I decided to design a racecar bed, I mean, a chariot bed, for Lusternia, and gift it to Mysrai's Liar/Priest. This was the design in question.
a wakabi drawn chariot bed
A large chariot bed drawn by four stuffed wakabis stands proudly here.
Cheerfully plump, four massive stuffed wakabis stand in front of this
large chariot bed, arranged to appear as though they are pulling the
bed. The wakabis have been crafted from luxurious golden silk, sewn to
resemble impeccably kept plumage, each barb stitched on with ebony silk
strands. Their large stuffed beaks have been set into expressions of
mild anger, onyx eyes looking dour and gloomy. Strips of tooled leather
act as harnesses on the wakabis, decorative embellishments portraying
stylized flame designs. The thin straps lead back to the chariot,
attaching to the front through a heavy steel hoop. The chariot itself
has been hewn from light ash wood, the supple material bent into the
semi-circle shape that makes up the cart. The cart has been extended
past what is typically seen in a chariot because a massive satin bed has
been placed within the back, stuffed full of cotton. Large ebony pillows
have been piled up at the head of the bed, contrasting with the
sumptuous ivory silk sheets. Needlepoint dracnari dance along the edges
of the pillows, stitched on with gold thread.
She then sent a letter to Mysrai so the Liar could have the bed!
Letter in question-
You read what is written on a shimmering sheet of crystalline stationery:
Dear oh Greatest and Most Glorious of all, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales!
I come with a gift for Yours! Your most glorious of tae'daes, the strongest and best and one who needs much rest most likely, as they must deal with all the Beloveds many requests and dealings! And so I have tried to make them the best of beds to rest upon!
This is a wakabi drawn chariot bed! It has plush wakabis to both draw the chariot, as well as to be strong and intimidating so anything the most best and glorious of Liars can dream up will be kept at bay if it is scary! No one dares to be mean to several grumpy wakabis! It contains cotton, soft and downy! It has pillows! It has lovely dark pillows and light sheets, which is probably a mistake since now You will see the fur on it, but that just means I'll need to wash the sheets for the Liar more often!
Also, is the Liar now the Priest? They've been very priesty, and I was wondering if they should be referred to as that instead! Or maybe not instead, but in addition to!
I ramble! It is what I do so often. A gift, for Yours, so a gift for You! Yes yes!
Amen! Amen!
Shulamit Lunarose, Your Prism!
- - -
At the Eternal Flame
Black sand seethes through the aether, crackling with scarlet lightning and igniting a chaotic storm as Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales turns Their attention to the First World once more.
Ashira Ysav'rai, the Glowing Ember says, "It can be very confusing until you learn your way around."
(Gaudiguch): Alaksanteri (from Limbo) says, "Greetings, Shofet."
(Gaudiguch): Ashira says, "Greetings, Shofet!"
Reality buckles and warps as though some great form is smashing down upon the ground, only ceasing when a storm of chaos energy begins to rage and Mysrai steps from its depths.
A mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite flares brightly for a moment, followed by the constant noise of what sounds like metallic windchimes in the distance.
(Gaudiguch): Lunette (from the Aetherways) says, "Greetings, Shofet."
(Veiled): You say, "Oh! Hi hi!"
Norra says, "Shulamit, there's a bridge in the Shifting City named for your family."
You curtsey gracefully before Mysrai.
(Gaudiguch): Mboagn says, "Good morning, Shofet...!"
Looking brightly cheerful but also very suddenly pink, you say to Norra, "Yes yes!"
Norra opens her eyes wide with shock at Mysrai.
(Gaudiguch): Dys says, "Hello Shofet."
Ashira doffs an emerald crown of laurels to Mysrai.
With much of Their figure fading in and out of shifting realities draped around Them, there is little that can distinguish the gender of this small figure. It is only certain that They are a radiant immortal. Where Their body is visible, small tufts of short-cropped fur can be seen in intermittent patches, the flesh beneath visible pulsing with colourful hieroglyphics of a dead language. Set deep into an elongated, canid head are twin vortexes of inky black Void, stars and constellations spinning and swirling through the depths in nonsensical, hypnotic patterns. Atop Their head sit two peculiar ears, line cones that have been flipped upside down, swivelling constantly to capture more of the world around Them. In the area just beyond Them, enormous limbs of black sand and forked red lightning twitch in restless anticipation to cause untold destruction through the strange and alien realities barely glimpsed through the chaotic sandstorm.
Long black fur, shot through with strands of deep crimson, extends in a mohawk that stretches down Their spine to the small of Their back.
They are wearing:
a reforged crown of gleaming voidcopper that floats ominously above Their head;
a spiralling ring resplendent with gemstones that is pierced through Their right ear;
a thick golden collar beset with dark gems beset with dark gems that hangs heavy across Their shoulders and throat;
tattered robes of ebon silk that look ready to fall apart at any moment.
Ashira Ysav'rai, the Glowing Ember says to Mysrai, "Good to see You, Shofet."
You look at a reforged crown of gleaming voidcopper that Mysrai is wearing:
A broad band of crystal, still sparkling with electrical energies, has been shattered and reforged into the fluidly-moving molten voidcopper of this crown. Shifting within the work, colours, streaks of paints, and fresh, many-hued poppy petals rise from the metal, skirting around the salvaged pieces of stone. Coppery energies dance with electrical, taming, or perhaps freeing them, to rise in small storms of light and shards of broken reality before settling once more.
Norra bows respectfully to Mysrai.
You say to Mysrai, "The very bestest to see You!"
Lunette curtseys gracefully before Mysrai.
You look at tattered robes of ebon silk that Mysrai is wearing:
Oily black colour shifts and flows over the tattered remains of this divine silk, strands of ivory thread holding scraps together that would otherwise have fallen apart long ago. Clinging tightly to the body around the waist and hanging loose around the arms, there are clear marks of battle and stress visible - most prominently claw marks that rake across down the back and scorch marks that pepper the torso. Words of power in some unknown language occasionally flare above the robes, burning in bright colours for several seconds before fading from existence.
Ashira Ysav'rai, the Glowing Ember says, "To what do we owe the please?"
You look at a thick golden collar beset with dark gems that Mysrai is wearing:
Hanging in a perfect circle around the neck is a thin sheet of solid gold that is dented in several places and scuffed by streaks of oil-hued energy in others. Dark rubies, sapphires, and pearls gleam in strange, repeating patterns around the circle, their inner glow muted by the same oily energy that covers the golden metal. Occasionally, brilliantly red lightning will flicker from one gem to the next, hieroglyphs lingering to burn in the air for several seconds where it passed.
You look at a spiralling ring resplendent with gemstones that Mysrai is wearing:
Set with hundreds of tiny gemstones in every hue, this ring has been materialised out of interweaving strands of pure gold that spiral against one another, apparently ever in motion. The infinitely whirling circle both reflects light and gives off a gentle glow, flickering with waves of power that belie its tiny circumference and sends off sparks of colour that drift lazily into the air.
Mysrai's eyes gleam with some hidden, alien emotion as Their eyes move to linger solely on you for several long moments. Reaching out, They cup your cheek in Their hand before pressing Their lips soundly against your forehead for just a few moments.
The link between you and the Shofet ignites in a blaze of inspiration and passion as Their lips touch your skin, a brief glimpse of a thousand new colours dizzying your mind and unseen paradigms flashing by too quickly to grasp.
Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales has bestowed Their divine truefavour upon you. It will last for 10 months.
Tears flow freely from your eyes as Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales appoints you to Between.
You say, "Oh! Oh!"
Ashira smiles softly.
You have emoted: Shulamit glows so brightly pink she looks like she might explode into pink light.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Ivory hieroglyphs sending scintillating motes of light through the air around Them, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "I chose to arrive, and so I did. It was My Will, as simple as that."
Filled with pink light, you say, "Thank You! I will continue to work and design and be...sparkly, for You!"
Lunette's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.
A hint of dark amusement in Their voice, though there is no malice to be found, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "I am sure you will, for your nature is to be as Ivory gleams, My Prism."
(Gaudiguch): Mysrai says, "Hare, Gaudiguch. Hare, Freedom."
(Veiled): Mysrai says, "Hare, My Beloved."
(Veiled): Lunette says, "Hare, Shofet."
You have emoted: Shulamit flits around slightly, still glowing brightly. "I try to follow what I am, and designs is what I am!"
The ivory hieroglyphs spilling from Their maw suddenly darkening to a slurry-like mix of ebon and scarlet, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says to Ashira, "I would speak, briefly, to the Council for a few moments, Magistrate."
Ashira Ysav'rai, the Glowing Ember says to Mysrai, "Of course."
Ashira Ysav'rai, the Glowing Ember says to Mysrai, "All of us present, yes?"
Whispering quietly, you say to Ashira, "I hope it's good and filled with shinies!"
The dark hieroglyphs filling your surroundings with the overwhelming scent of cayenne, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "I will meet you in the appropriate place, then."
A swirling sandstorm of chaos energy engulfs Mysrai, scouring the area around Them before fading to leave reality whole and safe once more.
A mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite calms down, ceasing to make a noise like metallic windchimes in the distance.
You have emoted: Shulamit flits around briefly, glowing a slightly more subdued shade of pink, slightly out of breath.
Norra stands completely still and dumbstruck.
You say to Norra, "Are you okies? They can be very terrifying, when They wish to be!"
You have emoted: Shulamit looks at Norra, worried.
Norra says, "Terrifying? I thought... No, that wasn't it. I mean, They were, but They also weren't?"
You nod your head slowly in understanding.
Acknowledging Norra's point to be true, you nod your head gravely at her.
You say to Norra, "Awe inspiring!"
You say, "The most awesome!"
Norra says, "At first, I thought They looked almost like another furrikin... maybe it was my imagination."
You say to Norra, "They are shifting, when They wish to be. Or were in the past!"
Norra says, "I feel tired all of a sudden... sorry, I need to rest for a while."
Norra leaves to the north.
You tell Norra, "Rest well! Dream of sparklies and delicious things!"
You have emoted: Shulamit flits around briefly, glowing a slightly more subdued shade of pink, slightly out of breath.
You throw yourself onto a fluid crimson chaise couch, sprawling out and making yourself at home.
You have emoted: Shulamit throws herself on a couch, sparkling cheerfully and bright.
Reality buckles and warps as though some great form is smashing down upon the ground, only ceasing when a storm of chaos energy begins to rage and Mysrai steps from its depths.
A mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite flares brightly for a moment, followed by the constant noise of what sounds like metallic windchimes in the distance.
You curtsey gracefully before Mysrai.
You have emoted: Shulamit curtseys from the couch, almost falling off.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
Mysrai's eyes seem to grow dull for a moment, almost sorrowful as they turn to linger on a mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite. "Perhaps..."
You feel emboldened as you breathe in your own exotically-charged aroma.
You say, "I tried to figure out what it does, so I've touched it, then remembered touching things I don't understand gets me caught in confusing places, so I stopped doing that."
You ponder a mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite thoughtfully, looking it up and down.
Offering his surroundings a smile with watery eyes, a gemstone scaled seal with burning wings of flickering flames flops over onto his back and wiggles in apparent delight before freezing in place for several moments, rolling upright a few moments later with a smug smile.
You reach over to a gemstone scaled seal with burning wings of flickering flames and itch his back.
A gemstone scaled seal with burning wings of flickering flames poses proudly before you, burning wings of flickering flames clapping together in a loud and exuberant display.
Not taking Their eyes from the device, silvery, star-flecked hieroglyphs filling the air, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "A promise to a friend, to ease His mind."
You say, "Then I will hope for Him that His mind is eased some, by them. They're very neat looking."
You have emoted: Shulamit glows a more somber shade of blue, still mixed with some pink.
Mysrai reaches out a paw-like hand as if to touch the instrument before retracting it once more to hide within Their storm. Shaking Their head, They turn to you and say, "I must go to continue My work, My Prism, yet before I do..."
You will now be known as Multifaceted Designer Shulamit Lunarose, Mysrai's Ivory Prism, by order of Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales.
You have emoted: Shulamit puffs up so brightly again she radiates pink light around, mingling with the Eternal Flame's radiant light.
You say to Mysrai, "I hope Your work goes well, goes fast, and goes...easily?"
A soft note in Their earth-shaking baritone as ivory hieroglyphs once more spill into the air, Mysrai, the Shofet of Abyssal Scales says, "Continue to shine in all that you do, My Prism. It is My Will and yours, shared into a paradigm of Truth."
You have emoted: Shulamit nods, eyes shining brightly.
A swirling sandstorm of chaos energy engulfs Mysrai, scouring the area around Them before fading to leave reality whole and safe once more.
A mist-encompassed gyrotheodolite calms down, ceasing to make a noise like metallic windchimes in the distance.
Bookbinder by trade! Designer of most other things.

It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’