Tubinsio Family Values

DaraiusDaraius ShevatThe juror's taco spot
22 Dvarsh, 555 C.E.

In which Simo Tubinsio, Hallifax's goodest boy, receives a visitor and seeks enlightenment.

An irate furrikin yells, "Fer Tae's sake, I just need directions around this bloody maze!"
"You!" an irate furrikin exclaims, pointing at Kasdeja and approaching in a low waddle. "Where's the Opera House?"
Nelras inclines his head politely to those around him.
Fraesic Sunfar, Keeper of the Matrix raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Daraius glances skyward and exhales an uncertain growl.
The wrinkles in his furred face exacerbated by a perpetual frown, a weasel furrikin hops restlessly here.

Tall and thin for a furrikin, Tupie Tubinsio is of mustelid descent, with fur that lingers in a vague space between grey and brown. He is dressed in a farmer's outfit of overalls, but wears a clean shirt underneath with a hastily added bowtie. His face is so wrinkled that the marring of age can be seen despite the thickness of his fur, exagerrated by the extra grey in the fur around his temples and triangular ears.

Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Hmm? Why do you seek it?"
Puffing himself up, an irate furrikin exclaims, "I need to have a word with my son!"
Kasdeja blinks, an array of unsure shades flashing over her skin, "The Opera house? Oh no, no. Perhaps try Minister Daraius!"
Emissary of Order, Kethaera looks confused and says, "Your... son?"
Daraius dips his bewhiskered canid muzzle politely to an irate furrikin.
"Yes yes, my youngest, Simo," an irate furrikin says, waving a muddy hand. "Or do you not name your servants?"
His ears popping up in alarm, Daraius says, "Good heavens."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "Oh! Yes, of course."
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "We could lead you there if you'd care to follow?"
With a placating tone of voice, Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "We do not consider your son to be a servant, good sir, and I assure you that he has been more than happy during his time here. We would be happy to take you to him now."
Tupie Tubinsio turns to look at Kethaera, his harried expression turning briefly to one of great relief. His shoulders slump slightly, and he nods. "Aye," he says, puffing himself up once again. "Yes, good faeling, that would be well." He narrows his eyes. "He and I need to have words."
Tupie Tubinsio begins to follow Kethaera.
Daraius says to Tupie Tubinsio, "Good Simo is tending dutifully to the festival souvenirs, comrade. I trust he'll be delighted to see you."
Daraius says, "He speaks fondly of his family and of his pride in his work."
Eveyone follows Emissary of Order, Kethaera up to Grand Foyer of the Hallifaxian Opera House.
Simo Tubinsio bows to greet the crowd. "Goodness, so many! Do you need more refreshments for - oh. Oh dear."
Daraius raises a paw in greeting to Simo Tubinsio, glancing somewhat warily between him and Tupie Tubinsio.

Tall for a furrikin, Simo Tubinsio is seven feet high with a sleek, short-haired pelt covering his body in a single, shimmering hue of silvery blue. Simo is a gentle giant of his race with regal and dignified canine features enhanced by a powerful, well-formed and smoothly muscled figure. Distinguished and finely chiselled beneath the eyes, his head and face exhibit a sweet temperament, kindly and patient, with a square jaw and deep muzzle. Almond-shaped eyes of liquid brown are deep set, fathomless pools of intelligence and tolerance framed by floppy, triangular ears. Massive paws extend beyond his dapper white dress shirt and silver jacket complete with matching slacks and polished, silver brogues. A Tricentennial pendant of dazzling diamond hangs from around his neck. Simo Tubinsio is not one to be trifled with.

Wriggling his way through, Tupie Tubinsio marches right up to his son and pokes him incessantly with one finger - which, given his height, serves only to prod the shopkeeper in the knee. "Young man, do you know how many months it's been since you wrote?"
Ears flattening against his head, Simo Tubinsio says, "Seven, sir. I wrote to Rincy, it was his turn."
Tupie Tubinsio throws his arms up. "Great!" he yells, stamping his foot on the floor. "I'll add that to the list of things your brother has failed to do."
Simo Tubinsio's eyes dart back and forth, taking in the room - and the crowd within it. Sheepishly, he kneels down in front of the other furrikin. "Pa, this...this is the Opera House," he says in a not-very-hushed whisper.
"Aye!" Tupie Tubinsio exclaims, bopping his son soundly on the nose. "And a right mess it is too, those birds are so loud I can barely hear myself think. It's a miracle you still get paid."
Lowering his head before Tupie Tubinsio and looking up meekly, Simo Tubinsio tucks his tail between his legs.
Alexandria coughs quietly. "We've found his service to the city to be quite exemplary to date."
Glancing around briefly Nelras quietly says to Simo Tubinsio, "You may make use of the old guild hall, if you need a private conversation." Turning to Tupie Tubinsio, he says, "I imagine that the  birds of which you speak are present as a part of the ongoing celebration. Please, allow me to echo  the Chairwoman's remarks regarding your son's exemplary performance of his duties."
Kethaera says, a bit uncertainly, "Indeed, while I don't wish to intrude on family affairs, this seems... unnecessarily harsh. Simo's work has been excellent."
Daraius's brows knit subtly at the interaction between the furrikins. "Comrade," he says mildly to Tupie Tubinsio, "I must ask that you not assult our citiens while visiting as a guest."
Hesitantly, Simo Tubinsio says, "It's really fine, Minister, he's very small, he..."
Tupie Tubinsio turns on his heel, waving a fingertip wildly in the direction of the rest of you. "You don't understand!" he snaps, face creasing and exacerbating the wrinkles in his fur. "You don't -".
Incongruously, Tupie Tubinsio bursts into tears.
Simo Tubinsio blinks.
Daraius's whiskers droop slightly as a soft, disconcerted growl rumbles in his chest.
Softly, Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph says to Tupie Tubinsio, "We are quite willing to listen, if you would be so kind as to share."
Simo Tubinsio stares blankly at the furrikin in front of him, evidently lost for words.
Brow furrowing, Kethaera glances between Alexandria, Nelras, and Daraius before turning back to Tupie. "Are you alright?"
Pulling an already dirty handkerchief from the front pocket of his overalls, Tupie Tubinsio blows his nose loudly. "They're getting *everything* wrong!" he wails, turning and flopping himself against Simo's bent knee. "Rincy and Feandi too! They've got no idea what they're doing!"
"I'm old, Simo," Tupie Tubinsio sighs, the sound coming out like a sob. "I can't do this for much longer. You're the only one who's ever been able to take care of us, since..."
Hesitantly, Simo Tubinsio reaches out and pats his father on the back, careful to be gentle with his oversized hands.
Simo Tubinsio says to Tupie Tubinsio, "Can't you hire someone, Pa? With the money I send?"
"They all quit," Tupie Tubinsio snarls, swiping his handkerchief in front of him as he shakes his fist. "Something about awful working conditions. Our farm is fine, I say!"
Simo Tubinsio glances askance.
Kethaera ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
Comprehension slowly dawns over Daraius's canine features and a sympathetic frown tugs at his lips.
Nelras watches on with an expression of some concern.
Simo Tubinsio takes a deep breath, his large chest rising and falling as he does. "Well, Pa," he says, steadily, his eyes flickering up to the group before him and then back to the furrikin, "I can't say I want to leave Hallifax. It's the best place I've ever known. But if you're in trouble,  you know I'll come, straight away."
Simo Tubinsio sniffs at the air momentarily, then noticeably relaxes.
Tupie Tubinsio opens his mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
"I'll make sure everything is tended to here, of course," Simo Tubinsio says, looking up sheepishly. "I know I've duties here I can't abandon, too. But - it's my family."
Tupie Tubinsio gazes up at his son with dark, tear-filled eyes.
Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph says to Simo Tubinsio, "If you are needed more elsewhere, we certainly cannot deny you and your family that assistance."
His own eyes dimming subtly, Daraius says to Simo Tubinsio, "Of course, comrade. You've never given me cause to doubt your competence. I have every faith you can attend to your post here and see to your family's needs."
Nodding slowly, Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "If that is what you want..."
"Wh-what?" Tupie Tubinsio says, his voice losing its gravelly edge. He jumps to his feet, which makes him not much taller at all, and rests his hand on Simo's arm. "No, no, Simo, you..." He bites hard on his lip, and stammers something utterly unintelligible.
Simo Tubinsio swivels his ears about, trying to focus on some errant sound.
Simo Tubinsio says, "I didn't quite catch that, Pa."
Tupie Tubinsio hangs his head down, wringing the handkerchief between his hands. "There's nothing wrong on the farm, Simo."
Simo Tubinsio creases his brow in a frown.
Daraius crosses his arms expectantly.
Simo Tubinsio says, "But you just said..."
"Y-your mother. Came. To the farm." Tupie Tubinsio continues staring resolutely at the ground, his fur twitching. "This afternoon."
Simo Tubinsio's ears flatten completely against his head.
Quietly, Simo Tubinsio says, "This isn't funny, Pa."
"Oh, Simo," Tupie Tubinsio sighs, rubbing at his face with the handkerchief. "I'm not joking. I wish I were. I wish it so very much. She just...just walked on up. Like she'd never left."
Tupie Tubinsio leans on Simo Tubinsio seeking consolation.
The faintest wary growl rises in Daraius's chest as he observes the father and son.
"My Ma..." Simo Tubinsio says, the words coming thickly and with difficulty, "ah, I've never met her." He looks up as he explains, but fails to make eye contact with anyone. "She left when I was a pup."
Half under his breath, Nelras murmurs, "I am sorry to hear that."
Simo Tubinsio turns then to look at his father, eyes wide, ears still flat. "I don't even know who she is. You always said she'd - she'd gone, and she wasn't anything to us, so we didn't need to know."
Daraius's own ears flatten against his head at Simo Tubinsio's explanation.
Tupie Tubinsio goes quiet, leaning against Simo's arm as he continues to worry at his handkerchief.
Drawing a shaky breath, Simo Tubinsio looks up at the rest of you as if in supplication, one paw returning to rest on his father's back.
In a soothing tone, Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph says to Simo Tubinsio, "Well, it's entirely your choice. Speaking as a woman who never knew her birth parents, I cannot fault you for any curiousity or reluctance you might be experiencing. I endorse you doing whatever you feel is necessary for your own peace of mind."
Kethaera nods her head at Alexandria, showing her acceptance.
Simo Tubinsio listens carefully, his ears pricking up, and then looks to his father. "Pa? Is she okay?"
"Hm? Oh. Oh, yes, she's..." Tupie Tubinsio wrinkles his nose up. "Insufferable as ever."
Tilting his head, Simo Tubinsio says, "Then why did she come?"
Tupie Tubinsio waves his hand dismissively.
Tupie Tubinsio says to Simo Tubinsio, "Sticking her nose in like she's got the right to, leaving us for decades for that stupid Monastery, coming back all stuck up and awful."
Simo Tubinsio swivels his ears towards Tupie Tubinsio, listening with rapt attention.
Daraius's whiskers twitch abruptly.
His mouth falling open, Simo Tubinsio says, "Monastery?"
Kethaera raises her brow slightly, her mouth making a small 'O' as she listens to the words.
Nelras glances quickly in the direction of Daraius.
With a low growl, Daraius says, "She has taken the wrong lessons from her studies if she's returned in such a state."
To his credit, Tupie Tubinsio does look slightly sheepish. "Ah...yes...you didn't know. Your mother's a Brother of Enlightenment, Simo. Stupid title if you ask me, she's all woman. Trust me, I remember." He wriggles his nose.
Simo Tubinsio opens his mouth as if to say something, but pauses.
Simo Tubinsio says, "Please never say anything like that again, Pa."
Alexandria covers her mouth abruptly, muffling whatever noise might have been about to emit from it.
"I, ah," Simo Tubinsio says, patting his father lightly again, "don't know what you want me to do."
Tupie Tubinsio shakes his handkerchief-wielding fist. "Someone needs to give her a talking to, boy! Make sure she never comes near my farm again!"
Then Tupie Tubinsio falters slightly, his face crumpling. "I just can't take it, Simo. Seeing her face again, it -" He trails off, looking at the cluster of birdcages.
Simo Tubinsio creases his brow in a frown.
Simo Tubinsio draws his hand back to himself, resting it in his lap. He adjusts the pendant around his neck, doing so slowly, as if contemplating every movement at length. "Go home, Pa," he says quietly, getting to his feet. "I'll meet you at the farm soon."
Blinking widely and stumbling, Tupie Tubinsio says, "Simo?"
A little shakily, Simo Tubinsio says, "I would like to requisition an escort to the Tosha Monastery, please, comrades."
A grim frown turns Daraius's lips at the request, but he nods briefly.
Kethaera nods her head at Daraius.
Daraius says, "I frequent the monastery and have means to reach it quickly."
Simo Tubinsio bends down and gives his father a careful hug. "Go on, Pa. I'll see you soon. Everything will be fine."
As he moves to follow Daraius, Nelras stops briefly by Simo Tubinsio. Quietly, he asks, "Might I ask what your intention is, before we depart?"
"Oh, Simo," Tupie Tubinsio sighs, throwing his arms around the much larger furrikin and squeezing him tightly. "I'll have your sister make that pie you like. The one with the berries. And you can have your brother's bed, it's the biggest, even if you still don't fit in it."
Simo Tubinsio smiles softly at Tupie Tubinsio.
"That sounds great, Pa," Simo Tubinsio says to his father, before turning to Nelras. "I would like to speak with - to meet - my mother, Quintessence."
Daraius dutifully polishes the surface of the Compass of the Basin.
Tupie Tubinsio gives his son one last look before slipping out between everyone's feet, scuttling happily under gowns and legs alike as he disappears from the Opera House.
Daraius says to Nelras, "I have no doubt good Simo will conduct himself respectfully."
Alexandria nods solemnly.
Emissary of Order, Kethaera says, "I wish you well, Simo, and fair winds. But I believe I will remain here."
Nelras regards Simo Tubinsio carefully for a few moments before nodding his head. An expression of understanding comes to his features and a small smile crosses his lips as he says, "I have no doubt as to that."
Simo Tubinsio tugs on the lapels of his jacket, nodding. "I apologise to have caused such a fuss," he says with feeling, ruffling his fur with embarrassment.
Simo Tubinsio begins to follow Daraius.
Daraius dips his bewhiskered canid muzzle politely to Simo Tubinsio.
Daraius says, "To the monastery, then."
Daraius reaches out and touch the northwest-facing landmark of the Compass of the Basin, and the spinning needle within fixes on that direction. The compass begins vibrating sympathetically with strands of aether.
The compass's vibrations build to a climax, and everyone teleports along the aether strands to path before the monastery.
Daraius says to Simo Tubinsio, "The Brothers of Enlightenment take their stations with the Masters of the monastery. Your father did not mention which Master she attends."
Ears twisting, Simo Tubinsio says, "I've no idea, Minister. I suppose we'll just have to try and find her the old-fashioned way."
Showing that he understands, Daraius nods his head slowly towards Simo Tubinsio.
[movement to Chamber of Heart.]
Daraius dips his bewhiskered canid muzzle politely to Enlightened Ulan.
Simo Tubinsio glances back over his shoulder, as if spotting something. He frowns.
Nelras bows respectfully to Enlightened Ulan before giving Simo Tubinsio a reassuring smile.
Simo Tubinsio says to Daraius, "Minister - on the stairs, I -."
Simo Tubinsio swivels his ears about, trying to focus on some errant sound.
Daraius offers a gentle "Hmm?" as he tilts his head curiously.
Daraius murmurs a quiet apology to Enlightened Ulan.
[movement to Wooden landing of the stairwell.]
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. There are 3 monk disciples in grey robes here. Dressed in simple monk's robes, a female Brother of Enlightenment stands here placidly. Holding his avian head aloft, a sidiak bird manifested from the meteoric chunks of glittering stone floats proudly here.
Daraius dips his bewhiskered canid muzzle politely to Brother Arasia.
Brother Arasia quickly moves to the side, ushering the disciples to do as well.

Short-haired and extremely tall, this loboshigaru has an unexpectedly blue pelt, silvery in shade. She has fine canine features with floppy, triangular ears, and there is an almost perpetual placidity to her expression. She is dressed in the simple robes common in the Tosha Monastery, their hems bearing signs of careful repair, her overall presentation one of neatness and precision. Brother Arasia appears to be extraordinarily strong.

Simo Tubinsio stumbles on his step, catching himself only with the pole provided as he looks at the loboshigaru woman on the stairs below.
"'pologies, honoured guests," Brother Arasia mumbles in a soft voice. "We'll be outta your way. Come along, you three."
Daraius glances uncertainly between Brother Arasia and Simo Tubinsio, before addressing the loboshigaru. "Ah, pardon the intrusion," he says mildly. "I believe we are here to see you, in fact."
Brother Arasia quietly ushers all of the lower monks out, then moves to make her own exit. She pauses, however, as Daraius speaks. "Oh, ah," she says, not looking up. "You must be mistaken, 'm sure."
Under his breath, Simo Tubinsio says, "Oh, Aesthete's paintbrush, she looks just like me."
Daraius says to Brother Arasia, "I don't believe so, as my comrade here observes. I don't suppose you have taken leave of the monastery recently, perhaps to visit a certain farm?"
The silence of the monastery is broken by the singing of the crickets.
Brother Arasia's head ducks down even lower, her chin now tucked against her chest. Her shoulders curve as if, futilely given her size, to attempt to render her as small as possible. "Begging your pardon, sir," she says in a soft mumble, "b-but I don't see what business that is of yours."
Daraius emits a small, inscrutable huff of a growl, stepping out of the way to clear the space between Simo Tubinsio and Brother Arasia, gesturing encouragingly to Simo Tubinsio.
"With respect, Minister," Simo Tubinsio says, clearing his throat and taking an unsteady step down, "I think you're scaring her. It's alright, miss - um, Brother? Is that right? I should call you  Brother, yes?"
Brother Arasia nods her head. The movement is so small that she still doesn't look up at all, pressed as she is against the wall of the stairwell. "'s right. C'n I go?"
"Of course you can," enthuses Simo Tubinsio with genuine sincerity. "No one's going to keep you here, Brother." His fur shakes as he trembles from head to toe, but he holds himself steady, one hand tight on the rail beside him. "Only, I'd like to speak with you first, for a little while - but only if you don't mind. Without a crowd? I - I'm Simo. Simo Tubinsio?"
"That's no-" Brother Arasia stammers, her face finally, finally turning upwards. She takes in the form of the man standing above her with the same silver-blue fur, and blinks once. Twice. Her tail swishes at her side. Her eyes, which are pale where Simo's are dark, become glossy with tears - but all she manages to say is a soft, "Oh."
A small, gentle smile curls Simo Tubinsio's muzzle, and he flicks his own tail in an almost identical way. Standing tall, he adjusts his pendant once more and looks to his side, addressing Daraius. "Minister, I believe the stock in the Opera House remains accessible, and my assistants will tend to it in my absence. Would it perhaps be acceptable for me to remain here, for a day or two?"
A faint hopeful smile bends Daraius's lips as he observes the familiar wagging of tails. "By all means, good Simo," he says with a gentle growl. "Seems you have a refounding of your own to conduct."
The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nelras's lips.
Though Brother Arasia has already returned her gaze to the ground, it lingers now on Simo's feet. "I...have a chamber. Upstairs." With her head cast down, the tears that had filled her eyes now run glossy trails down her fur. She, too, trembles, and remains pressed to the wall. "We could..."
"Here," Simo Tubinsio says, smiling brilliantly at everyone in turn, and then to his mother. He holds out a hand, shaking but steady all at once. "You can show me."
Alexandria smiles encouragingly at Simo Tubinsio, nodding her head.
Daraius dips his bewhiskered canid muzzle graciously to Simo Tubinsio and Brother Arasia, clearing the way for their retreat.
Brother Arasia takes it, her tail twitching behind her, and slips past Simo and the rest of you to pull him quietly up the stairs and out of view. Her grip, you notice, is so tight that it makes Simo wince - and yet, all the same, he does not seem to mind at all.
A low, contented growl arises within Daraius's chest.
Daraius says, "Not what I expected, given the senior Tubinsio's lamentations."
Daraius says, "Allow me to see you back to the city."
Quintessence Nelras Shevat, the Empath says, "I am glad that the matter would appear to have been resolved in a positive manner. I was somewhat worried, for a time."
Tapping his chin contemplatively, Daraius says, "I wonder if she and Simo's father will reconcile. It seems a fraught situation, but I do hope for best."
Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph says, "I expect they will find a way to make it work eventually."
Orventa coughs, "While I am awfully confused about what just happened, I'm glad things seemed to have gone well!"
I used to make cakes.

Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
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