Real World Raves



  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    I have my first therapy appointment next week, so I'll be sure to keep that in mind!
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • Bridge Of Spies is a damned good movie, and I'm upset that it didn't win the Oscar for Best Picture. Tom Hanks at his finest, I tell ya.

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Are you sure your Gramma wasn't just telling you to get back in the kitchen and bake her more bread? :P
  • The real question is: who in the Nine Hells doesn't like sourdough bread!?

  • Havastus said:
    The real question is: who in the Nine Hells doesn't like sourdough bread!?
    I know, right?

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    That would be me: at least the really strong sourdoughs.  Had a pretty good sandwich the other day that was made with sourdough that had been grilled up alongside the meat, gave it a really nice flavour that helped mellow it out.
  • VivetVivet , of Cows and Crystals
    I hated everything but white bread as a kid, but am all for the sourdough now. Tastes and such.
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Luce said:
    Are you sure your Gramma wasn't just telling you to get back in the kitchen and bake her more bread? :P
    Haha, well, kinda true. She used to be the baker in the family, and she's very much into encouraging all of her grandchildren to bake more. The first baking I did was together with her and my grandfather when I was younger, and bread was always our favorite thing to make. I dropped it for a while after my grandfather passed away, but remembering how much I used to enjoy baking with them is a big part of why I picked it up again recently. 

    Now I feel kind of sad. I should visit her more while I still can. 
  • EveriineEveriine Wise Old Swordsbird / Brontaur Indianapolis, IN, USA
    Funerals remain one of the most moving and emotional things I get to be a part of. Emotionally draining, yes, but worth it.
    Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"

    Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.

    Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
       Loose-leaf herbal tea works wonders. I'm not usually one for jumping on band wagons, but David's Tea (a Canadian equivalent to Teavana) has become my new favourite spot in the last year. They have everything, and every cup of green, oolong, pu'erh or white tea just tastes like natural, fresh liquid health. I recommend highly, @Sylandra :)

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    I never really drank tea until I started dating my partner! It's so relaxing. But I've always been more of a coffee girl, which... well coffee's not a food group, and it doesn't appreciate being treated like one.  :|
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Rancoura said:
       Loose-leaf herbal tea works wonders. I'm not usually one for jumping on band wagons, but David's Tea (a Canadian equivalent to Teavana) has become my new favourite spot in the last year. They have everything, and every cup of green, oolong, pu'erh or white tea just tastes like natural, fresh liquid health. I recommend highly, @Sylandra :)
    Davids tea is so much better than tea van,  so happy there are some reasonably close to me now.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • I second that David's Tea is amazing! Their mint tea is some of the best stuff out there! If you live in-and-around Boston, there are a couple of David's Tea shops in the city! Well worth the trip! Or, if you're like me and hate Boston traffic with a passion, just order a bunch online. The stuff is fairly reasonably priced.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    I was going to ask about the "Canadian store" thing; there's one on Church Street in Vermont, too.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited October 2016
    Oh, I didn't know that David's Tea had made it into America as well. Good for them!

    (I tend to make underestimate Canadian companies and their ability to expand outside of the country :/ )

    Edit: Though I suppose that would make sense, since David's Tea is based in Montreal and those states are right below it!

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • Sadly, we don't seem to have that brand over here and their online shop doesn't ship internationally. I usually either buy from one of the small tea shops in town, visit a Tee Gschwendner store or order from Shuyao. My absolute favourites are milky oolong and any form of yellow tea.

    My rave is visiting my parents and going to an apple/pumpkin festival in a nearby village with them. And because pumpkins are awesome, I also made the first pumpkin soup for this autumn. I totally envy people who have Starbucks in their town because I'd love to try one of those fabled Pumpkin Spice Lattes...
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    Hey @Falmiis, look what just dropped for me in PoE while I was doing my Catarina daily. :P

    Essence is the league of 6L for me, apparently. I've actually never just found one on the ground before. Not nearly as exciting as the Voltaxic thing, but still a nice first.
  • RancouraRancoura the Last Nightwreathed Queen Canada
    edited October 2016
    The latest Blair Witch movie was excellent.

    Tonight amidst the mountaintops
    And endless starless night
    Singing how the wind was lost
    Before an earthly flight

  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    edited October 2016
    My sister happened to know the projectionist at the movie we saw last night, so we got free concessions, a tour of the projection booth, and seats in the restricted balcony.

    (The movie was the Ghostbusters reboot, but the treats made up for it. :D )
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    Sometimes it's nice to have a landlord. Particularly when they do a lot of your place's hurricane prep for you. \o/
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • So while I currently do web development at my current job, my previous role was as a mainframe developer. I still do production support for my old team every few weeks, but it's so infrequent that I get called by prod support that I hardly worry about it.

    Well, last night at 3am, support called me and said one of our batch jobs went down. There's an issue with the CPU that job was using, so there wasn't anything that I could do.

    However, the person on the other side of the phone that called me at that ungodly hour sounded very familiar. So I asked: "Hey, are you <person I went to college with>?" And it was! Didn't realize that he had moved all the way down to Texas for work, but it was cool to be able to chat with an old school chum at Zero Dark Thirty AM!

  • Big Boss in the office let us go home half hour earlier because it's Thanksgiving weekend. The power and network were also down for at least two hours, but Thanksgiving was the reason she cited.

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Dylara said:
    Big Boss in the office let us go home half hour earlier because it's Thanksgiving weekend. The power and network were also down for at least two hours, but Thanksgiving was the reason she cited.
    Is Naked Snake on the way?
  • Luce said:
    Dylara said:
    Big Boss in the office let us go home half hour earlier because it's Thanksgiving weekend. The power and network were also down for at least two hours, but Thanksgiving was the reason she cited.
    Is Naked Snake on the way?

    (And I am afraid to google this)

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    It's a Metal Gear reference (Big Boss is a bad guy)

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Luce is just describing what HE does when his internet is out.
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