you can ISSUEAPPEND (if you issued yourself or the other party hasn't replied) in order to say "Please ignore this!".

    There used to be a DELISSUE command, but it got removed.
    Hrm. I feel like a great 'simple idea' would be to bring that back. Why'd it get removed?
    Because issues are important, and deleting it didn't actually remove it from the queue (just like deleting bugs doesn't actually remove the bug from the system, it just detaches your name from it as being active on your bug list).

    I suspect it is also intended to discourage frivolous issues (hah, I issued you and insta-deleted it!).  There was a Certain Someone who did that.  They did not like it.  That was around the time that it went away.
  • Xenthos said:
    Kethaera said:
    Xenthos said:
    No, but you can ISSUEAPPEND (if you issued yourself or the other party hasn't replied) in order to say "Please ignore this!".

    There used to be a DELISSUE command, but it got removed.
    Hrm. I feel like a great 'simple idea' would be to bring that back. Why'd it get removed?
    Because issues are important, and deleting it didn't actually remove it from the queue (just like deleting bugs doesn't actually remove the bug from the system, it just detaches your name from it as being active on your bug list).

    I suspect it is also intended to discourage frivolous issues (hah, I issued you and insta-deleted it!).  There was a Certain Someone who did that.  They did not like it.  That was around the time that it went away.
    Yes, but deleting them is an easy way of saying 'hey this is resolved or it wasn't an issue/bug after all.' Saves time for admin, imo. I should think the latter case would be simple issue abuse and should be dealt with when it comes up... but especially for personal issues, or well, something you thought was a bug and later realize you were mistaken.

    As far as not removing it from the queue, I'm not sure what you mean there. I know in other games delissue/delibug archives them so they aren't viewable in the active queue. They still exist, obviously, but if it's not active, then generally speaking, it's a sign that one doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

    ...And some of us irrationally worry about these sorts of things. As it is, even if an admin has to delissue/delibug themselves, it's still archived for a period of time, so what would be the difference of allowing the players to do the same? Abuse can still happen either way, it's just for convenience sake.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • If an issue is no longer valid just append it with a request to dismiss it. We will do that when we get to it, it's not a problem.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    You can delete bugs, I deleted mine after I realised it wasn't a bug, I was just wearing a scarf.

  • If they do bring it back I would like it only useable if you issue yourself, not someone else.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Qistrel said:
    You can delete bugs, I deleted mine after I realised it wasn't a bug, I was just wearing a scarf.
    Please re-read what I said again.
  • Actually to further elaborate upon that, what @Xenthos said is correct. Also, again, it is not a problem for us to dismiss an issue that you append saying is no longer relevant. Managing players with frivolous issue/deletions takes a lot more time than: view issue, ohhh okay, dismiss. We're talking about the difference between 5-15 minutes (or more) and 5 seconds for the latter.

    Deleted bugs have the person bugging it unsubscribed but the bug still exists. Just because someone decided they no longer care or they think something is not a bug doesn't actually mean it's not a bug.
  • Drocilla said:
    Actually to further elaborate upon that, what @Xenthos said is correct. Also, again, it is not a problem for us to dismiss an issue that you append saying is no longer relevant. Managing players with frivolous issue/deletions takes a lot more time than: view issue, ohhh okay, dismiss. We're talking about the difference between 5-15 minutes (or more) and 5 seconds for the latter.

    Deleted bugs have the person bugging it unsubscribed but the bug still exists. Just because someone decided they no longer care or they think something is not a bug doesn't actually mean it's not a bug.
    I've definitely done DELBUG to remove a bug that wasn't actually a bug. Woops. Sometimes I catch myself and leave a comment saying it's not a bug, sometimes I don't. Maybe an addition to the help file on what exactly occurs when you delete it would help.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Yeah, I do try to bugappend that I don't think it's a bug instead of actually deleting it.
  • Shedrin said:
    Drocilla said:
    Actually to further elaborate upon that, what @Xenthos said is correct. Also, again, it is not a problem for us to dismiss an issue that you append saying is no longer relevant. Managing players with frivolous issue/deletions takes a lot more time than: view issue, ohhh okay, dismiss. We're talking about the difference between 5-15 minutes (or more) and 5 seconds for the latter.

    Deleted bugs have the person bugging it unsubscribed but the bug still exists. Just because someone decided they no longer care or they think something is not a bug doesn't actually mean it's not a bug.
    I've definitely done DELBUG to remove a bug that wasn't actually a bug. Woops. Sometimes I catch myself and leave a comment saying it's not a bug, sometimes I don't. Maybe an addition to the help file on what exactly occurs when you delete it would help.
    Additionally, DELBUG could require a line as to why it is being deleted which is then auto appended to the bug.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Steingrim said:
    Shedrin said:
    Drocilla said:
    Actually to further elaborate upon that, what @Xenthos said is correct. Also, again, it is not a problem for us to dismiss an issue that you append saying is no longer relevant. Managing players with frivolous issue/deletions takes a lot more time than: view issue, ohhh okay, dismiss. We're talking about the difference between 5-15 minutes (or more) and 5 seconds for the latter.

    Deleted bugs have the person bugging it unsubscribed but the bug still exists. Just because someone decided they no longer care or they think something is not a bug doesn't actually mean it's not a bug.
    I've definitely done DELBUG to remove a bug that wasn't actually a bug. Woops. Sometimes I catch myself and leave a comment saying it's not a bug, sometimes I don't. Maybe an addition to the help file on what exactly occurs when you delete it would help.
    Additionally, DELBUG could require a line as to why it is being deleted which is then auto appended to the bug.
    #1 DELBUG line: "Sorry, I'm an idiot!"
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Xenthos said:
    Steingrim said:
    Shedrin said:
    Drocilla said:
    Actually to further elaborate upon that, what @Xenthos said is correct. Also, again, it is not a problem for us to dismiss an issue that you append saying is no longer relevant. Managing players with frivolous issue/deletions takes a lot more time than: view issue, ohhh okay, dismiss. We're talking about the difference between 5-15 minutes (or more) and 5 seconds for the latter.

    Deleted bugs have the person bugging it unsubscribed but the bug still exists. Just because someone decided they no longer care or they think something is not a bug doesn't actually mean it's not a bug.
    I've definitely done DELBUG to remove a bug that wasn't actually a bug. Woops. Sometimes I catch myself and leave a comment saying it's not a bug, sometimes I don't. Maybe an addition to the help file on what exactly occurs when you delete it would help.
    Additionally, DELBUG could require a line as to why it is being deleted which is then auto appended to the bug.
    #1 DELBUG line: "Sorry, I'm an idiot!"
    I'd use this line.
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink
    Xenthos said:
    Qistrel said:
    You can delete bugs, I deleted mine after I realised it wasn't a bug, I was just wearing a scarf.
    Please re-read what I said again.
    My post was in reply to Kethaera, not you. :P

  • Qistrel said:
    Xenthos said:
    Qistrel said:
    You can delete bugs, I deleted mine after I realised it wasn't a bug, I was just wearing a scarf.
    Please re-read what I said again.
    My post was in reply to Kethaera, not you. :P
    Well, yeah, I know that. I just don't understand the difference between the ability to delete a bug verses an issue, and it's hard to imagine that the stupid ones that get deleted are more/as much of a problem than the stupid ones that don't. Regardless, the question was answered.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    With wild nodes, is there a message when you uproot? And what sort of balance/eq does it have?
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    p shirt

    It has 50 months of usefulness left.
    It weighs about 1 pounds and 0 ounce(s).
    It has a warmth factor of 6.
    The beauteous craftsmanship of Provost Zyphora Windwhisper, High Scion of the Aesthete radiates throughout it.

    What is that?
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Beauty Seal demigod power, I think?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • QistrelQistrel the hemisemidemifink

  • edited June 2015
    Tarkenton said:
    With wild nodes, is there a message when you uproot? And what sort of balance/eq does it have?

    It's a channeled action. There's a message on start, I think an ongoing message, and a finish message (plus a worldwide message on finish). Planting is the same. I don't remember how long it takes - adrenaline always means it seems to take forever.
  • I have a question about tattoos.

    I've read the library scroll on tattoos, taken extensive notes, and done my best to plan out what tattoos I would like to get, and even already started getting a few.

    But having looked over the scrolls, I want to take advantage of every body part (because that's just cool to be covered in tats) and that brings me to my questions...

    1.  Damage absorption Tattoos can be UP TO 100 weight.  When I got my first the artist told me I had to pick back, chest, or gut because those could hold 100 weight.  But couldn't I just put 50 weight of the same damage absorption tattoo on each arm for a total of 100 weight?  Is there anything preventing you from taking cumulative advantage of all your body parts weight by weight (e.g. fingers, toes, wrists, ankles, etc...).  I know some things like Power tattoo are a flat 100 weight it would make sense that THAT one had to be on the back/chest/gut, but not the damage absorption tattoos...

    2.  How important is it to perceive illusions? Are they common? Are they a problem? (pardon my ignorance about illusions...I guess I wouldn't know if I've been fooled by one...)

    3.  How important is it to resist magical movement/summons?  Will the effect of the tattoo really matter overall?

    What I've done is organize all my body parts in groups that add up to 100 weight, with the remaining body parts leaving a total of 65 weight, and tried to plan out the most important tattoos to get, but if I'm wrong about being able to group body parts in 100-weight totals and have to pick different tattoo types for each body part then all the planning is worthless and I just have to go from highest-weight body part to lowest-weight body part in planning my tattoo types...

    Sorry for asking but I've had a lot of contradictory information given to me in game, including that tattoos don't work if you cover them (ie as a warrior I can't have them), as well as the above mentioned confuser...

    Thanks in advance for clarity on this subject!
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    1) There's not really "each arm".  The arms slot on the body is a limit of 50 weight.  If you wanted to have two arm tattoos, then you'd need to have two twenty-five weight tattoos.  And what you're saying is right, cumulative weight is what matters in the end.  For example

    7832      75  N  waist    Magical Damage Absorpti the historic Glomdoring sag
    7833      25  Y  feet     Magical Damage Absorpti traces of flame
    7834      50  Y  arms     Asphyxiation Damage Abs the Glomdoring warcry and r
    7835      50  N  legs     Asphyxiation Damage Abs writhing shadows

    2) Illusion perception...meh.  I don't see the use.

    3) I like interference, personally.  Every little bit helps.

    Total tattoo weight is 759.  So you're off by 6 weight.

    For everyone but monks, wearing plate/robes/whatever is fine for tattoos.  For monks, they do not gain the tattoo armor benefits (free 61/61 armor) if they wear robes/armor over them.  They can, however, wear any clothing that does not give an armor value.

  • edited July 2015
    Tarkenton said:
    1) There's not really "each arm".  The arms slot on the body is a limit of 50 weight.  If you wanted to have two arm tattoos, then you'd need to have two twenty-five weight tattoos.  And what you're saying is right, cumulative weight is what matters in the end.  For example

    7832      75  N  waist    Magical Damage Absorpti the historic Glomdoring sag
    7833      25  Y  feet     Magical Damage Absorpti traces of flame
    7834      50  Y  arms     Asphyxiation Damage Abs the Glomdoring warcry and r
    7835      50  N  legs     Asphyxiation Damage Abs writhing shadows

    2) Illusion perception...meh.  I don't see the use.

    3) I like interference, personally.  Every little bit helps.

    Total tattoo weight is 759.  So you're off by 6 weight.

    For everyone but monks, wearing plate/robes/whatever is fine for tattoos.  For monks, they do not gain the tattoo armor benefits (free 61/61 armor) if they wear robes/armor over them.  They can, however, wear any clothing that does not give an armor value.

    Thanks for the quick and detailed reply!

    I think I was off because I was multiplying 2 weight PER TOE, 2 weight PER FINGER, and so on.  Thanks for clearing that up!
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    No problem. And hit me up if you continue having issues finding someone to do your tattoos. I'll only give you on price a little for being a filthy Seren scum xD
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    Where do I find the overhaul runes help file?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • Tarkenton said:
    No problem. And hit me up if you continue having issues finding someone to do your tattoos. I'll only give you on price a little for being a filthy Seren scum xD
    Awww you're always so nice an helpful on the forums I forgot we're supposed to be enemies ='(

    How serious do people take the enemy thing? I know we kill each other on sight, but are there any allowances made for market/trade given the scarcity of active players with a given tradeskill?  I'm getting pretty desperate and really really really really hate bugging people in my commune until someone can's so uncomfortable being a burden.  I'd much rather just have the attitude, "What happens in the Aetherplex, stays in the Aetherplex..." right?
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    My general rule of thumb is if I see someone asking for the same thing across multiple days on the market channel, I'll help them if I can and to hell with enemy statuses. It's a game, and while it might be "rp" breaking, scarce skill sets like tattoos really should be shared around.

    Besides, I can always work killing you into the price :D
  • Tarkenton said:
    My general rule of thumb is if I see someone asking for the same thing across multiple days on the market channel, I'll help them if I can and to hell with enemy statuses. It's a game, and while it might be "rp" breaking, scarce skill sets like tattoos really should be shared around. Besides, I can always work killing you into the price :D
    At this point I'm not sure I'd refuse blood payment...haha. =D
  • As a note, you can also have multiple smaller interference tattoos that add up to 100 weight, for example, a 25 on the arms, a 75 on the waist.

    It just won't have any effect until you have a total of 100, once you have 100, it works as per normal.

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Really?  The ab claims you get .1 points of resistance per weight. So 100 weight = 10 resistance points.  Whatever resistance points mean xD
  • Lerad said:
    As a note, you can also have multiple smaller interference tattoos that add up to 100 weight, for example, a 25 on the arms, a 75 on the waist.

    It just won't have any effect until you have a total of 100, once you have 100, it works as per normal.
    Are you sure about that? I share the same interpretation as Tarkenton--when I read it it says "UP TO 100 weight" and somesuch, with 0.1 points per weight...

    If what you say is true then the extra 59 beyond the 700 weight is completely worthless, and all those 6 body parts that can't add up to 100 weight are equally useless...
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