LusterniaChatTabs 2.0.0 released

Adds gagging based on mob or line contents. Uses Lua patterns. See this tutorial from for more information. Has no effect on the main window. Examples at the release post.
New aliases to control it are:

* lct gaglist
  * lists the mobs and lines being gagged in the chat tabs.
* lct gagmob <Lua pattern>
  * add a pattern to check speakers against.  If it matches, anything they say or emote on any channel will be gagged from the tabbed chat consoles. Uses gmcp.Comm.Channel.Text.talker for the check.
* lct ungagmob <Lua pattern>
  * Removes a lua pattern from the gagged mobs list.
* lct gag <Lua pattern>
  * add a pattern to check lines against. If the content of the line matches any of the patterns then the line will be gagged from the tabbed chat consoles.
* lct ungag <Lua pattern>
  * removes a lua pattern from the gagged lines list.
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