hey guys

Any tips for getting back into the game? I've literally forgotten how to do everything. Whats new? Whats interesting? Whats the dealio with those Wildewood guys? What are Gaudi and Halli like? How is the population distributed across orgs? What are the major ongoing conflicts? Do you think you can answer all these questions? Do you think I will stop asking questions? Are you still reading this?


  • I was feeling the same way when I came back after about a year away. I was completely caught of guard, both IC and OOC, when someone suggested I seek out a smith from Glomdoring. Politics have shifted to GaudiGlomGora vs. NewHalliWilde. I feel like you'll continue asking questions, and, yes, I'm still reading this. Over and over.
  • A frame of reference would be helpful for when you were last here.

    But a few highlights,
    Liquidrifts! (use them)
    Curi-fricken-os! (new gold/time/credit sink.)
    Mages have a second primary and can ditch the demense
    Xenthos' vanity nearly shattered time and destroyed reality
    If it can decay it will decay
    Sidd won ascension
    I'm still hella awesome

    And various other stuff.

  • edited May 2013

    Around 3 years maybe?  

    Credits are so expensive wow

  • 3 years? I think you missed skillflex then!
  • Also IRE changed the number of credits per level, so you get a lot more now. It's wonderful. If you want an idea of what Gaudiguch and Hallifax are like, I'd suggest reading the respective event scroll threads for their centennial celebrations, as that should give you the gist.
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