Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow



  • What's it like, having more than one active divine?
  • Arix said:
    What's it like, having more than one active divine?
    What's it like having any active divine :dizzy:
    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • Terentia said:

    (Just kidding--Carakhan and Lantra are the best and they definitely make things more interesting. :smiley:)

    I rave today for Terentia using a Kandy Muse gif. 
  • Terentia said:

    (Just kidding--Carakhan and Lantra are the best and they definitely make things more interesting. :smiley:)

    Everyone knows we're moving you to Hallifax anyway. Prepare to be assimilated. 
    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • Parhelion said:
    Everyone knows we're moving you to Hallifax anyway. Prepare to be assimilated. 
    Nice try. I call dibs. She'll look so lovely next to Manteekan, and Her ghost would be called the Terentia, the Terrible. 
  • edited February 2021
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Terentia said:

    (Just kidding--Carakhan and Lantra are the best and they definitely make things more interesting. :smiley:)

    hahahahahah :D of course I also appreciate you @terentia, we just hadn't really  crossed path IC much. TLC is a great trio we're blessed to have! <3
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • AlarinAlarin Wailuku, Maui, Hawai'i
    Now that the Festival of Light is all but concluded officially, I want to take the time to thank @Terentia, @Carakhan and @Lantra for all the help and hard work they put in that helped me make this one of the most fun festivals I've ever had the pleasure of putting together in a game.  The Squid Hunt and Scavenger Hunt were nice surprises for everyone especially!

    Also, to @Gurashi whom I cannot thank enough for covering for me when I needed to deal with RL issues in the middle of day two of the Festival. 

    All in all, this has been truly awesome! <3

    A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.

  • AlarinAlarin Wailuku, Maui, Hawai'i
    Parhelion said:


    A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.

  • A very big thank you to the Glomdoritos :smiley:
    I really have enjoyed (admittedly brief) interactions with all of you as I'm out influencing! I hope you'll all keep helping me stay entertained while I'm on the grind (:
  • AlarinAlarin Wailuku, Maui, Hawai'i
    You confide in a guardian homunculus how much you admire her dazzling mental and physical skills.
    A cloud of sweet mint wafts from your mouth as you make your argument, strengthening the effect of your words.
    A guardian homunculus puffs up her chest and a crazy gleam enters her eyes as she vigorously agrees with you that her intelligence and strength far surpass anyone else's.
    imbue figurine with all esteem
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 100.
    You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.
    You have received 25 Bound Credits!
    You have received 1 Sticky Wondercrystals!
    You feel your innermost energies growing to extreme proportions as a darkness takes over your senses. When your senses return, you find yourself in a different location and there is a strange feeling within you.

    Welcome to the club! :D

    Be sure to get an essence buffer, even with the Death Karma blessing. Poke me in-game if I can help with anything! <3

    A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.

  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Viravain: Thanks for the interesting talk and I look forward to seeing what's coming.  Even if it does seem like a Great Deal Of Pain for someone is on the way. :o
    As usual, Vira's presence is pretty overpowering.  I liked how you used Khasur to help alleviate that.  I don't know that I've seen Khasur used that way before but it was a very informative interaction overall and it's got me intrigued for the future. :)  And using the TW guild stuff to put the finishing touches on the foreshadowing at the end was great!
  • Xenthos said:
    Viravain: Thanks for the interesting talk and I look forward to seeing what's coming.  Even if it does seem like a Great Deal Of Pain for someone is on the way. :o
    As usual, Vira's presence is pretty overpowering.  I liked how you used Khasur to help alleviate that.  I don't know that I've seen Khasur used that way before but it was a very informative interaction overall and it's got me intrigued for the future. :)  And using the TW guild stuff to put the finishing touches on the foreshadowing at the end was great!
     >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:) 
  • edited February 2021
    >--------------------------[ Changelog Entry #2354 ]--------------------------<
    Entered by: Ianir the Anomaly Date: 2021-02-17 01:45:21

    o Folks with task editing privileges in a guild can now GUILD TASK SHOW
     - This basically shows you GUILD TASK LIST from their point of view 
     for easier checking of what they have and haven't done.
    This is so freaking handy, thanks @Ianir.

    edit: idea'd but could it be part of the promote priv. That way everyone who might need it has it.

    edit2: ❤
    o GUILD TASK SHOW is now tied to the 'promote' privilege rather than the
    'tasks' privilege.
  • I FINALLY got the bearhug deathsight!

  • Huge shoutout to Gaudiguch. My first stage production and I was hosting the debate for our Sultan candidates! I have never seen so many people on CWHO. Thanks for making it so enjoyable <3

  • Ahhh elections. Gotta log in to build that vote weight.
  • Aruokei said:
    Ahhh elections. Gotta log in to build that vote weight.
    You got me excited for a moment, like I was going to log in to a new seren election.
  • edited February 2021
    Jolanthe for CL foreeeveeeer
  • Really not sure if it's a tweet or a rave but I'm super happy to have met @Alexandria and @Aevum who have been awesome, friendly and always approachable! It's really made a huge difference in my first couple of weeks in Hallifax! Between throwing myself and my ingame siblings into silly situations to try out different and new things, I wanted to say a big thank you for being welcoming!
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