Download the mpackage from the latest release page
HERECan configure the characters and colors used for full and empty for each gauge, font to use, minimum length of the gauges to show the percentage value at the end of the gauge.
They are in an adjustable container, which means you can resize it and move it about and the gauges will adjust to suit.
singleColumn mode

singleColumn mode, without the percentage showing (minimum_length_for_percent set to 40 to force it not to show)

singleColumn = false
Adds an alias to save, load, and alter the configuration for the gauges. Will autoload a configuration file if one is found, though you'll need to save it manually once you get them setup how you like after the upgrade.
But new upgrades after this one will stop nuking your configuration if you save it. This does mean once you save your config editing it in the script will no longer adjust the configuration, it'll just reload the one from disk. If you want to adjust the configuration after saving one, use the new alias. It handles setting the config options and making sure the gauges update with the new info.
Also, adds visual overflow representation