A cluttered studio.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Ansun Fairquillion stands here soberly with his black wings
folded. Frosted crystals gently fall from the form of an egregiously beautiful Ice Angel,
cooling the area here noticeably. Facet Jasan is here. He wields a delicate crystal staff in
his left hand and a snow phoenix-crested shield of glacial hues in his right hand.
You see a single exit leading south.
The sound of breaking crystal echoes through the Beacon of Harmony amidst the sounds of
snorting and stomping.
You say, "Oh, hello! Goodness, what's happening?"
"Thank you all for coming," Ansun Fairquillion says in a hushed voice, his eyes darting
anxiously towards the door at the sudden sound. "I am afraid I have encountered a...hiccup in a
project of mine."
Jasan nods softly, keeping his eyes respectfully downcast.
Chairman Ayisdra Ysav'rai says, "What sort of project is this? It sounds like you are raising
You say, "Definitely more noisy than most hiccups I've heard."
Ansun Fairquillion takes a deep breath, composing himself, and holds his hands at his sides.
"Indeed, Chairman. I regret to inform you that a number of experiments of mine have gotten
loose." Impressively, he manages to keep his face quiet stoic through this admission.
You smile and say, "Oh, that sounds intriguing. Experiments of some sort on the loose."
Chairman Ayisdra Ysav'rai says, "I trust these experiments aren't dangerous, beyond just
aspects of their size?"
Jasan chuckles softly to himself before becoming silent once more, observing from an
unobtrusive position by the door.
Ansun Fairquillion considers this carefully for a moment before replying, "In the hands of a
mortal, charged gemstones can be quite dangerous indeed." He brings his palms together and
presses the side of his fingers to his lips, then drops them. "My subjects are not humanoid."
"They are about so high," Ansun Fairquillion explains, then lifting one of those hands to
shoulder height. "You will note the gemstones in their pelts. They have nametags that classify
them. Perhaps if you are able to catch them..." The placid demeanour finally cracks as the
trill's eyes crease with mild desperation.
The bellowing and braying of beasts echoes across the Beacon of Harmony.
Ansun Fairquillion winces in pain.
Eyes gleaming almost with excitement as she looks around for the creatures, you say, "Non
-humanoid, rampaging, charged gemstone experiment things, wonderful."
Jasan speaks softly. "Would... Excuse me sir, but... would they happen to be reindeer?"
You perk your ears up as an errant topic catches your interest.
You swivel your ears towards Ansun Fairquillion, listening with rapt attention.
Ansun Fairquillion opens his mouth to say something to you, but at Jasan's words he pauses, his
wince turning into a grimace. "Yes, Facet. They are reindeer of the sphere."
(Hallifax): A Sentinel Deputy Commissar says, "Oh deer, did anyone else see that?"
Jasan points over his slender shoulder, out the door and onto the landing. "Like, for example,
that reindeer," he asks, his tone mild and respectful.
Chairman Ayisdra Ysav'rai says, "Do you have a preferred method of catching such things?"
Eyes wide, Ansun Fairquillion says, "I would just CATCH them, Chairman, as best you are able."
You say, "I was figuring just jump on and ride them back here. But I suppose catching is
Ansun Fairquillion takes two slow steps and leans in the direction Jasan indicates, grimace
deepening. "Yes, that would be one of them."
<glance s>
An open landing.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Striking a regal pose, a silvery reindeer studded with crystal
formations sheds a gentle light across the area.
You see exits leading north, south, up, and down.
"If, ah...if you would be able to do me this service," Ansun Fairquillion says, straightening
and attempting to regain poise, "I would of course see you recompensed in some manner."
Jasan nods again. "Of course, Researcher, Chairman, I am ready to assist at your preference."
Ayisdra ponders the situation.
Warmth returns to your extremities as Ayisdra glides out to the south, a chill wind leaving
frost in his wake.
You say, "Well, then, no time to waste, I suppose! Let's contain this experiment. For...
science, and all that."
Facet Jasan says to Ansun Fairquillion, "It would be a privilege to serve."
A deathly cold wind sweeps through, causing your very breath to begin to freeze as Ayisdra
enters from the south.
You wave goodbye at Ansun Fairquillion.
"What?" Ansun Fairquillion demands to know of you.
Ayisdra ponders a ruby name tag thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
<hunting for reindeer>
The panoramic lookout point.
Banks of clouds roil about here. It is uncomfortably cold. A statue of Phoebus stands here,
memorializing her noble spirit. Striking a regal pose, a silvery reindeer studded with crystal
formations sheds a gentle light across the area.
You see exits leading south, southwest, west, and down.
You reach out to catch a silvery reindeer studded with crystal formations, but he struggles in
your grasp. As a silvery reindeer studded with crystal formations slips away, your finger catch
his name tag and manage to snatch it from his neck.
A finely chiseled ruby plate has been fashioned as a large name tag. The edges have been cut
into minuscule facets, sending light dancing with each small movement. Text has been chiseled
into the surface of the tag.
It weighs 4 ounce(s).
It has the following aliases: tag, nametag.
You read what is written on a ruby name tag:
The Ruby Reindeer of Immutable Syntagmatics
A cluttered studio.
Banks of clouds roil about here. Ansun Fairquillion stands here soberly with his black wings
folded. Frosted crystals gently fall from the form of an egregiously beautiful Ice Angel,
cooling the area here noticeably.
You see a single exit leading south.
Chairman Ayisdra Ysav'rai says, "And what is that quota?"
Ansun Fairquillion purses his lips in thought. "Five apiece seems neat."
Ayisdra nods his head emphatically.
You say, "They are slippery creatures!"
You give a ruby name tag to Ansun Fairquillion.
Ansun Fairquillion furrows his brow, deep in thought as he considers you.
Ansun Fairquillion turns the tag over in his hands. "Not quite the reindeer, but with this I
will be able to catalogue which have been lost, at least. That will save my project, even if
not my subjects. Thank you, Merlose."
Though Ansun Fairquillion nods and places the tag to one side, he explains, "I will require
additional tags to fulfil your quota." Oddly, the briefest smile turns his lips at the end - it
does not appear to be directed at you.
You put your hands on your hips and go "Hmmm!"
You smile and say, "Well, best we can do, then!"
<after catching 5>
Nodding, Ansun Fairquillion says, "Since you have managed to recover your quota, let me see to
a deserved reward. These tags are only of use to me for their reference numbers, you may as
well - one moment, please."
Ansun Fairquillion takes a note of the tag numbers before proceeding to hammer, file and chisel
the gathered tags into triangles. These he then assembles into a complicated twenty-four sided
frame, the work lengthy but precise.
"Traditionally, these count down the days to Solstice," Ansun Fairquillion explains, holding
out the calendar to you. "This one works somewhat differently. Please turn it to discover how."
Stiffly, he adds, "Away from here. Whilst never mentioning any of this. Please."
You have received an icositetragonic rotating calendar as a quest reward!
<a bit later on CT>
(Hallifax): Ansun Fairquillion says, "Ahem. Should any other citizens be interested in
assisting with my artistic project, I would be very pleased to receive them in the coming
(Hallifax): Lukun Shevat, the Persimmon Flame says, "You have a new project, my dear
apprentice? How wonderful!"
(Hallifax): Ansun Fairquillion says, "Of course, Master Lukun. But it is...early on in its
conception, and I would not wish to bring it to you just yet. Not so unfinished."
(Hallifax): Researcher Fisiana zi'Prouep says, "Query, Apprentice. Does your research have
anything to do with the reindeer currently loose in our laboratories?"
(Hallifax): You say, "Totally unrelated to that query, it may be best for anyone with delicate
art or science stuff to lock their doors while we help Ansun, um, experiment."
(Hallifax): Ansun Fairquillion says, "I was not aware there was such a creature loose in - in
your laboratories, Researcher. I am certain whoever is responsible would be very, very
(Hallifax): Researcher Fisiana zi'Prouep says, "I would appreciate its removal forthwith, then.
Though...these crystal formations do look somewhat familiar. Hm."
(Hallifax): Ansun Fairquillion says, "A coincidence, I am sure, Researcher. The bounties of the
Continuum and the Spheres are such that their symmetry, striking as it is, is resonant within
many shapes."
(Hallifax): Lukun Shevat, the Persimmon Flame says, "Indeed, my young apprentice. Why, the
golden ratio may be discovered in many facets of nature! Geometry is a fantastic resource for
artistic inspiration."
(Hallifax): You say, "See, that's a perfect explanation! The reindeer are totally different.
That said, maybe the similarities will help poor Ansun, and we should all try to shoo the
reindeer to him to assist in related research."
<here's what it looks like>
an icositetragonic rotating calendar
Each of the twenty-four sides of this almost spherical object is a beautiful triangle of
glowing crystal. These sides have been buffed to a brilliant sheen, and inscribed with a number
from 1 to 24, the digit picked out in silver paint. Six different types of gemstone have been
used for four sides apiece, representing the house gemstones of the Master Artists of Hallifax:
diamond, amethyst, emerald, ruby, beryl and onyx. Whilst clearly this Solstice calendar is far
from traditional in its construction, the most intriguing aspect of it is the fact that, when
gently manipulated, the facets can be rotated in any direction, allowing beautiful patterns to
be constructed using the assembled triangles and their differing hues.
It weighs about 4 pounds and 4 ounce(s).
It bears the distinctive mark of Researcher Merlose Shevat, the Windseeker.
It has the following aliases: calendar, icositetragon.
<First person using the calendar>
With a gentle touch, you manipulate an icositetragonic rotating calendar carefully to rotate
the facets in amongst one another. Side by side, you bring the beryl into alignment amidst the
other gemstones. After several moments, you manage to get the final triangle into position -
and, as you let out a noise of triumph, it pings open like a tiny door. Light floods from it at
once, stealing away your senses and replacing reality with something else entirely for a
Minister Tuleco Windwhisper places his notes down on the table and looks the Chairman in the
eyes. "With the greatest respect, Lady Silverplume," he says, his deep voice echoing through
the boardroom, "I do not like this. I do not wish this. But the lands outside this great Empire
are not peaceful. Just last month, a rogue band of taurian assaulted one of the villages. Yes,
our armies may slice down those who dare to do so, but one day, that may not be enough. And if
the Matrix falls, so too does Hallifax - literally." He sighs and holds up his hand. "I
concede. I am in favour of the Chairman and her Imperial Majesty's proposal."
<Third person using the calendar>
Brow furrowing in concentration, Ayisdra begins to turn an icositetragonic rotating calendar
over in his hands, bringing the amethyst into neat alignment amidst the other gemstones. After
a moment, he lets out a noise of triumph - a single triangular facet opening on the calendar's
side. Light spills from it at once, almost consuming them in its intensity.
Incongruously, the light of the calendar fades to reveal Ayisdra looking exceedingly nauseous.
In an abrupt display of inevitability, crystal shards spew from his mouth in a projectile
stream before his form steadies.
Much love for this event. It was fun! Love love love the calendar.