Hello there!
I am Alarin Ka'liati and together with my lovely wife Ashira, we have managed to begin a new era and a new house of nobility. There are undoubtedly a few children in the Basin of Life that could potentially be our children. We do ask the following, however.
1. Ka'liati is first and foremost a truly neutral noble house, refusing to align ourselves with any nation, race or Divine. Because of this, our children are free to live wherever they choose; we won't look down on you for simply living somewhere that is allied with the Ironhart Conflagaration. We DO however expect our children to respect that choice, especially when within the Panda aethershop. All are welcome within its walls, regardless of affiliation and our children are asked to respect that as well.
2. Both Ashira and I have taken the time to get to know each and every one of our potential offspring and siblings, such as Lysandus. We'd like to get to know you and would like you to get to know us.
3. Thaldorn is to be ignored when he comes up with 'brilliant ideas' that could potentially result in injury, death or emnity to one or more nations and the like. You've been warned!
And that's about it! If you think you could be one of ours, please do not hesitate to approach one or both of us so we can get to know you! Also, as a side note, I have begun to accept proteges under my tutelege again, so if that interests you as well, feel free to ask! Until next time, farewell!
Yours truly,
Alarin Ka'liati
Proprietor of the Happy Panda