The first Overhaul update is here! m&m now supports toggling between overhaul and old curing for the epilepsy affliction, the only affliction so far updated in the game for overhaul curing.
Epilepsy Overhaul curing
m&m now supports curing epilepsy using the new overhaul cure, just 32 hours after release of the new curing method. To enable it, do mmignore epilepsy herb. This will have m&m cure epilepsy using everything (focus mind and lucidity) except herb cures. Clever, huh?
In case you'll need to switch back to normal curing, do mmignore epilepsy herb to turn herb curing for epilepsy back on and mmignore epilepsy lucidity to turn lucidity curing for epilepsy off.
An alias that shows you a list of afflictions and allows you to toggle between overhaul and normal curing modes will be coming to make this easier. Another feature for exporting and importing lists of ignored afflictions is coming as well.
Automatic updates won’t workduring this update. They will for all future updates. Dropbox changed how stuff works, so you need to give the system a hand in getting over the hump.
To manually update, uninstall the system from the package manager, download the zip from the original email link, and install the zip in the package manager. Your system settings will stay.
Do not use Safari on a Mac to download, it will autounzip and give you headaches.
Per-balance ignores
A new feature, per-balance ignores, have been added to m&m to make toggling between overhaul and normal curing work. mmignore <aff/def> <balance> will have m&m cure an affliction or put a defence up using everything by that balance. You can ignore one or many balances for something, and you can still ignore doing something outright with mmignore <aff/def>.
Using scripting, you can use mm.ignore.something = {balances = {mybalance = true}} to set something to be ignored on a specific balance.
added a mmignore <aff/def> <balance>
added a new feature: per-balance ignore. Now you can ignore curing an affliction or doing a defence only on specific balance(s)
added a trigger for a helpless writhe from crucify
added epilepsy lucidity curing
added some more knighthood lines
fixed levitate to be toggleable between skill and enchantment via mmconfig enchantments
mmconfig politics and mmconfig autohonors somehow are not working for me anymore. Not sure if related to this update. Did verify I reinstalled everything correctly. NameDB in itself still works, seems to be just the aliases.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order. Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
False alarm, started client up just now to have a look for you and it all works again. Guess something didn't load properly last time because now I have a ton more commands in the mmconfig list as well. Should have tried ye old turn it off and on again first *blush*
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order. Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
More Overhaul updates! Paranoia is now handled by m&m, and dealing with Overhaul is easier.
New Overhaul menu
There is now a menu which allows you to toggle between Overhaul and old cures - mmshowo or mmshow overhaul brings it up:
m&m will enable new Overhaul afflictions for you as they become available by default, so you don't need to enable them by hand with every update:
The previous method of mmignore affliction balance is replaced by this easier menu, so you can now take epilepsy of mmshow ignore.
Overhaul Paranoia support
Paranoia is now supported by m&m for Overhaul curing, along with its new feature of replacing dizziness and vertigo. Should you find any issues with this, please let me know asap, as this is new territory for everybody.
Overhaul scripting
mm.enableoverhaul(affliction, echoback) and mm.disableoverhaul(affliction, echoback) have been added to toggle Overhaul cures from scripts. You can also check the status of Overhaul afflictions inthe mm.overhaul table.
A new event, m&m redirected aff has been added, which allows you to track when you got an affliction that has been redirected to another one - for example, dizziness to paranoia.
After I did your update I got two of everything. Including my prompt which is a custom one for the system. Also now, in recent updates the command PP will trigger system paused, but not unpause the system. I'm going to try re-installing and see if that works out to my advantage.
EDIT: And it's perfect. I just think I pulled a derp! Everything looks great according to the update. Thank you Vadi.
Her storm-coloured eyes a muted blue, Lisaera, the Silver Goddess says, "Only sorrow can come from a rotting thought, My child, just like roots that have been drowned. You are a paragon of the wisdom I would see spread throughout the Serenwilde, but even the strongest minds must find release." - A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later. - I write things
m&m detects which skills you've got at install and most of the config options are auto-set for you, and it guides you through the ones you should probably answer on.
There are no default settings for the parry configuration, as it would be a pretty awesome treat to have everybody's parry strategy exactly the same and thus easily gameable.
Newer players, or those who haven't steeped themselves deeply into the metacombat scene or warrior/monk mechanics won't necessarily have the faintest clue on how to set up a parry strategy that'll keep them alive. Having a predictable parrying strategy would be preferable to none at all.
Having a default setting doesn't mean that it will be any harder for experienced fighters to tailor their parrying strategy to their guild skills and combat style, or that everyone's parrying will suddenly swap to the same configuration. It just means that users will have a good baseline to build from, and will get more value out of the product immediatly on purchase.
Stance/parry requires investment in the Combat skillset, something newer players don't have or really need right away, so what should the default parry/stance system be?
This also doesn't consider the fact that newer players in general wouldn't be at the same point in the combat skill either, so where should the default setup lay? I think if you're trans Combat, you have at least the very basic understanding of monk/warrior mechanics or you can take the time to learn and find out and set up your stance/parry.
Having a default parry/stance strategy isn't really as simple as it's being portrayed
I understand it is a pita but yes, since you learn the skills as you go along, you can't just plop in a generic parry strat that will work for everyone on all skill levels. I'll see about improving this how I can.
This is a quick update to add sensitivity to Overhaul curing (see announce). All you need to do is update and that's it - m&m will automatically start using overhaul cures for sensitivity. It will also take the shyness and masochism changes into account and change those afflictions to be sensitivity.
With this update, sensitivity will now also become an available toggle in the mmshow overhaul menu.
This is a quick update for changes to the confusion affliction which now uses Overhaul curing. All you need to do is update, and m&m will automatically use the new cure for it.
added a stats list to mmshow o
added confusion overhaul cures and made it replace agoraphobia
For stance/parry, there's a basic one I use that can actually be found on Pastebin (just search for MMSP and pick the likely looking one. I am not responsible for any tentacular adult writings found), and put it into the system. This is generally what it makes your stance/parry, though I'm not sure if it's actually any good. It's better than nothing.
(m&m): Parry & Stance report: (m&m): Available stance skills we can use: (insert my stances here) (m&m): Action levels: (m&m): chest: parry 800, stance 800 (m&m): gut: parry 800, stance 800 (m&m): head: parry 500, stance 600 (m&m): leftleg: parry 800, stance 800 (m&m): rightarm: parry 1000, stance 1256 (m&m): leftarm: parry 1000, stance 1256 (m&m): rightleg: parry 800, stance 800 (m&m): Limb priorities: head, chest, leftleg, rightleg, leftarm, rightarm, gut (m&m): Parry strategy: distributed weighted (currently parrying head 100) (m&m): Stance strategy: mostlimb (current stance is legs) (m&m): Default stance is on: legs
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
That pastebin data comes from a Glom helpscroll (AFAIK) written by some of the folks who weighed in here (again, afaik), which is part of the source of my confusion about it being hard to provide a good baseline.
My guess is that the pastebin data revolves around having trans or nearly trans combat, so you can stance the appropriate limbs.
I've never thought about how mm handles stance / parry behind the scenes, but I assume it ignores skills in combat you don't possess, and would skip to the next limb priority until it has a stance it can use. Hence, while that may be an optimal stance/parry setup for those who have all the stances, it may not work for Joe Newplayerton who only has envenom.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
that parry/stance setup, I don't think it's very good
distributed weight for parry isn't very effective, it has parrying and stancing focusing on the same body parts, has gut, chest and legs all at the same weights.
Just generally not going to be an effective parrying/stancing strategy.
What I've seen from good parrystance strats is that they sort of need to mirror each other. Have gut stance at 1000 but gut parry at 300, and then chest stance at 300 but chest parry at 1000 -- something along those lines. That way you can have parrying and stances working on two areas of your body at the same time, rather than parrying and stancing the same thing -- this would make you very vulnerable to a warrior that knows his or her way around wound rotation.
I'm horrible at stance/parry, and I usually use a cookie-cutter setup. That's probably why I die so often
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
I think (don't quote me) it can be used on either, but if you're worried about potentially losing things, I'd stay with 2.1. 3.0 is still a beta version.
Ok, im having a problem. I left a while ago. And recently started playing again. My version of m&m is 13.7.2. My mudlet version is 2.1. At the bottom right it keeps popping up that version 14.10.3 is installed and ready to update. I click the restart button and it says its updated. So I close and reload mudlet. But im still in my old version. I have tried uninstalling the packages and re-installing them. I went to the link you posted a few posts above with my name instead of "character" and it downloaded fine. I tried to load from the zip but it says unpacking files and doesn't actually unpack them. I then manually add each to the package manager from the file. Save and reload mudlet. And it is still on the old version with the "you need to update" box in the lower right. I have tried multiple things but nothing seems to work. And now when I click restart on the updater at bottom left it says updating mudlet but doesn't ever go past that after waiting a long time. Any ideas whats causing the problem? As a note, not sure if its relevant or not, but I did a search for lucidity in the triggers and it shows up all the affliction cure lines from the overhaul, but I don't have any of the overhaul commands like mmshow or mmshow overhaul, none of that stuff works. So im not sure what has happened.
Added a longstanding feature request - ability to toggle between using a skill or an enchantment for Rituals or Cosmic skills.
mmconfig enchantments
mmconfig enchantments toggles whenever skills or enchantments should be used. This setting affects all skills.
The first Overhaul update is here! m&m now supports toggling between overhaul and old curing for the epilepsy affliction, the only affliction so far updated in the game for overhaul curing.
Epilepsy Overhaul curing
m&m now supports curing epilepsy using the new overhaul cure, just 32 hours after release of the new curing method. To enable it, do mmignore epilepsy herb. This will have m&m cure epilepsy using everything (focus mind and lucidity) except herb cures. Clever, huh?
In case you'll need to switch back to normal curing, do mmignore epilepsy herb to turn herb curing for epilepsy back on and mmignore epilepsy lucidity to turn lucidity curing for epilepsy off.
An alias that shows you a list of afflictions and allows you to toggle between overhaul and normal curing modes will be coming to make this easier. Another feature for exporting and importing lists of ignored afflictions is coming as well.
Automatic updates won’t work during this update. They will for all future updates. Dropbox changed how stuff works, so you need to give the system a hand in getting over the hump.
To manually update, uninstall the system from the package manager, download the zip from the original email link, and install the zip in the package manager. Your system settings will stay.
If you’ve lost your original email, you can substitute your character name in: and download in the browser.
Do not use Safari on a Mac to download, it will autounzip and give you headaches.
Per-balance ignores
A new feature, per-balance ignores, have been added to m&m to make toggling between overhaul and normal curing work. mmignore <aff/def> <balance> will have m&m cure an affliction or put a defence up using everything by that balance. You can ignore one or many balances for something, and you can still ignore doing something outright with mmignore <aff/def>.
Using scripting, you can use mm.ignore.something = {balances = {mybalance = true}} to set something to be ignored on a specific balance.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
More Overhaul updates! Paranoia is now handled by m&m, and dealing with Overhaul is easier.
New Overhaul menu
There is now a menu which allows you to toggle between Overhaul and old cures - mmshowo or mmshow overhaul brings it up:
m&m will enable new Overhaul afflictions for you as they become available by default, so you don't need to enable them by hand with every update:
The previous method of mmignore affliction balance is replaced by this easier menu, so you can now take epilepsy of mmshow ignore.
Overhaul Paranoia support
Paranoia is now supported by m&m for Overhaul curing, along with its new feature of replacing dizziness and vertigo. Should you find any issues with this, please let me know asap, as this is new territory for everybody.
Overhaul scripting
mm.enableoverhaul(affliction, echoback) and mm.disableoverhaul(affliction, echoback) have been added to toggle Overhaul cures from scripts. You can also check the status of Overhaul afflictions in the mm.overhaul table.
A new event, m&m redirected aff has been added, which allows you to track when you got an affliction that has been redirected to another one - for example, dizziness to paranoia.
EDIT: And it's perfect. I just think I pulled a derp!
A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later.
I write things
This is a quick update to add sensitivity to Overhaul curing (see announce). All you need to do is update and that's it - m&m will automatically start using overhaul cures for sensitivity. It will also take the shyness and masochism changes into account and change those afflictions to be sensitivity.
With this update, sensitivity will now also become an available toggle in the mmshow overhaul menu.
This is a quick update for changes to the confusion affliction which now uses Overhaul curing. All you need to do is update, and m&m will automatically use the new cure for it.
(m&m): Parry & Stance report:
(m&m): Available stance skills we can use: (insert my stances here)
(m&m): Action levels:
(m&m): chest: parry 800, stance 800
(m&m): gut: parry 800, stance 800
(m&m): head: parry 500, stance 600
(m&m): leftleg: parry 800, stance 800
(m&m): rightarm: parry 1000, stance 1256
(m&m): leftarm: parry 1000, stance 1256
(m&m): rightleg: parry 800, stance 800
(m&m): Limb priorities: head, chest, leftleg, rightleg, leftarm, rightarm, gut
(m&m): Parry strategy: distributed weighted (currently parrying head 100)
(m&m): Stance strategy: mostlimb (current stance is legs)
(m&m): Default stance is on: legs
I've never thought about how mm handles stance / parry behind the scenes, but I assume it ignores skills in combat you don't possess, and would skip to the next limb priority until it has a stance it can use. Hence, while that may be an optimal stance/parry setup for those who have all the stances, it may not work for Joe Newplayerton who only has envenom.
3.0 is still a beta version.