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Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

I FINALLY got the bearhug deathsight!


Re: Absence Thread

Snowpocalypse fun. Been dealing with a loss of power, water, and cold.

Needless to say looking doubtful I’ll be around until this dystopian hell gets settled.

Edit: I survived been back a few days now.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

You confide in a guardian homunculus how much you admire her dazzling mental and physical skills.
A cloud of sweet mint wafts from your mouth as you make your argument, strengthening the effect of your words.
A guardian homunculus puffs up her chest and a crazy gleam enters her eyes as she vigorously agrees with you that her intelligence and strength far surpass anyone else's.
imbue figurine with all esteem
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 100.
You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.
You have received 25 Bound Credits!
You have received 1 Sticky Wondercrystals!
You feel your innermost energies growing to extreme proportions as a darkness takes over your senses. When your senses return, you find yourself in a different location and there is a strange feeling within you.


Re: Absence Thread

I will be traveling out of town in a few days (first time by myself in over a decade), and so as I prepare to do so and am (hopefully weather permitting) doing so I will be scarce until the 25th! Be safe out there!

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Another rave for @Lantra, some may feel am doing this very regularly, but I really feel the need to highlight all the amazing things she creates and the amazing character that this goddess is in game. I just... to be able to see this distant yet motherly goddess, but also get to see the cracks, sorrow and sadness that moves a character that is aeons old and has suffered so much sorrow yet still holds firm to what she believes in. Thanks for letting us all witness part of your work <3

Re: Mafia Signups: Pokemon, the Reckoning

Due to Texas becoming Antartica, my unstable internet connection, and a player letting me know of extenuating circumstances. I am going to extend signups for another 72 hours!

A Short Log Where I Log In And Viravain Spooks Me a Bit

Viravain strokes a wickedly curved scythe tenderly.

You blink.

With a gentle coo, you say, "H...hello Lady."

Her voice bright and resonant, Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Mmm. The Nekotai."

A vicious, magpie crow caws loudly, sending a shiver up your spine.

Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his journey, lowering himself in the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the land.

Viravain drifts in a slow circle around you, Her eyes unblinking, Her expression appraising. "Tell Me about your choice."

With a gentle coo, you say to Viravain, "Yes! I am still pondering if it is the fit for me. I do like the idea of one day using the nekai to spill blood for You. But then...I ponder the Shadowbeat. I could sing songs of Wyrden glory."

With a gentle coo, you say, "I've also been considering taking up the teachings of Brother Crow..."

With a gentle coo, you say, "The opportunities of Your garden are plenty."

The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Viravain's lips.

Viravain reaches out to tenderly cup your cheek in Her hand.

You see Viravain, Lady of the Thorns in your mind's eye, holding a seedling bearing your name. Lovingly, She adds it to Her Garden, and you know that your death is merely a part of Her Web -- that She is the Gardener Who turns the Seasons of your life.

With a note of finality, Viravain, Lady of the Thorns says, "Welcome home."

Coiling sinuously about Her petite frame, stygian shadows cloak Viravain in an unnatural darkness and evanesce into the aether, leaving behind only the faintest scent of roses.

With a gentle coo, you whisper, "Thank You Lady."

Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Path track to an active domoth and hit nature disc is a big fat UGH - hope the envoy report to fix this goes through.

in other news both related and unrelated, @Aeldra is a delight - we may be ic enemies but i am genuinely happy to be playing the game with you, even if we try to murder each other on sight <3

Re: The Rewoven's Confidant

Viravain said:
Oh, that Khasur. Such a troublemaker, always delighting in seeing people squirm. And how dare Akuuko share secrets not even Viravain's Order knows! 

You know how those thieves are, always spilling secrets. At least this time he's not getting most of his right side chopped off!

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Xenthos said:
Viravain: Thanks for the interesting talk and I look forward to seeing what's coming.  Even if it does seem like a Great Deal Of Pain for someone is on the way. :o
As usual, Vira's presence is pretty overpowering.  I liked how you used Khasur to help alleviate that.  I don't know that I've seen Khasur used that way before but it was a very informative interaction overall and it's got me intrigued for the future. :)  And using the TW guild stuff to put the finishing touches on the foreshadowing at the end was great!
 >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)