Please come visit sometime.

AaaaAAAAAAA I am just now catching up on posting loggies to the forums and I apologize in advance for my great delay in doing so.

After some Very Painful Other Game Things which I will also be sharing loggies of, Gurashi received an unexpected letter from the Serenwilde. Miss Duethielle, with the aid of her friends wrote a letter inviting Gurashi to visit! With the help of @Jolanthe Gurashi was able to drop in for a visit just before Xiran and Synl's wedding (log here!). The resulting encounter was ... magical.

Please come visit sometime.
You have emoted: Gurashi's attention whips back around to Duethielle Ladrennbenn, blinking owlishly at her before looking down at their hands. "It is..." They say, staring off beyond the elfen's shoulder, able to make sense of something just within the periphery of their gaze, near and far all at once. "Beautiful."

Bizirik, the leothin accepts the elfen's dropped drink, stealing the shot glass away with a delicate clink of its jaws.
Duethielle Ladrennbenn breaks into a smile, placing your palm upon her cheek. "Seralem..."
With quiet understanding, you say, "... It is like normals..." They blink again, "but, more..."
Jolanthe Myeras says to you, "The extraordinary within the ordinary."

‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways.
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’

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