The sea breeze carries with it the soft sound of weeping from the Blue Cathedral.
You blink.
In the alcove of Raziela.
A calming warmth suffuses the surroundings, indicating a healing shrine of Valtreth nearby. This
location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. A white marble statue of Raziela, the Loving
Radiance is placed on a sturdy, wide pedestal. A glass globe lies here on the ground. A merian child
stands listlessly, an unhealthy grey tingle to his scales. A kinswoman of New Celest goes about her
business here.
You see a single exit leading southeast.
You blink incredulously at a wan merian child.
You say to a wan merian child, "Hello."
The soft lambency of passing hummingbirds filters in from outside, shedding light on a dark night.
A kinswoman of New Celest kneels before the statue of Raziela, praying "In your return, Lady, bless my
son. May this illness lift from him. Let this time of your renewal be a renewal for him. By your Love,
I beg of you."
p child
Gills breathing raggedly, a merian child stares listlessly at the ground. Apparently too miserable to
display much energy, the child is clearly ill. Though his fins and skin bear no injuries, his scales
are tinged with grey. His is wearing a simple tunic and trousers, and his webbed feet are bare.
A wan merian child appears to lack strength.
He weighs about 28 pounds.
He has a moderate weakness to fire damage.
He has a moderate resistance to asphyxiation damage.
He has a moderate weakness to electrical damage.
He is loyal to the Holy Grand Duchy of New Celest.
You cannot see what a wan merian child is holding.
It has the following aliases: child, merian.
A wan merian child offers a clumsy bow of greeting to you.
Unitos enters from the southeast, emanating an aura of immense power.
"Oooooooooh!" A kinswoman of New Celest says to Unitos, eyes wide with wonder.
A kinswoman of New Celest exclaims, "Greetings, blessed one!"
It is now the 5th of Juliary, 547 years after the Coming of Estarra.
Starknight Unitos says to you, "Is this the source of weeping?"
You say to Unitos, "Evidently. The child is apparently suffering from an ailment."
A kinswoman of New Celest brushes hurriedly at the tears on her cheeks. "Forgive me, I did not mean to
cause a distraction in this time of trouble. But my son has been ailing for some time, and little of
what I have done has helped."
You have emoted: Tridemon turns his attention back to the child, kneeling down to take a closer look at
The soft lambency of passing hummingbirds filters in from outside, shedding light on a dark night.
You say, "Hmm. No immediate sign of physical injury. Distinct scale discoloration, shortness of breath,
and lack of energy..."
A wan merian child shuffles a little beneath the scrutiny.
You remove 1 dust, bringing the total in the rift to 3578.
You give a wafer of purity dust to a wan merian child.
Starknight Unitos says, "Has he been anywhere out of the ordinary recently?"
You say, "Try eating that first."
You say, "I'm aware you've likely attempted this cure before, but I need to see."
A wan merian child nibbles at the wafer of purity dust, but his colour does not improve.
You say, "Hm."
A kinswoman of New Celest says, "We have, yes. And some herbal suggestions, but nothing seems to have
had much effect. At first I thought he was simply trying to get out of his chores, but he began to grow
paler and paler."
You say, "This is probably a job for a Celestine healer... but Aquamancers do have our own small
healing magics."
With an outstretched palm, you murmur ancient words of power, inviting waves of cold seawater to surge
from your open hand. As you complete your incantation, a glacier rises from the depths of the flooded
chamber, showering you with a comforting ocean mist as it reaches ever skyward.
You stamp your foot beneath the water, opening a vent beneath the waves that sends out a healing
current to aide your allies and chill your enemies.
Waves crash together, sending gouts of salt spray up into the air.
A current of warm water flows past you, the soothing warmth easing your pains and healing your wounds.
An invigorating sea breeze carries restorative mists around Unitos.
Unitos blinks.
(Edited out a bunch of aquameld spam. You're welcome.)
A wan merian child closes his eyes, plainly enjoying the effects of the restorative mists, and his
colour does improve slightly.
Zeasha Novikei calmly enters from the southeast before settling down into a meditative lotus position.
Unitos nods his head at Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela.
You say, "Ah, some effect... It would seem that it is not an affliction of the aura, then."
You remove 5 sparkleberry, bringing the total in the rift to 725.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela nods a greeting as she enters, looking curiously about at the
gathering. "I felt the breezes from the Gardens. What is happening?"
You say, "This child has been sick for some time, and attempts at conventional curing available to the
general populace have been ineffective. The waters of the healing spring seem to be helping, though."
The Mantle of Starlight shimmers and twinkles as the starlit darkness that it is formed of continues
its eternal motion.
Unitos snorts and snuffles at the air through a ridiculous pig nose.
You give a group of 5 sparkleberries to a wan merian child.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela steps closer to the child, and reaches a hand out to him. "May I?"
She asks the mother.
You say, "Try eating some of those. They're very good for restoring vital energies."
A kinswoman of New Celest watches, concern evident, though she nods at Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of
A wan merian child begins to munch on one of the berries, with somewhat more enthusiasm than he had
shown for the wafer.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela presses her hand to the child's forehead, her expression intent.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "And this began, when? Has anyone else been showing such
A kinswoman of New Celest blinks. "He started complaining of being tired and listless roughly a twelve
day ago. I thought at first he was simply wanting to get out of chores. We had spent a lovely day by
the sea before, and I thought it had maybe spoiled him. But then he grew worse and worse..."
You ponder the situation.
You say, "Did he end up playing with any strange sea-life that he didn't recognize? Some of the
creatures in the Inner Sea are potently venomous, though usually they avoid contact with people."
A kinswoman of New Celest shakes her head, though she glances a question at the child. "I hope he knows
better, though who can say, Tel?"
Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
A wan merian child hurriedly finishes the berry he has been chewing. "No, mother." He says finally "I
didn't play with any strange fish, or anythin'. An' I wasn't bitten or stung."
Starknight Unitos says, "And where was this? Within the city, or on the beaches nearby?"
The Mantle of Starlight flows gently against your form, twinkling stars shifting across its surface as
the starry infinity continues its eternal motion.
A kinswoman of New Celest says to Unitos, "On the beaches, a little southwest of the city. A few of us
went and had a day of it."
Unitos nods his head at a kinswoman of New Celest.
A kinswoman of New Celest frowns at Unitos.
Starknight Unitos says, "I'm going to take a quick look for anything out of the ordinary. In the
Starknight Unitos says, "The warmth of the Light can soothe the body. I'll leave some for you."
Muttering prayers to himself, Unitos slowly raises his arms up from his sides towards the heavens, and,
as he does so, bright rays of holy light rise up from the ground.
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
Unitos leaves to the southeast, emanating an aura of immense power.
A kinswoman of New Celest frowns a moment. "There was a strange fisherman there. I didn't recognize
him, but..." she glances sharply at her child, who shifts, his expression suddenly guilty.
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
A kinswoman of New Celest says, "Tel..."
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
You say, "... Please tell me you didn't take candy from a stranger."
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
A kinswoman of New Celest exclaims, "Tel!"
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
A wan merian child says, "It wasn't -candy-. Everyone knows about -candy-. Or soup."
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
A wan merian child says, "It was just a bit of fried fish. It smelled so good."
You bathe in the glory of the holy light that surrounds you.
The holy light here gives one last sparkle before fading away.
Unitos enters from the southeast, emanating an aura of immense power.
A kinswoman of New Celest bows respectfully to Unitos.
You say, "Well, we can only hope that it wasn't one of those fishcakes that they make in Magnagora. The
ones made of Merians."
A wan merian child's eyes widen, and his grey scales take on a greenish hue. "You don't think- they
Hurriedly, a kinswoman of New Celest says, "I'm sure it wasn't that. Although it very well could have
been! You -know- not to take food from strangers! But no, my love, I don't see how- but what if it -was-
something tainted."
A kinswoman of New Celest wrings her webbed hands in evident distress.
You ponder the situation.
You say to Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela, "Think we should take him up to see Raziela, or do you
think we can take care of it from here?"
Bringing her hands together, Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "I think we should take him to
the Chamber of Cleansing."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a wan merian child, "You can be our first guest. It was
only just finished."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela begins to follow you.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to Unitos, "Assuming the Scarlet Crane has no objections to
our bringing these citizens into the guildhall?"
Starknight Unitos says, "No objections. I am eager to see the rework."
Unitos begins to follow you.
A kinswoman of New Celest begins to follow you.
A wan merian child begins to follow you.
The following beings are in your entourage:
A wan merian child#371778, a kinswoman of New Celest#3404, Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela#280575.
The following players are in your entourage:
Starknight Unitos
You nod your head emphatically.
You rest your hands upon the statue of Raziela solemnly speaking, "May the purest waters cleanse your
soul and may the Light fortify it against the darkness." You feel power welling within you and sweeping
over the statue of Raziela as the sound of water fills the air.
A soft light wells up around your form as you place your hand upon the statue of Raziela, and
unadulterated euphoria radiates throughout your body, overwhelming every aspect of your senses. As the
light fades and your senses return to you, you emerge elsewhere, your soul sanctified by the grace of
the Saint of Rapturous Ardour.
Unitos follows you ether.
Unitos follows you northeast.
Unitos follows you east.
Unitos follows you south.
Muffled laughter echoes from somewhere outside.
You say, "Let's see here... which way?"
Unitos tells you, "Where the nw tower was."
Unitos follows you north.
Unitos follows you north.
Unitos follows you in.
The Chamber of Cleansing.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water.
Unitos follows you up.
The Steeple of Repose.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water.
Unitos follows you down.
The Chamber of Cleansing.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water.
You see exits leading up (open door) and out (open door).
The Chamber of Cleansing.
This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. This wide marble chamber is suffused with a
gentle light that emanates from dozens of water filled globes placed strategically about the room to
provide clarity without being blinding. Delicate privacy screens aportion the room into smaller
sections, screening the scattered salt-water pools dedicated to the cleansing of body and spirit of
petitioners. Some of the pools are stirred by gentle currents, lending a soft susurration that flows
throughout the chamber. The soft murmur of the waters increases the sense of privacy and discretion and
soothes the senses. Set into a small alcove is an icon of Saint Gathlyn, his rapturous expression a
welcome beacon to those in spiritual turmoil. A merian child stands listlessly, an unhealthy grey
tingle to his scales. A kinswoman of New Celest goes about her business here. Humming idly under her
breath, Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela, bounces on the balls of her feet. Only barely noticeable,
silver constellations float about a star-struck explorer, basking them in a faint glow.
You see exits leading up (open door) and out (open door).
Comprehension flashes across your face.
You say, "Went right past it. silly me."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "And here I simply thought you wanted to see its entirety

Starknight Unitos says, "One thing at a time."
You say to Unitos, "Oh, by the by, did you happen to see any fishermen while you were looking at the
Starknight Unitos says, "No fisherman, just the foul parts of that guy's balloon."
Starknight Unitos says, "The fuel bowl and tank and such."
Your current clan will now be the 'Celestial Gathering' clan.
(Celestial Gathering): You say, "And today in the Sanctifiers guild, we learn about Stranger Danger and
not taking delicious, delicious food from strangers."
You nod your head sagely.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a kinswoman of New Celest, "Perhaps you should give a
description to the Magistrate, so that he can be looked for, and others warned."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a wan merian child, "Welcome to the Chamber of Cleansing.
Here we seek to provide whatever physical or spiritual healing might be required by any petitioners.
You are welcome here until you are fully well."
look kinswoman
She wears a dress of a slightly rough weave that is tied at the waist and poofs out about the legs, and
goes into a fairly tight boddice over the upper body. Over that, the kinswoman wears a cloak-like robe
of soft, white material and the odd-end piece of jewelry in a general shell design. Like any average
merian, she has graceful and fanning ears which sweep back to either side of her head and skin which is
an off-tinted blue.
A kinswoman of New Celest exudes a quiet confidence.
Unitos scratches his head looking for an idea.
Starknight Unitos says to Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela, "Can the mother come and go from the
hall now, or perhaps arrange to have meals delivered here?"
You say to a wan merian child, "Of course, if you look to stay here past the time you are fully well in
order to get out of chores, I am certain your mother will have something to say about that."
Starknight Unitos says to you, "I'm sure we can use the housekeeping services here."
You say to Unitos, "He's a bit short to reach the shelves, though. Might take a few years for him to
get big enough to do it properly."
A kinswoman of New Celest looks as though she is struggling not to burst into tears again, and gives a
gulping half laugh at your words. "Oh, I most certainly would. If he could stay here, and I could
visit, I would be very grateful. I- I have work, and his sisters, I do not think I can stay here with
him. Do you think you will be alright?" She asks worriedly.
Looking around, his eyes wide, a wan merian child says, "I... I will be fine. I know you can't stay."
You ponder a wan merian child thoughtfully, looking him up and down.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a wan merian child, "I'll make sure to keep you company,
and let your mother in to visit you often

You say, "Might need to get him some sandals, though. Young boys do so love tracking dirt
(Sanctifiers): Unitos says, "The workmanship is wonderful. Did you wish to tell us anything else about
the towers' functions, or let us find out on our own?"
A kinswoman of New Celest blinks "Oh! I will bring his sandals as soon as I can."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a wan merian child, "Why don't you climb into this pool
for now, and get some rest."
(Sanctifiers): Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "Full."
The soft lambency of passing hummingbirds filters in from outside, shedding light on a dark night.
(Sanctifiers): Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "Pardon! Would you prefer that I describe
them briefly here, or shall we have a brief tour once the child and his mother are fully settled?"
(Sanctifiers): Unitos says, "If you have the time , I would love a tour!"
Distant and muffled voices filter in from outside.
A wan merian child pads over to one of the pools, dipping his webbed toes in briefly. A small smile
crosses his face as he steps fully into the pool, stretching out and enjoying the warmth.
You ponder the situation.
It is now the 6th of Juliary, 547 years after the Coming of Estarra.
You say to Unitos, "Do we have much in the way of non-fatal restraints? I'm not altogether sure how to
subdue that fisherman that Tel met without ending up with a corpse instead of a suspect."
A kinswoman of New Celest moves to sit at the head of the pool. "I will stay with him as long as I can,
and come visit as I may." Her gaze softens as she sees her son relaxing in the warm, healing waters.
Starknight Unitos says, "Not that I think think of. I'm terrible at restraining people."
Distant and muffled voices filter in from outside.
You give 5,000 gold sovereigns to a kinswoman of New Celest.
You say, "Here, this should be enough to take some time away from your work. If your employer takes
issue, do let me know."
Tears starting in her eyes once more, a kinswoman of New Celest says, "Thank you. I- Thank you so much.
All of you."
You say, "Compassion is the duty of all who walk in the Light."
The soft lambency of passing hummingbirds filters in from outside, shedding light on a dark night.
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says to a kinswoman of New Celest, "Do let me know if there is
anything you need."
Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela begins to follow you.
Unitos begins to follow you.
(Sanctifiers): Zeasha Novikei, Hymnodist of Raziela says, "Let us leave them to rest, and we can tour
the rest of the alterations to the towers."
I'm Lucidian. If I don't get pedantic every so often, I might explode.
(Gurashi IC: noooooo)
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’