Outside @Lantra's great question about hearing what players like about game lore for building purposes, I am wondering, in order to think about org roleplay: What is one thing that irks you about your org's lore? What is one thing that you love about it? This isn't a question about what you would change, by the way. Simply, I want to know what are the pressure points.
Apologies if my thoughts are all over the place, as I'm writing this from work and stuff is happening around me...
While I can't think of a thing that exactly "irks" me about the lore of New Celest. I can be/am somewhat irked with the way it's oftentimes (mis)interpreted.
Sure, I've been gone for some 10 years, give or take, so in a way I might be comparing extremes here. That, and I might be guilty myself, of (mis)interpreting the lore...
What irks me is that New Celest is viewed as some sort of do-good-church-goers. One thing Enero was taught very early on, I believe by his IC mother, is that the Light is neither good, nor bad. It is right and just. New Celest is not a Sunday School, it is the Crusade and the Inquisition. Convert the unbelievers, burn the heretics, kill the infidels. It is not about doing the "good" thing, it's about doing the "right" thing for New Celest and the Light.
I despise Raziela and feel like she kneecaps New Celest, since all anyone ever interprets her teaching as is 'you have to do no harm because love'. I also lowkey dislike that the org is New Celest instead of having an original name. It always feels like as a result of the naming convention the org is constantly on the apology for whatever happened in the past, and it feels like everything is a memorial as a result. Every time we get a new memorial or preservation garden or statue to the dead I quietly cry a little inside. I don't want to live in a graveyard
What I do love though are the Saints! I hope we continue to get more information on them and better insight into Unification and what that entails for someone who has achieved it. I also really enjoy the Tide Lords/Ladies (especially Sarye), but wish they had a little more personality overall. I feel like sadly all of the elemental entities kind of all into this category? It feels like they originally had big ideas attached to them that never came to fruition?
Celest should not be/be considered apologetic. Lief actually worded it
pretty well - mistakes were made and now we attempt to undo what has
been done, whatever is the cost. We are not to apologize, we are to fix it and the memorials serve as a reminder. Praise the Light and the SupernalS, remember who were were, remember what happened and see it restored.
As for Raziela kneecapping New Celest, I agree in a way, but for different reasons. It's people willingly, or unwillingly misinterpreting what the Light is and what the Supernals teach. First and foremost people forget that Light is embodiment of -ALL- of the teachings. While there is nothing wrong with leaning more towards one of the Supernals, it is wrong to discard the others. Personally I think that The Lovers event and Army of Lovers is a good example of what happens, when you disregard their teachings as one whole. On top of that, anyone saying even something remotely similar to "you have to do no harm because love" should, for educational purposes, do this:
You say, "Fae."
Raziela the Loving Radiance says, "Oh, the fae are so lovely! How I would love to bring them to the Light! Wouldn't you, sweet Enero? Oh, my! Would you help me bring the fae to the Light?"
You say, "Yes."
Raziela the Loving Radiance cuts off a golden lock of her hair and hands it to you.
Raziela the Loving Radiance exclaims, "Take this token of my love to the fae! Oh, surely, sweet Enero, you can charm the fae into accepting my token. Oh, if you do, please bring them to me!"
Raziela's love is not giggling, hugging and snuggling... people should be reminded about that.
To me it just seems that over the years and dwindling numbers, the lore and the traditions of New Celest have been somewhat watered down...
I was going to put something here but it led into a very long rant that I rather not get into.
Let me just say this: Raziela doesn't kneecap anything. She is just as much an instrument of destruction as all the rest, she might just be worse though cause she's the psycho-chick giggling and weeping about you making her do this to you while wielding the bloody knife going to town on her victim.
I think what ya'll are missing, and I didn't explain, is I agree with you. I despise Raziela's role because it IS presented and misrepresented consistently and thoroughly. You can't get any firm stance in the org in my experience without at least one person bringing up and repeatedly shouting "But Raziela!!" until you get sick of it and just forgo trying to make any headway. She's exhausting.
I absolutely wish she was better represented, but as it is she isn't, and as a result my severe dislike of her stems from right now she's little more than watered down hippie child.
I think what ya'll are missing, and I didn't explain, is I agree with you. I despise Raziela's role because it IS presented and misrepresented consistently and thoroughly. You can't get any firm stance in the org in my experience without at least one person bringing up and repeatedly shouting "But Raziela!!" until you get sick of it and just forgo trying to make any headway. She's exhausting.
I absolutely wish she was better represented, but as it is she isn't, and as a result my severe dislike of her stems from right now she's little more than watered down hippie child.
I must take quite a lot from what I said back. After conducting a scientific experiment myself, I must agree with your watered down hippie child comment, at least partially anyway...
Most of that which disgruntles me is not really the lore itself, but rather how players outside Glomdoring treat the lore, especially if they have never played in it. Especially things with Brother Crow's aspects and tenets, primarily False Memory. It doesn't help that Glomdoring's supposed to be really secretive about its lore and has had bad raps in the past, so I can't exactly go "hey, you're wrong, and here's why", but that's more of a player-based problem.
That, and as Lief and Jolanthe mentioned before, how the fae are kind of really watered down, only really physically reminiscent of their real-life mythical counterparts. I also wish there were more wyrden fae that willingly chose the Wyrd rather than forced to be bound to it. I wish there were more household-type fae that protect things or places, Faethorn or otherwise.
Also, where are my non-binary Elder gods at? I know the original histories were made way back in... 2004 or earlier, and being non-binary was considered even more of a fad than it is now. Regardless, I really wish that in future lore that's revealed or otherwise implemented that we have more references to non-binary Elders (and NPCs; yes, I know that it's not in for NPCs yet, code-wise, but still! I can dream).
@Enero I don't think Celest has changed in that regard, it's just more in your face at the moment for various reasons. I'd say it's more "seasonal" in how it shifts. If you go far back enough into the news, I am sure you'll find political divides running through New Celest's history over this at least as far back as pre-bard days, and likely all the way back to Beta.
That said, I think it's interesting to note that Gorgulu and Raziela are something of mechanical analogues. I don't think this is entirely by mistake or simply to be tongue-in-cheek, and any aspiring Celestian writer might press an argument for how a pure Razielan zealot might be just as insane comparatively (would be kind of surprised if such a book was never written, tbh).
Most of that which disgruntles me is not really the lore itself, but rather how players outside Glomdoring treat the lore, especially if they have never played in it. Especially things with Brother Crow's aspects and tenets, primarily False Memory. It doesn't help that Glomdoring's supposed to be really secretive about its lore and has had bad raps in the past, so I can't exactly go "hey, you're wrong, and here's why", but that's more of a player-based problem.
Yeah, I am pretty sure a lot of Glommies aren't fans of how outsiders treat False Memory.
Most of that which disgruntles me is not really the lore itself, but rather how players outside Glomdoring treat the lore, especially if they have never played in it. Especially things with Brother Crow's aspects and tenets, primarily False Memory. It doesn't help that Glomdoring's supposed to be really secretive about its lore and has had bad raps in the past, so I can't exactly go "hey, you're wrong, and here's why", but that's more of a player-based problem.
That, and as Lief and Jolanthe mentioned before, how the fae are kind of really watered down, only really physically reminiscent of their real-life mythical counterparts. I also wish there were more wyrden fae that willingly chose the Wyrd rather than forced to be bound to it. I wish there were more household-type fae that protect things or places, Faethorn or otherwise.
Also, where are my non-binary Elder gods at? I know the original histories were made way back in... 2004 or earlier, and being non-binary was considered even more of a fad than it is now. Regardless, I really wish that in future lore that's revealed or otherwise implemented that we have more references to non-binary Elders (and NPCs; yes, I know that it's not in for NPCs yet, code-wise, but still! I can dream).
Without outing myself, I played a Glom a long while back and False Memory was absolutely my favorite Aspect. I think every org has a teaching that gets misrepresented or misunderstood a lot, though. We're all propaganda machines IC, and the best way to get through to many characters is going to be to talk to them (tough with the secrecy thing) - and even then, only characters that actively try to learn other orgs' teachings and/or characters open to conversion are going to listen.
Amazing beautiful stunning avatar by Gurashi! ~ A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest." ~ Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
I know this isn't strictly an RP thing, but a mechanical complaint - but it does directly influence RP.
Hallifax and Gaudiguch's players can't afford to be as aggressive as they might want to be due to the fact that Master Crystals and Fleshpots are relatively very easy to take down. That sword is constantly over the neck of any Halli or Gaudi combatant, the threat of several days worth of work and grief just to recover from a smob raid. It "forces" a more temperate approach to RP when discussing conflict.
Conversely, the might of Seren and Glom's Avatars allows their players to be pretty much as aggressive as they care to be, because what're people gonna do? Kill Silver Ladies/Daughters? Slay Maeve and pull Xion Initiative, severely risking alienating their allied forest? That is something that has always frustrated me.
On the other hand, in recent memory I have personally avoided sphere attacks / discouraged them, simply because the disparity is so wide. It is not fair that we can raid some smobs without as much fear of consequence as they would have for attacking ours.
There was a report to reduce the negative duration- was not accepted but they did say that they were planning to look at it all eventually.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
To no one's surprise, my favorite bits of admin-created lore are around the centaurs. Especially since I've watched the lore grow and evolve based directly on player input. The stories around Tokota, the colts, how they've grown and changed, are emotional.
As for lore I don't like... hmm... despite the attempts of many a leader and influencer to shift the focus of Serenwilde toward the more interesting aspects of ancestor worship, blood magic, and hidden wild secrets, there's still an overarching feel and theme of "recovering what was lost". It's an impossible goal and ends up causing a lot of frustration.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
1. The Glomdoring harpies' descriptions are hilarious. 2. I haven't been part of the game for very long, but Esei has definitely evolved a lot - oocly, a little less, but I'm sure that will come with time! 3. I'd say the most sensical org to put Esei in would be in Serenwilde. While they are similar at points, Glomdoring and Serenwilde are wildly different. Esei would first cry, and then start bullying people, as one does. 4. Favorite items... a pomegranate pendant I designed once.
1. Not sure about easter egg, but yodeling in Snow Valley and the Demijohn are neat 2. Saran started out as like very "maiden"/"foal" and has progressed to a point where he is now through travels. Leaning "Crone"ish and the like because of all the stuff he's seen. He's kinda lost a concept of "race" from being a changeling for so long so they're all just "shapes" with different uses now. 3. Maybe Halli, city, no real undead, no spirits/spiritual kinda beings. The control opposed to the wildness of nature. Gaudi in second I think 4. The vines in the Strongleaf tree mostly for the exit line. The Listeners fruit are also pretty great and a neat way for histories to be shown to players.
1. Not an easter egg but I love how the guards in Magnagora's teahouse kick you out if you're not a high enough cityrank. It's a fun little trick. 2. I'm thinking of Nymerya here (because it won't let me log in as her) but I would say that my character has changed a great deal! She's become more erratic and 'weird' in public as an affectation for her own amusement. She used to be very stern and bit unkind. She's softened on the surface. 3. Nymerya could go to any city and fit in just fine, I think. Orders, though. Hmmm, something with lots of structure! 4. As for items, I think my parasol for Nym. But my utter favourite thing ever in game no longer 'exists'. The ritual designed for the Nihilists guildhall was my pride and joy and now it's gone. -sniff-
Wildeflower Aramel Strongleaf says to Xiran, "My cousin's attitude to life is rather like her attitude towards cake - to have everything, and at once, and lots of it."
Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
Giving food to eaf'whatsits, the mounts you can create in Xeeth Labs. #NoContext
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
Parhelion joining your order was extremely unexpected. The following is a large amount of Parhelion RP I've developed that very few people actually know.
I literally started Choros because an older player was retiring and selling off a large amount of curios for cheap. I purchased them, and when I found out he had a sileni set, I jumped on it. I wanted to play a sort of rogueish, flamboyant character. Think Gambit from the X-Men, but without the accent. Unlike most characters I play, I actually plotted out his rp before rolling him, because I was also investing about 7-10k in retirement credits. Choros was going to be my main for some time.
Choros picked Hallifax because he felt it was the org least likely to attract Sileni. He was afraid to be around more of his race, because he didn't want to draw Zenos' attention any more than he had to. He was convinced that some day. somehow, he was going to be devoured by Zenos, and always looked over his shoulder for said soulless sending things after him. Because of this, he developed a strict code of what was important; in order, this was himself, then the family, then guild and city, then everyone else. Anyone who wanted to get close to Choros had to more or less prove that they were worth the time and effort; he wasn't vain, but he wasn't going to waste his short life trying to make friends who would let him down or betray him. You had to be special to get into Choros' circle of people he actually cared about. The one person who managed to get close to Choros was Eadei.
EDIT: I felt like I needed to expand on the above part because it makes Choros sound vaguely assholish. As a Sileni, Choros understands how fragile a link he has with Creation. If all of the Sileni die, there will be no more Sileni, ever. The things actually devoured by a Soulless don't come back, and the 'real' Sileni in existence are both spirits, and given the lack of other real sileni, cannot reincarnate. So if these two sileni are ever devoured, that's one more part of the Song of Creation that is nullified forever. Choros considers himself like bait to draw attention from these other two sileni. So he puts himself above almost everyone else, because he feels like he has a duty to remain alive and drawing attention away from the Sileni glade. Anything that takes his attention from that had better have a good reason for doing so.
When he started being played, he was interested in Czixi due to his unofficial mentor (Eadei) being one of hers, and his outlook on life ended up being kinda close to Hers, in that mortals needed to put off their fate for as long as possible. Then, Eadei suicided, and Choros blamed it on Czixi being unapproachable and damaged as a leader. He's been angry at Czixi for a long time, especially with Czixi's freaking out during Nelras' and Alexandria's wedding, not to mention how She reacted when Drocilla showed up. He's kind of looked down on Her since then, even if he plays nice. He developed a minor crush on Ruin, and subsequently has a thing for strong-willed women.
So when the Ascension thing started, and it looked like he was going to be pushed into the fray (IE, shoved right up close to Kethuru), I decided that maybe he needed some character growth. What I had in mind was chatting up Czixi, maybe getting snarky, getting zapped a handful of times, and hopefully getting a hand on his shoulder and being told, "You can do this", and eventually ending up in Czixi's order.
Czixi didn't respond to my prayer. Whether this was because she was OOCly busy with her new role, or just wasn't around at the time, or maybe didn't even feel like dealing with Choros, I don't know. All I do know is, my second thought was Terentia. Here's a goddess who is obviously going to support someone trying to keep Ixion from Ascension. My plan had been to hit up every single active anti-Taint god for their favor to pad my chances of winning, and I started with Terentia.
I didn't expect Terentia to just toss me a favor, but she made me work for it. I actually had to think about my answers, instead of nonchalantly bullshitting my way through our meeting. When I walked out of my meeting with her, my very next thought was "I think her belief in me may be enough." followed by "If I don't win this, my head is going to sit on Her shrine for a very long time". At no point did I ever ponder joining her order, and I didn't bother going to other gods.
Well, Ascension happens, and I win. My literal first thought once it ended was a proud, "I didn't disappoint Terentia. I kept my promise." followed by "...wait. Why do I even care about that?" in a sort of ic/ooc thought, because Choros had always been kind of a shifty, chaotic good sort of guy.
Short time later, I get a tell from someone I'd never heard of: One of Terentia's mobs, who had forged me a dagger as a sort of thanks from Terentia. I'm staring at it and thinking ...is this a threat? An invitation? After asking a few members of her order that I had made friendly with, I find out that the Dagger is what She called her cadre during the Elder Wars and before. Definitely an invitation, or at least a way of Her honoring Parhelion.
The rest is pretty basic. Parhelion has evolved from "We're all screwed, so do what you can until the Soulless devour us all" to "We're all screwed, but we're going to fight our asses off to put that off for as long as possible". Terentia's growing on Parhelion, and he loves to see under Her armor (metaphorically obviously) from time to time. Some of his outlooks have had to change, and once they did, he's found out that a majority of Her ways agree with him too, so it seems to work out.
Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."
Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
1. Brother Neluane Serole II murmurs gently, "Ahhh, this is succulent." <-- this is a tutor that hangs out in the library and he says this with no context and I have ALL THE CONCERN. 2. I haven't been around for ages but there's been some development- I made Yinuish thinking there would be some fun roleplay and she'd play a shy somewhat awkward character I didn't play often. Well, oops. 3. Hallifax, maybe? It seems very organised, unlike Celest. 4. @Knorrith made me a bumblee bee brooch for a birthday and I've treasured it ever since.
Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
The old ritual room hidden under the Megalith, and how hanging out on top of the bell tower construction often results in you falling on your face at the nexus. Also Edwin d'Vanecu and the way he talks to his science project (it's a she, by the way).
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
Sapphira was going to be a lot less refined than she is becoming for sure - a bit absent-minded and haphazard and a dreamy artistic type. Lots of twists along the way and she's far from where she began already.
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
Probably Celest for all the Light and stuff, or Serenwilde which seems so wholesome in comparison to how she is now.
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
Pretty much everything she has is her own crafting or design, ha. Do love her custom paintbrush though, which was a gnomeweapon pen gifted to her by her now husband Uzi, and now lets me fling ink at people and make art out of killing things!
1. Brother Neluane Serole II murmurs gently, "Ahhh, this is succulent." <-- this is a tutor that hangs out in the library and he says this with no context and I have ALL THE CONCERN.
So when the Celest admin decided to do a refresh/redux of the Celestian guild overhaul, we had the chance to imprint more fuller personalities to each of the main tutors (or new tutors in Neluane's case). Because he was originally a librarian, I ended up drawing inspiration from the librarian at my university whom I shadowed for the past year. Whenever he was reading something that he thought was really interesting, he would always turn to me and say, "Doesn't this sound succulent?"
Czixi didn't respond to my prayer. Whether this was because she was OOCly busy with her new role, or just wasn't around at the time, or maybe didn't even feel like dealing with Choros, I don't know. All I do know is, my second thought was Terentia. Here's a goddess who is obviously going to support someone trying to keep Ixion from Ascension. My plan had been to hit up every single active anti-Taint god for their favor to pad my chances of winning, and I started with Terentia.
The message came during the period where I wasn't able to play Czixi for various reasons - which I'm delighted seems to have worked out wonderfully for you, because Terentia is awesome
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
1: Choros would be in Gaudiguch. He already despises Crys, and would jump on using Minstrelry in a heartbeat.
2: His braided leather bracelet. It was inspired by Kharvik's leather bracelet, and older players will understand why.
A few lengths of cured light leather have been expertly woven together
into a single braid designed to wrap tightly and comfortably around the
wrist. Along each strip dark swirls and intricate patterns have been
burnt onto the leather and then filled with a deep ochre colour. The
detailing provides an abstract beauty, particularly highlighted against
the earthy familiarity of the leather.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
It is a priceless item that cannot be traded.
It bears the distinctive mark of Kyair Silvermoon.
It is enchanted with the waterwalk spell, holding 127 charges.
It has a Superior Rune of Ego Regeneration attached to it (#164489).
It has a Superior Rune of Beauty attached to it (#183061).
It has a Greater Rune of Dominion attached to it (#329940).
It has a Superior Rune of Fitness attached to it (#264699).
It has a Great Rune of Planar Mastery attached to it (#341581).
It has a Superior Rune of Health Regeneration attached to it (#243649).
It has the following aliases: bracelet, bracelets.
It contains a white jewel.
It contains a snow jewel.
It contains a glass jewel.
It contains a halcyon jewel.
Second is the dagger gifted to him by Eamna.
Not forged but chiseled into its present shape, this dagger is thing of simple beauty and curves.
From blade-tip to pommel, it ekes a mere hand's length, with the blade itself composing the bulk of
its sleek form. This blade is not metal, no, but crystal: unusual in structure, opaque and argent in
appearance. The straightforward spine is a perfect line, but the other end is where it curves,
swooping down like arc of the wave, where it bends upward and down again creating a hook-like shape,
before it tapers to the hilt and handle. Gold sheathes end of the blade, coiling up its length to
make a similar hook pattern as it seamlessly melds to the width of the weapon; no quillions here,
but smooth lines that shift from crossguard to handle, which is wrapped in white-dyed leather, oiled
and tightly wound. There is no pommel to this blade too; instead, it simply ends with a loop like a
needle's eye and a charm dangles there upon white ribbon. This bauble is in the shape of a small
circle or disc, wherein it circumscribes an open hand with its palm facing outwards. Finely etched
on the charm's opposite side is a single word, a name, perhaps the blade's own.
It has 333 months of usefulness left.
It weighs about 10 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Eamna Borruk.
It has the following aliases: dagger.
Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."
Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
1)Not sure i feel comfortable with spilling glomsecrets, but there isa quest in celest that haven't finished but is cool, the one where you turn the cats in to get a candya dn then give that to a scholar. Never did give him enough candy. but Then I didn't know about the black cats till after I stopped trying it.
2)Tylwyth has a grown a little bit. Though he tries to hid it. He is slowly getting better at combat. He mostly turtles if he is melding, but for offense he can drain a bit now. He's still not great at it, but he much better than he used to be.
3)Probably being a keph monk in Celest. Or maybe a gem guy in hallifax because timey-wimey.
4)I love the crystal circlet that zaps people who spy/scry on me. And I love the Curio puppies[and kittens and I need to get the birds].
Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
1. Like Sapphira said the top of the clocktower room and how you can get blown off and smack your head into the Megalith is awesome. Also the room description changes based on if it is day or night. Anytime I notice something or time-based ambient (so many sunrise/sunset rooms in mag) like that I love it. There's also tons of hidden responses from the nobles in the Presidio (and freaking nighthawks in the sky which I never noticed until last week).
2. It's probably more subtle than people would have noticed, but at first Uzriel's mad-scientist routine meant he actively looked down on magic/rituals. He's since found religion and sees how they can be combined together.
3. The most amusing answer is probably Celest. Where Uzriel would apply his amoral scientific mind to trying to revive one of the Holy Celestine Empire's doomed soulless related projects.
4. This is a tough one! For customized, probably my gnome weapon turned into a geochemantic mask - though I may want to retouch it to be a skull (family symbol) instead of the bird-style plague mask along with a custom weapon. Non-customized would be the medallion of knowledge.
Sorry for the double post but I forgot to include under item 1 a little thing I just remembered. I think its so cool that while the groundhog quest is up, the spiritbond groundhog message has a different message than normal. I only know this because somebody mentioned how their autodefup wasn't working on groundhog.
Its also not an easter egg, but the geochemantic message when fumes dissipate is a favorite of mine too. For reference: Your chemical fumes dissipate on a passing breeze, leaving the air disgustingly clean.
A lot. Not a great rper, so I can't always keep the character intact, but definitely not the same as it began. Not the least because I grew up an actual like 15 years since I started the character....
Magnagora. City, arrogant, independent. I'd love to have an IC reason to flip to Nihilist, too, just a really wacky class mechanically/badass class flavor.
Jorge. The delivery message for Jorge makes me chuckle IRL no matter how many times I see it. Just fantastically silly.
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
1. I'm bad at secrets, I have no idea
2. Miseri has been slow to evolve, but she's getting there! She started as a 'generic soldier' type and has expanded into someone who is deeply interested in philosophical and artistic discussions, and has slowly been coming out of her shell with expressing her emotions.
3. I think if it was some sort of weird switch situation she would probably end up in Gaudiguch, which would be deeply outside of her comfort zone.
4. My favorite items are my custom curaiss aethersuit and the wedding vase Carakhan gave Miseri and Nira for their big day (which we have PLANS for showcasing, we're just being perfectionists >:D )
1. Brother Neluane Serole II murmurs gently, "Ahhh, this is succulent." <-- this is a tutor that hangs out in the library and he says this with no context and I have ALL THE CONCERN.
So when the Celest admin decided to do a refresh/redux of the Celestian guild overhaul, we had the chance to imprint more fuller personalities to each of the main tutors (or new tutors in Neluane's case). Because he was originally a librarian, I ended up drawing inspiration from the librarian at my university whom I shadowed for the past year. Whenever he was reading something that he thought was really interesting, he would always turn to me and say, "Doesn't this sound succulent?"
I am greatly relieved to find there is a REASON because when I saw it I was like oh no, what is he reading. Oh no is he eating in the library? -fret-
Since I can't go to sleep, time to revive this thread!
What are your favorite easter eggs (or maybe just weird secrets) in the game?
For those of you who have been playing a long time, how much has your character evolved and how much do you feel you have evolved since you started?
If we had some sort of Freaky Friday situation happen, what is the org that you would find your character in that is radically different than the one they are in now, and why?
What are your favorite items (both personal/customised and not)?
1. Petting the grubs in Amberni
2. I feel that Orv, while Idealistic, has also become a little more pragmatic/aggressive as the centuries have progressed. She's literally progressed from Dreamer to Happily Lost in terms of faith in switching from Hoaracle *gasp* to Darvellan. Family's still a thing she clings to despite most of her immediate family being gone/dead. She's devoted to her husband, Shaddus, and loves her 'Grands' children and nieces and nephews and nibbles(niblings). As for me as a player, I've realised my mindscape/imagination for things has definitely changed over the years- I have an half-finished, unpublished book that Orv wrote while still a wee baby Amaneunsis in the Institute, and reading it I can't really place myself in the same state of mind to even remember where to begin to take it to or where I wanted it to end. Especially since handwavium 'science!' is harder to justify with the new publishing guidelines or so I hear.
3. Not terribly sure. If all Kethuru broke lose, she'd mostly likely go rogue and take up living in the Tree of Trees with Rikitosk and end up a devotee to Father Sun along with the Morningsong Sisters. Fall in with the 'nulis, coronuli. Start a Sundancer faeling tribe, sell suncakes, suncreen and propaganda from her balloon...
4. A key from the Enigma Himself. It goes nowhere terribly special. A result of a very funny misunderstanding, and Him humoring said misunderstanding.
Also, Orventa's changeling cameo.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots. Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Let me just say this: Raziela doesn't kneecap anything. She is just as much an instrument of destruction as all the rest, she might just be worse though cause she's the psycho-chick giggling and weeping about you making her do this to you while wielding the bloody knife going to town on her victim.
I must take quite a lot from what I said back. After conducting a scientific experiment myself, I must agree with your watered down hippie child comment, at least partially anyway...
That, and as Lief and Jolanthe mentioned before, how the fae are kind of really watered down, only really physically reminiscent of their real-life mythical counterparts. I also wish there were more wyrden fae that willingly chose the Wyrd rather than forced to be bound to it. I wish there were more household-type fae that protect things or places, Faethorn or otherwise.
Also, where are my non-binary Elder gods at?
That said, I think it's interesting to note that Gorgulu and Raziela are something of mechanical analogues. I don't think this is entirely by mistake or simply to be tongue-in-cheek, and any aspiring Celestian writer might press an argument for how a pure Razielan zealot might be just as insane comparatively (would be kind of surprised if such a book was never written, tbh).
A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest."
Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
Explorer (80%), Achiever (53%), Socializer (53%), Killer (13%)
Bartle Taxonomy
(test yourself)
2. I haven't been part of the game for very long, but Esei has definitely evolved a lot - oocly, a little less, but I'm sure that will come with time!
3. I'd say the most sensical org to put Esei in would be in Serenwilde. While they are similar at points, Glomdoring and Serenwilde are wildly different. Esei would first cry, and then start bullying people, as one does.
4. Favorite items... a pomegranate pendant I designed once.
2. Saran started out as like very "maiden"/"foal" and has progressed to a point where he is now through travels. Leaning "Crone"ish and the like because of all the stuff he's seen. He's kinda lost a concept of "race" from being a changeling for so long so they're all just "shapes" with different uses now.
3. Maybe Halli, city, no real undead, no spirits/spiritual kinda beings. The control opposed to the wildness of nature. Gaudi in second I think
4. The vines in the Strongleaf tree mostly for the exit line. The Listeners fruit are also pretty great and a neat way for histories to be shown to players.
2. I'm thinking of Nymerya here (because it won't let me log in as her) but I would say that my character has changed a great deal! She's become more erratic and 'weird' in public as an affectation for her own amusement. She used to be very stern and bit unkind. She's softened on the surface.
3. Nymerya could go to any city and fit in just fine, I think. Orders, though. Hmmm, something with lots of structure!
4. As for items, I think my parasol for Nym. But my utter favourite thing ever in game no longer 'exists'. The ritual designed for the Nihilists guildhall was my pride and joy and now it's gone. -sniff-
2. I haven't been around for ages but there's been some development- I made Yinuish thinking there would be some fun roleplay and she'd play a shy somewhat awkward character I didn't play often. Well, oops.
3. Hallifax, maybe? It seems very organised, unlike Celest.
4. @Knorrith made me a bumblee bee brooch for a birthday and I've treasured it ever since.
1: Choros would be in Gaudiguch. He already despises Crys, and would jump on using Minstrelry in a heartbeat.
2: His braided leather bracelet. It was inspired by Kharvik's leather bracelet, and older players will understand why.
Second is the dagger gifted to him by Eamna.
2)Tylwyth has a grown a little bit. Though he tries to hid it. He is slowly getting better at combat. He mostly turtles if he is melding, but for offense he can drain a bit now. He's still not great at it, but he much better than he used to be.
3)Probably being a keph monk in Celest.
Or maybe a gem guy in hallifax because timey-wimey.
4)I love the crystal circlet that zaps people who spy/scry on me. And I love the Curio puppies[and kittens and I need to get the birds].
2. It's probably more subtle than people would have noticed, but at first Uzriel's mad-scientist routine meant he actively looked down on magic/rituals. He's since found religion and sees how they can be combined together.
3. The most amusing answer is probably Celest. Where Uzriel would apply his amoral scientific mind to trying to revive one of the Holy Celestine Empire's doomed soulless related projects.
4. This is a tough one! For customized, probably my gnome weapon turned into a geochemantic mask - though I may want to retouch it to be a skull (family symbol) instead of the bird-style plague mask along with a custom weapon. Non-customized would be the medallion of knowledge.
Its also not an easter egg, but the geochemantic message when fumes dissipate is a favorite of mine too. For reference: Your chemical fumes dissipate on a passing breeze, leaving the air disgustingly clean.
2. Been around less than a year so it's not applicable!
3. I would probably go to Hallifax for its orderliness. And make a mess.
Explorer (80%), Achiever (53%), Socializer (53%), Killer (13%)
Bartle Taxonomy
(test yourself)
2. I feel that Orv, while Idealistic, has also become a little more pragmatic/aggressive as the centuries have progressed. She's literally progressed from Dreamer to Happily Lost in terms of faith in switching from Hoaracle *gasp* to Darvellan. Family's still a thing she clings to despite most of her immediate family being gone/dead. She's devoted to her husband, Shaddus, and loves her 'Grands' children and nieces and nephews and nibbles(niblings). As for me as a player, I've realised my mindscape/imagination for things has definitely changed over the years- I have an half-finished, unpublished book that Orv wrote while still a wee baby Amaneunsis in the Institute, and reading it I can't really place myself in the same state of mind to even remember where to begin to take it to or where I wanted it to end. Especially since handwavium 'science!' is harder to justify with the new publishing guidelines or so I hear.
3. Not terribly sure. If all Kethuru broke lose, she'd mostly likely go rogue and take up living in the Tree of Trees with Rikitosk and end up a devotee to Father Sun along with the Morningsong Sisters. Fall in with the 'nulis, coronuli. Start a Sundancer faeling tribe, sell suncakes, suncreen and propaganda from her balloon...
4. A key from the Enigma Himself. It goes nowhere terribly special. A result of a very funny misunderstanding, and Him humoring said misunderstanding.
Also, Orventa's changeling cameo.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)