As Estarra pointed out back at the beginning of the year, Nocht and I have volunteered as webmasters for the new website. At this point, we've cleaned up most of the broken links and removed most of the generic content. What we're looking for now is ideas/feedback from our wonderful players about how to improve the website.
What we are specifically looking for is content that will make the website a great resource for existing players but especially for new/prospective players. I can't promise that all suggestions (or even any suggestions) will be implemented, but we're happy to hear them, large or small. Thanks!

Side note: If you find typos or broken links on the website, you can bug them using the in game BUG command and we will fix them!
The web API is done by IRE and not by Lusternia.
Also, there's an Articles blurb that shows up on like every page, but Articles haven't been "a thing" since 2011, as the latest Article shows. I know there's an economy of design, and there's only so much one can do, but, I feel like it's parachronistic
EDIT: Also, along with that, clicking "More Articles by Players" seems to be broken for me