Announce Post #3369: Skins, Jars, and Crates

As promised, additional Season d'Amour skins are here! You can see the whole list with ASHOP LIST KEYWORD VALENTINES and the new ones are at the very bottom (ASHOP 1290-1298). There's also a new gnome weapon option - a mechanical perfume dispenser (ASHOP 1289). This one is not seasonal and will remain in the artifact shop going forwards.

For anyone needing extra aethergoop for all the goodies, Aethergoop Jars are also now available on the website, ones containing not just goop but extra Iron Coins and presents too. Don't ask Professor Gargle von Fixit how that got in there, he doesn't remember. That's not all though as Leprechaun Poteen Crates are also making a return until the end of the month.
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