Hey folks. With permission from Iosai (aka mods don't delete this), Chade and I are working on compiling a detailed list of bugged quests and we need your help!! We're breaking it down by quests that have major bugs that prevent completion, and minor ones that need to be fixed, but feel free to post any bugs you know of.
Now's your chance to contribute, please post any quest bugs with as much detail as possible!
Under investigation:
Orphanage dark side
Asylum dark side
Malacoda dark side
Kephera orbs/shark liver
Done investigating:
Angkrag slave master
Gorgogs rift
Icewynd- Open Climanti Forsaken side acolyte issue
Icewynd- Blinding Eye of Zeros
Icewynd- duplicate ice angel/duplicate phoenix issues
KNR rabbit:fox ratio miniquest - Fixed
Mt. Zoaka- Hraxri's love life quest
Bottledowns dark side (invading facility) - Fixed
Catacombs of the Dead
Angkrag Slave Master
Bugged NPCs:
Relevant Commands:
Relevant Rooms:
Relevant NPCs:
Relevant Bug Reports:
Bug #7701
This quest is completed by trapping the drunken orc (orc2174) in a room with the three skeleton sentries surrounding it (skeleton2206, skeleton 2214, skeleton2218). This is done by TURNing the skeletons and then PUSHing them. On 10 quest completions an honours line is given.
Bug Specifics:
Honours line not being given after 10 quest completions.
Editting for clarification: Norgur gave the following readings when prints showed 6 rabbits, I counted eight (two were in the hutch, and as far as I could tell not doing anything), prints showed five foxes and neither I nor my wolf could find any, including by digging in the area.
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 20 rabbits and 3 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 19 rabbits and 2 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 13 rabbits and 2 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 20 rabbits and 3 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 14 rabbits and 2 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 18 rabbits and 2 foxes."
Norgur Mardack says, "I'd say.. 15 rabbits and 2 foxes."
Giving the go-ahead resulted in the too many foxes result, despite zero being findable in the zone and Norgur's count showing too many rabbits.
I haven't tried KNR in a while, but when I did it the only reliable way to tell if there is a bug is to use PRINTS in tracking to get a guaranteed count.
Have you or anyone else tried this, gotten a 5:1 ratio or whatever it is, and it still failed? ^ahh apparently Kalnid ninjad me. Okay I'll check it out. (prints doesn't catch all rooms/mobs, it's really odd, but sounds like a bug though!)
Reported as bug 5452.
I have a pile of quest-bugs sitting in my queue, I can try to sort through and add some here later.
I do know that the introduction of "you are now able to make the keph queens invulnerable at any point!" change really screwed with the whole Undervault epic quest system. There was even a time where Khementen was invulnerable even with no orb on her pedestal. Iosai has done a couple of tweaks to reduce the issues there, but more still remain.
It either needs a thorough review to account for the change that was kind of just thrown in, or that needs to be pulled until there is time for review, because it is actually possible to completely block the Illith side from being done at certain points because of invul queens.
Also, it is now possible to make the queens invulnerable even when Zenobia is already up (in which case they auto-respawn and don't need it) after someone drops the orbs once. This leaves the quest looking like Zenobia is still invincible (the orbs are up) but the bone shark liver cannot be created. You have to gamble on whether or not she really is vulnerable.
Essentially, it boils down to: You can make the queens invulnerable at any stage of the quest, but you can only get shark livers at specific stages (used to only be one stage but it did get expanded a bit). This leads to points where queens can't be touched, even with questing.
I was able to come back after Ahhuma had reset and finish the quest though.
Removing Chancel from the list too, seems the major old bugs have been fixed and we've seen flame warriors/suits recently so unless someone posts a specific issue I'll leave it off.
Kiakoda Nature Preserve:
Bug #6952 Status: Classified
(The details of this bug are way too lengthy and Just Plain Wrong to copy / paste here; at least 8 different bug reports all got slammed together into one with all kinds of misinformation which probably makes it a lot harder to fix)
It essentially boils down to this:
Non-Bug but Confusing Features:
- The PRINTS command does not work. People love to tell you to just use it to get the balance right, but they're just giving you headaches and frustration. There appears to be an unconnected room rabbits and foxes can spawn in where they show on PRINTS but do not count towards Norgur's estimate or the actual total.
- Foxes burrow. You need to dig every room in the southeast corner. Foxes also move, and there is no room message when they move while burrowed. This means you need to dig every room more than once. I personally bought a silver shovel, dug every room up, then went back and did every room a second time. This was pretty much always good enough to get all the foxes.
Buggy buggy bugs:
- If there are 2 foxes or fewer in the area, it's an automatic loss. You cannot win. Period. 2 foxes and 10 rabbits = failure. 1 fox and 5 rabbits = failure. Just intentionally fail the quest to reset the count.
- If there are less than 14 rabbits, you cannot win. Period. You need a minimum of 3 foxes and 15 rabbits to succeed, so just reset the quest and try again.
- Theoretically you should be able to overcome the above problem by breeding rabbits, but that's the other bug: Put rabbits in the hatch and they just scrabble around inside but refuse to actually breed. You cannot make new rabbits.
To fix this quest:
1) Make breeding rabbits work.
2) Make it so that 3 foxes will always spawn at minimum (I imagine that the lower limit is in there to prevent someone from killing all but 1 fox and 5 rabbits, and is "intentional").
Stupid Kepheran Queens
Bug #6383 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 1/9/2013 @ 15:14 bugs]------
I cannot kill Queen Khementen at the moment. When I try, she does the following: Hive Queen Khementen glistens as she draws deeply upon the psionic energies of the Hive Queens through the nearby Eye of Keph, easily turning aside the attack. Hive Queen Khementen exclaims, "The Hive Queens will not be so easily struck down!" However, looking at the room: A marble pedestal rises up from the floor here. <-- The orb is -not- on the pedestal. When I feed kepherans to Cyaratalegur, he does not give us any shark livers. I'm not quite sure what's going on with her, but she should be vulnerable at the moment, there is no Eye of Keph on the pedestal.
Forsaken shard bug
Bug #6414 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 1/12/2013 @ 19:00 bugs]------
I think this Acolyte of the Forsaken tripped an untrapped error (acolyte 98579). Tacita led him to the right spot and summoned the wind. However, the moment that the wind spawned, he stopped reacting- and now he's still in the "appears locked in concentration" stage when we greet him, he did not move on to the point where he actually summoned the shard to put in Climanti's Spire.
-------[Xenthos on 1/12/2013 @ 19:01 adds]------
And he no longer responds to "Can you sense a shard?" So we can't even try for another one.
^-- This is when the Forsaken quest bugged out. Since then, Acolytes refuse to go searching for shards.
Non-critical bugs:
Forsaken Shard
-------[Xenthos on 10/14/2012 @ 00:19 bugs]------
You say, "Do you sense a shard?" An Acolyte of the Forsaken presses his hands together and entwines his fingers awkwardly, then twists. Crimson paints and markings line up, forming a strange, archaic ritual circle between his hands as the air begins to crackle with psionic energy. - Crackling waves of psionic energy ripple outwards, still searching. - *then nothing*. When I look he is gone. Note that I had just gotten him a short time before and had only collected 1 shard, we were looking for the second. Where did he go?
Slaying the Ice Angels
Basically, before a bug fix, you could kill one ice angel and it would not respawn. After the bug fix, you can now have a living Ice Angel in the room who is also quite dead inside the Spire. They shouldn't be able to spawn a living version while entombed in ice.
Bug #6412 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 1/12/2013 @ 17:15 bugs]------
When you tweaked the Forsaken quest in order to make it only give 1 piece for putting in the medallions, it was broken. When I probe the spire I see: Across the southern face of the spire stretches the angelic figure of Dungari, Bounty of the Icewynd, his rotund figure captured as though thrashing in pain. However, putting all the medallions in spawned a second Dungari: "dungari310209" Dungari, Bounty of the Icewynd <-- Prior to the tweak, it would not spawn an already-dead angel...
Forsaken Past
Bug #5404 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 10/14/2012 @ 15:26 bugs]------
In a soft voice, Master Tlacari Dix says, "It will be a bit before he returns... Upon his return, we will know that we are yet safe from the Soulless." <-- I fed the phoenix a while, it went out to do its thing. However, I went to see the King to see if there was something else that needed to be done while we wait. When I came back, I mentioned the word "king" and "help" again. Tlacari brought out another phoenix. Apparently he forgot that one was just sent out. Does this mean that the thing reset and needs to be redone?
-------[Xenthos on 10/14/2012 @ 15:31 adds]------
In answer: A bit later, I saw this. A ruckus emanates from the hatchery high in the city as a great ice phoenix approaches its landing, its descent slow and weak, lazy circles as it slowly makes its way to the stone of the tower. <-- When this happened, the new phoenix chick hatchling also poofed. Probably shouldn't let you start up a new one while you're waiting for the return.
Kiakoda Nature Preserve
Bug #5865 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 11/25/2012 @ 01:32 bugs]------
Another (separate) bug for the Kiakoda preserve: When you go up to Alfred and say "Help," he says that the areas are out of balance. And at least for myself, every time I have successfully helped him, I put every area in balance. When I go up and say "help" again he says: Alfred Cottontail says, "Thanks in large part to the work of our volunteers, each one of the reserve's areas stands in balance, sheltered in the bosum of Kiakoda's bounteous heart." <-- Well, of course they are all in balance, I just balanced them.
-------[Xenthos on 11/25/2012 @ 01:33 adds]------
So in this case, I need to wait 4-5 hours before an area goes out of balance before I can actually finish the quest. Once an area is out of balance again, he'll let me greet him and turn in the ink.
-------[Xenthos on 11/25/2012 @ 01:34 adds]------
As further evidence: Before I put all the areas in balance, You say, "Help." Alfred Cottontail says, "Notionally, the reserve's areas are supposed to exist in a sustained equilibrium, such that the animals can exist without our interference." Once all the areas were in balance, he suddenly no longer wants to end the quest.
Lirangsha (both sides):
Bug #6539 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 1/19/2013 @ 01:32 bugs]------
The bubbles, marbles, Nightmares and Dreams can despawn instantly. For example, you can be pushing around a bubble, it can pop into a Dream, and then when you do IH there is no dream in the room. Tracking pets can't find it. It instantly despawned. This means you have to re-do the set to re-create the thing.
Lirangsha, dream bubbles and nightmare bubbles:
Bug #6555 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 1/20/2013 @ 16:06 bugs]------
It is possible for dream manifestations to go 'down' from the pancopticon (I am currently influencing one at "Ascending into the clouds"). But since you cannot turn the bubble to go up, the only way is to pop it and hope it goes back up on its own. Probably shouldn't be able to go down.
Lirangsha, putting down the Goloths:
Bug #6536
When giving the sleeping Elders the marbles they want, they will happily accept them. However, every so often they will just all break and stop accepting marbles, ala:
-------[Xenthos on 1/18/2013 @ 23:36 bugs]------
You give a glowing diamond marble to High Elder Aurelia Serrano. A glowing diamond marble passes through the hands of High Elder Aurelia Serrano and falls to the floor. <-- Errrrrr... what? She's supposed to accept them when she is sleeping, to wake up. What's going on here? HELP!
(I'm not copying the rest of it because it just gets angstier as the rest of the elders break and the quest goes bork)
After about 50 minutes the elders all despawn, and there are no elders around for a while. Then after another 50 minutes or so a new set of elders appears. The bug appears to be part of the "rotation" event as they swap out for a new set; something does not go right, they all get an untrapped error, despawn, and incidentally lose count of how many marbles you turned in too (so you get to start allll over).
Catacombs of the Damned:
Bug #7360 Status: Classified
-------[Xenthos on 3/29/2013 @ 22:54 bugs]------
I am in the room "Gravel covered passage". I put an iron bar in the seal, turned the seal, and tried to pull the seal. I get the following message: Small sparks of electricity leap around a circular seal as a magical hum emanates from the walls, preventing you from opening it. You get the sense that the structure of the Catacombs is yet too strong for the seal to be opened. <-- However at this point, the ENTIRE CATACOMBS IS OPEN. I have the down exit at Cavernous hub within the catacombs. open, and I have both the up and down at Abysmal stairwell through catacombs. open. There's nothing else to release. All the rods are in the blocks.
You cannot have the honours for both sides of the Mirror Army quest.
I did both sides, and doing the second removed the first honours line.
This bugged me, because I see no reason why one shouldn't be able to be known for destroying both camps, if one is not really fond of certain projects.
This quest being replacement honors was known from the very event when they came out, so you could have found this out beforehand (if you didn't already know).
Then followed it up with an issue asking that they remove the second honours because I didn't want to be seen taking sides. :P (They did do so.)
OP edited for current progress. Iosai's already fixed a couple
I'm putting Rikenfriez back on. The lose condition isn't working properly.
The new variants of rocs from the Razine Peaks are not accepted by the denizen. Same goes for Oleanvir wakabis.
Actually, one thing that isn't a bug, but does not make sense from a lore perspective is Xion. Part of the Xion quest is to hunt the aethercritters around. The reasoning being that "all aethervermin must be hunted and brought to me for disposal" or something. However you need to bring in more vermin than exist in one spawn so you get the illogical result that during the second spawn all vermin are apparently gone even though you probably passed by a grodak trifecta on the way to the Master Crystal.
I've also had a few experiences with not enough elementals spawning, but that may have been fixed since.