Announce Post #3331: Producer Ride-Along #2

I would like to invite you all once more to a digital ride-along! It will take place tomorrow and will be hosted on a stage channel on our Discord server (see HELP DISCORD).

The ride-along itself will be text-based rather than voice-based. If you are unfamiliar with how stage channels work, the gist of it is that you join them and are auto-muted and cannot speak even if you wanted to. You become an audience member and you join/leave quietly. You can open text chat for stages the same way you would for voice channels, a button at the top right.

The event will start on August 3rd at 4pm GMT (server time) and end at 1am GMT. It may last longer if necessary to wrap things up for the day. There will be short breaks for food and drink.

The content, as before, will be an ordinary producer day. Sometimes I will be able to go into detail on what I am doing and other times I will need to be vague as to what is on my plate. Even so, I can discuss the process, the steps, and the findings or resolutions, and you can ask questions. There will naturally be pauses while work happens, but I will do my best to comment on things as I move along.

If you cannot or do not end up joining me tomorrow, the stage channel will still be there for you to read through. Hope to see you there!
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