Announce Post #3431: Server Move and Port Change

We have just what moved to a different server as part of legacy mode. This changes nothing for us in terms of capacity or lag as Lusternia is well optimised, and there are still areas to improve should any issues occur. What it does change, however, is how you connect to the game.

o If you use Nexus, you don't need to do anything at all. Everything is changed there automatically.
o If you use a third-party client (like Mudlet) you need to change the port from 23 to 5000.
o If you are connecting to Lusternia by its numeric IP address and not simply to, then you also need to change the IP you connect to from to

If you use Mudlet, you can change the port when you select your profile. It will be listed on the right side. Remember you cannot have that profile open and be trying to connect to the game while editing it. So if you attempt to log in and realise you need to change the port, close the tab first, change the port, and then reconnect.

Should you run into any trouble logging in, get in touch with or ask other players for help on our Discord.

Sorry for the trouble and thank you for the patience!
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