March Quiz 2024

NEW QUESTION: "What is the absolute best dessert ever?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 0.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 20 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Ladyfingers"

NEW QUESTION: "In order to stop Kethuru, the remaining Vernal Gods resolved to combine their powers and become who?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Avechna, the Avenger"

NEW QUESTION: "Of the Soulless threatening the land during the Vernal Wars, who was deemed the strongest?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "What race came to Lusternia alongside Estarra the Eternal?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "A powerful empire thrived within the Basin of Life right prior to the Taint Wars which decimated it, what was its full name?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "The Holy Celestine Empire"

NEW QUESTION: "Provide the names of any four Vernal Gods from the Vernal Wars era, titles not required."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 4.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 25 seconds to answer this question.
NOTE: This has many answers and a full list wasn't given.

NEW QUESTION: "What was the name of the project that unleashed the Taint upon the land?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Project Cosmic Hope"

NEW QUESTION: "Name one Vernal God who was of the merian race."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "D'varsha, Dionamus, Juliana"

NEW QUESTION: "How did the Vernal Gods come into their power? More precisely, D'varsha devised the creation of what devices that could elevate to godhood?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 20 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Edifices of Power"

NEW QUESTION: "How many Vernal Gods joined to become Avechna, the Avenger?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "Which three communes were founded in the Basin of Life in the aftermath of the Vernal Wars?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 3.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 25 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Ackleberry, Gloriana, Serenwilde"

NEW QUESTION: "Approximately how many years constituted the Golden Age of the Holy Celestine Empire?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "The Holy Emanation of Shallamar, now known as Gorgulu, was once known under which name?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "Which city or commune slowed the advance of the taint cloud but inadvertently hastened its progress south instead, sealing the fate of the Gloriana?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "What is the name of the era which was initiated with Estarra's return to and entering of Lusternia?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 1.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Coming of Estarra"

NEW QUESTION: "Who was the first Vernal God to suggest the merging into Avechna?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "Why does Roark bear the title Libertas? Short answer will suffice."
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 20 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "Freed Estarra"

NEW QUESTION: "Which Vernal God is said to have rivalled D'varsha's intellect?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 12 seconds to answer this question.

NEW QUESTION: "What was the name of the body of water where Old Celest once stood and which is now known as the Sea of Despair?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "The Crystal Sea"

NEW QUESTION: "What is the name of the once famous, and continuing to this day, Gaudiguchian news publication?"
The Grand Inquisitor sets the next question's point value at 2.
The Grand Inquisitor has decreed that you have but 15 seconds to answer this question.
CORRECT ANSWER: "The Gaudiguch Gossip"

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