Lisae: Galaphyrae Joins the Silver Trinity

*don deerstalker hat* Continuing the case of the cracked amulets from Plague Not This Sacred Space. Jump to the last log for rituals.

1. The Veil Thins

"Suddenly, it feels like..." Adrenthorne whispers hurriedly. "Like I'm being watched. Hunted. it the same for you?"

With: Hinagar Adrenthorne Calfuray Galaphyrae Hiari Huskii Ilvisar Tristanna Xiran

Afterward, Calfuray squared off against an onslaught of storm sylphs that Xiran fled from. Xiran later crossed paths with Veara, and the glaive maiden moved to protect Lisae and mist sylphs.

2. The Veil Thins Again

Clearing his throat, speaking louder above the weather, Elthadean Lunseer says, "I *said* that I was wondering what ideas you might have for supplicating to the Hallowed Crone in this. I dare not--."

The sky above you ripples and quavers, suddenly carved into by bolt after furious bolt of lightning. They trace the skies with breathtakingly furious beauty, blanketing it like waves tormented upon the surface of an ocean, rending you, for a moment, speechless with the terrible awe of witnessing disaster on such a cataclysmic scale.

With: Elthadean Galaphyrae Hiari Huskii Veara Xiran

3. Her Blood Sates the Weald

The blood which smears the Avatar's palm begins to bead, rolling upon its flat like quicksilver. "By My Blood will you know Mine and acquiesce, or by My Blood will you be banished forevermore!"

Lisaera's grip upon Galaphyrae's wrist grows tighter, even as her skin grows more wan.

With: Lisaera Elthadean Galaphyrae Calfuray Hiari Honeey Ilvisar Tristanna Veara Xiran

Active: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday EST

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