Out of town for a week or so. Should still be aroundish, but expect my normal response time to drop. Also, just posting this now so I don't have to later on, but the 21st to the 25th I'll be scarce, … (View Post)
Not at this time, but there probably should be. I have a six hour flight tonight, I'll see if I can work something out. Otherwise, I'll shove it on the list. (View Post)
Being honest, this is the best argument I've seen for just deleting the report. There's been a few good ones made previously by a few others, but this one actually does display this doesn't … (View Post)
Alright, so, let's go over this point by point. This sounds like a problem with the healing skill to me. Perhaps this should be changed. Perhaps bring that up to your envoys. Soluti… (View Post)